At this moment, Chen Yang also knew the shortcomings of lightning beast!

This lightning beast is born with electricity, nuclear power and so on. As you grow up, your strength grows stronger. But it seems that they are less able to absorb the law and operate the mysterious power. Thunder and lightning are always incompatible with the law.

Thunder and lightning quench all impurities!

Therefore, the power of the living flash beast is very powerful, but the lethality is very limited for real masters.

It is obvious that the lightning beast is helpless with Chen Yang.

The living lightning beast also realized this.

And Chen Yang will be afraid at this time, afraid that this guy will run away. Once the living lightning beast wants to escape, he and mengqingchen join hands. I'm afraid they can't stop the living lightning beast!

There was a stalemate between the two sides.

Chen Yang said frankly, "let's cooperate. I promise I will never hurt you

The living lightning beast's eyes moved and said, "peace?"

Chen Yang sees a trace of cunning in the eyes of the living lightning beast, and he immediately knows that it's not good.

"No, it's going to run away. Stop her Chen Yang suddenly roars at mengqingchen in the black hole crystal.

Chen Yang's intuition is accurate.

At this moment, the living lightning beast moved.

Dream light dust also followed.

Mengqingchen suddenly appears in front of the living lightning beast. She directly launches her blue eyes and displays the blue ocean.

The blue light envelops the living lightning beast, and then purple hair turns into a dragon to wrap the living lightning beast layer upon layer!

"Man, you are indeed cunning!" The living lightning beast let out a howl of resentment.

Mengqingchen starts the big fingerprint at the same time to capture the living lightning beast.

This time, they finally met such a God. Despicable or shameless, in any case, can not let it escape ah!

Chen Yang also went directly into the blue ocean. In the past, the purple hair dragon and the blue ocean made Chen Yang fear and enter it like falling into an ice abyss. But at the moment, it's warm. Give Chen Yang infinite sense of security!

This is also because, now dream light dust heart with Chen Yang, all the rules are open for Chen Yang. Chen Yang also used the black hole seal to capture the living lightning beast. They can't care about anything. They should catch the living lightning beast first.

The rest, let's talk about it!

The lightning beast roared and roared, and the light on her body became more and more dazzling. She was a lightning leopard.

Live lightning beast through the speed of light, Chen Yang, dream light dust's hands have touched her skin. But the lightning quenched all impurities and fingerprints. They escaped from their fingers, and the purple dragon was pierced with a small hole.

Then, the blue ocean is broken!

The living lightning beast escaped from the supreme well in the blink of an eye!

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen can't help but lose face and immediately chase after them.

Chen Yang's magic of sealing Shenjing is not worth mentioning to the living lightning beast.

When they came to the well of God, they saw Shanglian Xingsheng and Jin Shengyuan coming up.

Chen Yang looked up and saw that the top of the palace had been hit by the living lightning beast.

The sun was shining brightly.

"This Master, what's the matter? " Jin Shengyuan asked immediately.

Chen Yang was annoyed. He said impatiently, "what's the matter? Can't you see it? I'm running. I can't catch it! Damn it

This product has no master style now.

Dream light dust heavy voice said: "we chase!" She grabs Chen Yang's hand directly. With a flash of her figure, she wraps Chen Yangfei and leaves Jinpeng.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen come to the sky above the blue sky and white clouds, just in the clouds.

All around the clouds, it was misty, white and endless!

Where are the traces of living lightning beasts?

"Chen Yang said dejectedly:" in front of us did not catch up, now eat ash can not eat ah

Mengqingchen smiles and says, "don't worry, she is stained with my blue light. I'll be able to trace it anywhere. "

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "really?"

Dream light dust said: "of course!"

Chen Yang was so happy that he hugged Meng Qingchen's forehead, gave him a kiss and said, "ha ha, you are so powerful!"

Dream light dust was still trying to find a way, then Chen Yang rashly kiss such a mouthful, her whole person suddenly stay.

Chen Yang had too much expectation for the lightning beast. He was already desperate. Meng Qingchen said that he had left a breath. He was too happy for a moment, so he gave Meng Qingchen a kiss. After the kiss, he was stunned.

It seems that It's too abrupt.

Dream light dust's face red through half of the sky.

"You..." Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang coughed two times and said, "I didn't mean it.""No way!" Dream light dust suddenly come up, but in Chen Yang's lips kiss a mouthful. Then, she quickly flashed to the distance, but only left a smile: "we are even now."

Chen Yang stayed where he was again.

At that moment, the soft lips, the cold touch is so real and nostalgic.

Some of Chen Yang can't come back.

There seems to be a layer of paper to poke open.

Chen Yang is not a fool. How can he not understand Meng Qingchen's mind at this time?


Before Chen Yang had time to think about it, Meng Qingchen called out in the distance, "let's go!"

Chen Yang doesn't know how to face mengqingchen. He obviously doesn't hate mengqingchen.

What's more, Meng Qingchen's identity, beauty and ability, which man can not like?

Just, can Chen Yang like it?

He thinks he can't.

No matter from that aspect!

Chen Yang sees the dream light dust to shout at this time, he simply no longer thinks much, first so.

Then he flashed and caught up.

When I see mengqingchen again, mengqingchen's beautiful face has returned to normal. Just now everything, as if nothing had happened.

Dream light dust said: "I seem to have found a thing."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

Dream light dust said: "this living lightning beast seems to be pregnant, and, about to give birth."

"Ah?" Chen Yang was surprised and said, "I didn't see it!"

Dream light dust said: "she is wrapped with electricity, you can't find it. When she swam in my blue ocean, I felt the fetal movement. No matter how strong she is, once she wants to have a baby, she will be weak. "

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "now, that's better. We'll have two lightning beasts. "

Dream light dust said: "it is so, we now follow far, first don't beat grass to frighten snake!"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

The blue sea and the sky are endless.

Dream light dust at this time to do the leading, operation mana, wrapped Chen Yang all the way to the depths of the ocean.

"The front seems to be the Western Hemisphere, away from the eastern hemisphere, you will come to the place of guiwangzong." Chen Yang can't help saying.

Mengqingchen said: "yes, but it's far away from the ghost King clan. Guiwangzong has never been in charge of this place, but it doesn't matter. We can't let the cooked duck fly away now

Chen Yang said, "that's true." Although the goods are very kind to ordinary people, they are definitely not pedantic when they really fight for things in the religious world.

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