The old man's cultivation is so profound that he has reached the point of creating five levels. This doesn't surprise Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen. If the old man's cultivation is not so powerful, the lightning beast doesn't have to be afraid!

Moreover, Chen Yang guessed in his heart that perhaps the old man had a way to suppress the lightning beast. Otherwise, it's hard to catch the lightning beast even if it's the five fold cultivation of the creation environment.

Chen Yang, Meng Qingchen and the old man arrive at the sea in an instant, and the mountain peak has completely collapsed. The living lightning beast is under the ruins.

The old man was very angry. He had already captured the lightning beast steadily. But now, the life and death of lightning beast is uncertain. These two guys are so hateful.

The old man showed no mercy. He first offered a magic weapon. His magic weapon is Xiandu staff!

In fact, this old man has a long history and belongs to the top of the ancient gods. At the beginning of that year, he was called white haired and blue faced ghost!

It's said that he practiced magic skills and enslaved millions of ghosts! Later, in the process of cultivation, with a million ghosts all become gods!

So later, the old man was called the God of white hair and blue face!

Xiandu staff is a kind of top immortal weapon!

This wand of Xiandu seems to be a rune engraving. The whole body is red, but the rune on it is the mysterious meaning of Xiandu in legend.

The wand of white hair and blue face God can use the power of Xiandu to trap the living lightning beast!

This is the power of righteousness that cannot be broken by the lightning of living lightning beast.

At this moment, the white haired and blue faced God was in a rage. His wand of Xiandu was shocked in the air. Then, the mystery of Xiandu came!

All of a sudden, you can see the red light flickering, instantly covering the whole area!

Within a hundred Li radius, there is black hole space, in which the blue ocean and Xiandu aoyi are mixed.

The mystery of Xiandu is burning like a flame, but it is not a flame.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen feel that their power is being devoured by aoyi, Xiandu

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are surprised. At the same time, Chen Yang did not say a word, first of all, he used the sword formula of fortune. He grabbed the infinite sword light and attacked the white haired and blue faced God.

The sword is powerful and contains the meaning of the universe!

The dream light dust is also direct. The blood eating sword unfolds, contains her whole body strength, and goes to the white hair and blue face God.

The power of the sword is so powerful that it suddenly loses its power between heaven and earth!


The white haired and blue faced God's face turned blue. He roared and waved the Xiandu staff again. Around the city of immortality, finally condensed into a city of immortality!

The fairyland is resplendent, covering an area of more than 100 square kilometers. It appears on the sea like a mirage!

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen's sword light cut into it, just like a bullock into the sea, and disappeared in an instant!

"Hey The white haired and green faced God gave another big drink, and the fairy capital was suddenly broken. The endless fragments of the fairy capital and the terrible fairy capital aoyi attacked Chen Yang and mengqingchen.

Xiandu aoyi!

It's the most rigid and the most positive. It's with fierce killing and the supreme will power of the Supreme God.

The power contained in each fragment has an endless meaning, to burst, and then burst, until the world is destroyed.

Those fragments, up to billions of degrees!

This kind of killing means that the sea will burst and the planet will suffer from natural disasters.

Dragon Star has its own protection mechanism!

If the white haired and blue faced God really does damage the root of the Dragon Star, he will be killed. He can't bear that kind of backfire.

Tyrannosaurus is a planet with aura, which can't be compared with ordinary death stars.

At this time, all the fragments are condensed and burst out towards Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen. Mengqingchen was surprised. Chen Yang grabs mengqingchen into the black hole crystal.

Of course, mengqingchen won't be hurt easily, but she and Chen Yang cooperate with each other and will not waste their mana. Chen Yang immediately launched the great phagocytosis, the black hole whirlpool burst open, and the power of xuanhuang Shengu seed also unfolded.

Infinite fragments are also absorbed by Chen Yang, refining!

Chen Yang immediately felt that the power in his body began to rise. As soon as his eyes were cold and his figure flashed, he was killed by the power from the East.

White hair and blue face God can't help but be shocked, you know, he is with the idea of quick decision. He's going to save the blitzkrieg quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to show the most profound meaning of Xiandu directly.

But did not expect, this smelly boy not only easily took down, but also issued such a powerful sword!

The power of a sword coming from the East is the broken energy of the whole fairy capital aoyi. Chen Yang's own strength is not damaged at all!

The power of this sword is amazing, and it is the most powerful sword in the world!

At the same time, mengqingchen comes out, and her blood eating sword cuts the white hair and green face God again.

They work together and complement each other.

The white hair and blue face God's body is shining. Once again, he condenses the virtual shadow of Xiandu with Xiandu staff!The shadow of Xiandu once again engulfs the power of Chen Yang and mengqingchen. Then, the white haired and blue faced God was shocked again and shattered the fairy capital. Then, endless debris toward Chen Yang and dream light dust.

This is the same old trick!

"No!" Dream light dust immediately said: "I'm afraid there's fraud!"

Chen Yang also felt that something was wrong. This white hair and blue face God is too fierce, and he is decisive and quick. He is absolutely not a fool.

All over the sky, debris such as meteors from outside the sky, bombarded and killed intensively, and there was no way to hide or retreat.

The lethality contains the five forces of creation, full of changes, but it seems to be a layer of unchangeable.

Holy power, Xiandu is also in it!

Chen Yang cheered: "no matter, swallow first!" He doesn't believe what kind of heart he cares about the white haired and green faced God, but he can't help his xuanhuang God Valley seed.

Chen Yang inhales the dream dust into the crystal of the black hole again and swallows it up with the great phagocytosis.

The power of the seeds of xuanhuang holy Valley is also consumed crazily.

At this time, a copper coin similar to a copper coin ejected from the finger of the white haired blue faced God. Chen Yang irresistibly swallowed the copper coin into the great phagocytosis.

That copper coin has a long history. It's called the original copper coin!

After the copper coin entered the core of Chen Yang's great phagocytosis, it suddenly began to work violently But it never dies!

Chen Yang's power and the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu could melt all things into one furnace and turn them into energy. But at the moment, it's like a hard bone in a high-speed meat grinder!

And it's an unbreakable bone!

So what are the consequences?

The stronger Chen Yang's operation is, the more damage he will suffer.

Fortunately, Chen yangben kept his hand. Chen Yang felt that his whole body was about to explode when the terrible fragments burst and his own strength backfired.

Flash floods, no light!

But at this time, dream light dust has been aware of Chen Yang's situation. She was in the crystal of the black hole. Suddenly, she stretched out her hand and poked out her finger in the midst of all kinds of calamities. Unexpectedly, she sandwiched the gold coin of origin between her fingers in the torrent.


All kinds of power towards the dream light dust to crush over, dream light dust quickly draw hands, left the core outbreak zone.

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