Chen Yang also thinks that the matter of lightning beast can't be solved in a day. After thinking about it, he turned back to Jindu of Jinpeng. Chen Yang didn't officially enter Jindu, but was over Jindu and sent a message to Shanglian Xingsheng and Jin Shengyuan.

"It may take me a few days for you and master Qingchen to pursue the beast. Shanglianxingsheng, you and your children are waiting patiently in the palace! " Chen Yang said.

That is still prosperous smell speech busy should come down. Jin Shengyuan is also busy thanking Chen Yang.

No matter whether Jin shengyuanxiang believes Chen Yang's words or not, the threat from the Supreme God's well has been removed, which is a good ending for him.

Then Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen go all out to chase the living lightning leopard.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was night.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen come to the middle of the sea. The sea is the largest on the planet, much larger than the land on the planet.

At night, the sea was foggy, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen perceive that the lightning beast is on an island in front of them.

"The fog here seems to have gathered together." Dream light dust said in the void.

Chen Yang said: "fog gathered, covering thousands of miles, if you do not have the breath of living lightning beast, we can't find this island in search of death!"

"That's right. I can't even shoot with my mind." Dream light dust said. After a pause, she said, "you say, the living lightning beast has so accurately escaped here and settled down. Is she prepared here?"

Chen Yang said: "this is not clear. If we catch up now, she will still run away. But wait for her to give birth? She doesn't know how many years she's been pregnant. We can't afford to wait a long time. That's a big problem! "

Dream light dust said: "who said it is not."

Chen Yang said: "this thing is too fast. It's hard to sneak on her, too. "

Dream light dust said: "so discuss, it seems that we have no way."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "the way is not out of thin air. We don't know what's going on on the island. If you shoot rashly with your mind, in case you disturb something that shouldn't be disturbed, it's also a way to scare the grass and the snake. "

Dream light dust said: "I have a way to hide the divine sense in some animals, quietly explore some."

Chen Yang said, "well, you do it first!"

Mengqingchen did it now.

Her divine sense quietly invaded and soon hid in some small animals. These little animals are scurrying around on the island. At the same time, mengqingchen also gets some messages from small animals, which are simple messages.

The message of small animals to the island is basically desolate and has no intelligence value.

The little animals quickly approached the place where the lightning beast lived, and as a result, they came to the front of a mountain. There is a cave in the mountain peak, but there is a boundary outside the cave.

The border keeps all the small animals out.

Mengqingchen immediately said to Chen Yang, "there is a boundary. It doesn't seem to be temporary. Besides, there are caves. It's either the home of the lightning beast or her friend. Maybe she's looking for help

Chen Yang said, "the living lightning beast has been in that well for more than 2000 years. What friend will be here all the time? "

Meng Qingchen said, "it's really weird. Now, we have to find a way to prevent the living lightning beast from discovering and break through the border quietly. "

Chen Yang said, "I used to have a way."

He used to have xuanhuang liquid. He could not be aware of it.

Now, there is no xuanhuang liquid in the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu.

Dream light dust said: "that is to say, now no way?"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "that's right!"

"I didn't say it!" Dream light dust white Chen Yang one eye.

Chen Yang gave a dry smile.

Right here, Meng Qingchen's face changed. "Bad!"

"Why?" Chen Yang asked.

Mengqingchen said: "the living lightning beast seems to be quenching itself with lightning. My breath is about to be quenched by it."

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "how can this happen?"

Dream light dust said: "her thunder and lightning, itself is quenching any impurity energy! I don't know if she found something wrong, or if she was playing with it

Chen Yang said: "this can't work. We have to find a way to let her stick something that can't be quenched by lightning to her."

Meng Qingchen said dejectedly, "well, it's over. I can't feel her any more! "

It's making things worse.

If we lose the trace of living lightning beast, we will have no chance in the future.

"No, do it first!" Dream light dust said: "give her my blue breath again, must not let her go first. Take your time to think about the latter way! "Chen Yang said, "good!"

So at this moment, Chen Yang and mengqingchen cover the whole island with black hole space and blue ocean.

Up and down, including the bottom part of the cage cover!

As long as the living lightning beast leaves, it will be stained with blue.

This shrouded, Chen Yang and dream light dust's Secret tracking is also completely exposed.

Chen Yangxian forced the boundary outside the cave to tear apart with great magic power.

So in this instant, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen find out the situation inside the cave. The cave is a blessed place. And the living lightning beast was lying on a stone bed, groaning in pain, rolling back and forth, as if It's in production.

In front of the lightning beast, an old man with black robes and silver hair stood.

The old man with black robes and silver hair was originally casting a spell to imprison the living lightning beast, but Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen's sudden invasion surprised him.

The old man's face changed greatly, and then a dark color flashed in his eyes: "where is the evil thief, an dares to break into my cave!"

The old man's mind is sweeping and his voice is sharp.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen immediately understand that it's not the living lightning beast that finds something wrong, but that she's in the process of production, and the power in her body is in disorder.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are relieved

Two people flash at the same time, directly came to the cave, appeared in front of the old man.

"No!" At this time, Chen Yang was alert in the bottom of his heart. "Light dust, I don't think so."

"Why?" Dream light dust said.

Communication between the two is lightning.

Chen Yang said: "this living lightning beast has been hiding for two thousand years. It's just the so-called change in people's mind. She has a delicate mind. How can she come to the old man directly? Even if the old guy is her friend, is she not afraid that the old guy will do her harm when she gives birth? What would you do if it were you? "

"I'll find a place to go through the difficult period first. And then try to do something else! " Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang said: "the living lightning beast must have found you tracking her, and it's time to produce. So, you want to bring disaster to the East! "

"Very likely!" Dream light dust said.

"Once Let's do it, and she'll run away! " Chen Yang suddenly jumped again and said, "no, production is also an illusion. It must be that once she escapes, she will disturb the old man. So she deliberately pretended to have a baby, so that the old man thought that the opportunity had come. And then we're all set on us. She will leave when we are in full swing. "

Dream light dust said: "rely on, your head, how to think so much."

She really didn't think so much. She could think so much at such a critical moment!

But the more critical the time, the calmer Chen Yang is. This is Chen Yang's way to win over the years.

Chen Yang said: "whether my guess is true or false, we are faked by the old people. At the same time, I will leave her traces that she can't wipe out when the living lightning beast doesn't pay attention. "

Dream light dust said: "good!"

Two people's discussion is in a flash, at the same time, their eyes to the old man.

The old man immediately discovered that Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are not good friends.

"You Who is it? Step back quickly, I can let bygones be bygones! " The old man wanted to push Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen at once.

"Back to your mother!" Chen Yang gave a big drink and said, "go away now, or you'll be ruined!"

"Arrogant younger generation, you want to die!" The old man was very angry. As soon as he grasped it, he would catch the living lightning beast in the storage ring.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen will give the old man this opportunity. Meng Qingchen's body flashed and stopped in front of the lightning beast. She followed the backhand and the old man's big fingerprints together.


The cave vibrated.

The palms of the two men collided like a roaring torrent, and the whole cave began to vibrate violently.

Just then, the living lightning beast roared in pain. The thunder and lightning on her body became more intense, and her whole body sent out dazzling electric light. Finally, these electric lights exploded in all directions.


The cave burst open and the whole mountain burst apart

The sky is falling apart!

The terror is overwhelming.

"Shit, on purpose!" Seeing this, Chen Yang immediately affirmed his thoughts. At that moment, among the thunderbolts, he cut the green magnetic calcium carbide into small pieces. Then, this small fragment burst into countless lights in the air.

After that, all the lights returned to the living lightning beast.

Chen Yang's heart was suddenly set. The green magnetic calcium carbide has also been tempered by the living lightning beast. The living lightning beast absorbs the green magnetic calcium carbide, and she will not find anything different. But Chen Yang will be able to find the same breath of cyanocarbon according to his own cyanocarbon.

Unless there are more cyanomagnetic calcium carbide on this planet, or in the universe. Otherwise, the living lightning beast can't escape!The living lightning beast was buried under the collapse rocks!

It's absolutely superficial.

Chen Yang knows in his heart that the purpose of living lightning beast is to paralyze the old man and let the old man and himself think that she won't run away.

"Hum!" Chen Yang is secretly funny. Just now, he was really in a hurry. Fortunately, he was tempered by the living lightning beast before. Otherwise, any external lightning will be tempered and assimilated by the living lightning beast.

Then, Chen Yang, Meng Qingchen and the old man had a fight without saying a word.

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