Mengqingchen lies on the name of the beast because she knows that Chen Yang will not allow her to kill her afterwards. Since we can't kill people, things here may spread in the future.

If it is spread out, the living lightning beast will be known. Then her and Chen Yang's secret weapons can't be kept secret.

After hearing the words, Jin Shengyuan couldn't help losing his color: "it's hard to deal with the great gods in ancient times? What's wrong with that? "

Chen Yang said lightly: "the ancient gods can't deal with it, doesn't mean we can't deal with it either!" He understands why mengqingchen lies, so he has no objection to it. In other words, he would not tell the truth. Although Chen Yang's nature is good, he has always been a fish in water in this cruel world of monasticism, which shows that he is not an innocent little rabbit.

Jin Shengyuan immediately said, "exactly, exactly! The two masters are powerful. They will surely be able to kill them! "

Chen Yang said: "it's not a difficult problem to kill, it's just that once the poor beast dies. I'm afraid your supreme well is useless. You have to be prepared for this

"This..." Jin Shengyuan also knew that he had nothing to do, so he said, "if it is true, villains can only accept their fate."

Chen Yang nodded.

Then, the group came to the supreme well again. Then Chen Yang let mengqingchen hide in the deepest part of the black hole crystal.

Then Chen Yang stood above the well of the Supreme God and jumped into the darkness.

In the brain and in the body, there is infinite and violent magic power, so you can cross the universe, wormhole, black hole!

This dark abyss for ordinary people, infinite terror!

But for Chen Yang, such a great master, he is fearless.

After entering the supreme well, in order to avoid Jin Shengyuan and other people's prying, Chen Yang simply operated the big seal technique and sealed the well completely. With the magic power of monk Jin Shengyuan, it is absolutely impossible to break the seal laid by Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also knows that this will make Jin Shengyuan suspicious, but to be honest, Chen Yang doesn't care. Jin Shengyuan can't be suspicious. There is a big gap between them.

At this time, Chen Yang entered the supreme well and quickly went down to a depth of more than 1000 meters!

This is not really deep underground, but a mysterious space array.

Chen Yang, however, had no magic power and allowed his body to fall freely. If you don't use the mana, you won't disturb the living lightning beast.

All the way down, against the wind. When he reached the depth of more than 1000 meters, Chen Yang's mana suddenly began to work. The surging mana was endless, and Chen Yang's body was instantly fixed. Then Chen Yang unfolded his mind. The darkness was full of fear and oppression, but when Chen Yang's thoughts were swept out, everything became clear like spring flowers.

Then, Chen Yang saw a barrier in front of him!

At the same time, Chen Yang felt the breathing sound behind the barrier, just like the breathing sound of a huge blue whale

The heart beat like a mountain drum.

Chen Yang's whole body was wrapped in the black hole crystal, and then he flashed through the barrier!

This barrier is extremely profound. There are countless space arrays and the laws of cosmic lightning.

It's impossible to break through this barrier if you don't get above the realm of creation.

So, that's why Jin Shengyuan never found this barrier.

Chen Yang successfully penetrated the barrier and reached the deep space.

After entering that space, Chen Yang was surprised.

Although Chen Yang has seen a lot, his vision is still beyond his imagination. It was a vast space. In the space, the clouds rolled, making Chen Yang feel as if he was in the sky.

What's more, the clouds are not ordinary clouds, but black thunder clouds!

There are about 300 square kilometers of thunder clouds, accompanied by flashing purple lightning.

Chen Yang is surprised because he has never seen the world. It's that he knows where it is. It's not surprising to see this in nature. But in a mysterious space, it's really amazing to see such scenes!

"This is the living thunder cloud!" Dream light dust to Chen Yang transfer ideas, said.

"Thunderclouds of life?" Chen Yang doesn't quite understand.

Mengqingchen said: "with the breath of the lightning beast, the thunder cloud will collide and send out strong electricity. It is said that there are electric nuclei in its brain area, which is equivalent to a thunder pool! "

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "it's equivalent to saying that all the thunder clouds here are produced by itself?"

Dream light dust heavy voice said: "yes!"

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile: "it seems that it's a tough battle!"

Dream light dust said: "absolutely, but you are not afraid. If you are broken up, I will help you collect the fragments and revive you! "

Chen Yang said, "ha ha!"

He no longer talks to mengqingchen, but explores ahead.Soon, Chen Yang saw the real face of the lightning beast.

When he saw the scene of the lightning beast, Chen Yang was stunned. Originally, Chen Yang thought that the living lightning beast was a giant, at least as big as a mountain.

But in fact, the living lightning beast It's like a big Panther!

The living lightning beast is no smaller than the tiger's body. It lies on a purple stone plate below.

It's still sleeping!

I don't know about the invasion at all.

The hair of the living lightning beast is black and smooth, which makes people feel like touching.

It's like a panther with three or two whiskers under its jaw!

"It's still sleeping!" Chen Yang said to Meng Qingchen.

Dream light dust said: "it seems that it must have been seriously injured."

Chen Yang said, "what should we do now?"

Dream has always said: "you are not very light attention?"

Chen Yang said, "well, if it's the enemy, we'll fight directly. But it's fierce. We can't just kill it. I dare not take it out. If we don't have a uniform, we can't catch it. "

Mengqingchen said: "so, I think, I'd better wake it up first. Anyway, if you catch it rashly, you may not be able to control it. Why don't you let it be so hostile first! "

Chen Yang said, "it makes sense!"

At the same time, the goods display the black hole space!

The infinite mysterious and strange space enveloped the whole area.

Chen Yang still has to be on guard. It doesn't need to be taught by mengqingchen.

Chen Yanggang's array!

Before he could speak, the living lightning beast suddenly opened its eyes.

This moment is very strange.

The living lightning beast was originally black, and its fur was soft and smooth. Some of them looked like a big black cat.

Originally, it gives people the feeling of softness.

But when its eyes open, that kind of lightning flickers, so that the whole dark land of thunder clouds seems to become bright. At the same time, the terrible dignity and prestige of it also bloomed.

The living lightning beast stood up from the purple stone plate. The purple solid plate was suspended in the air, and Chen Yang also stood in the air.

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