When mengqingchen's hand came out, her palm was only white bones, and all her flesh and skin were gone.

Then, her palms shatter.

Chen Yang successfully engulfed the rest of the power, and then he killed the white haired and blue faced God with a sword.

Dream light dust broken palm rapid growth out, at the same time, her purple hair entangled, the origin of gold coins entangled.

All these changes, let that white hair blue face God unexpected.

When a sword came from the East, the white hair and green face God spewed out the power of essence!

Then, Chen Yang saw ten thousand horses galloping in front of him, and a group of Jinjia God of war came galloping!

Those are the golden armour war gods who became gods with millions of fierce ghosts.

The sword light tore the heaven and earth, and quickly killed the God of war, but in the end, it was also submerged in the galloping power of the God of war.

Magnificent and earth shaking!

Chen Yang see dream light dust hurt, in the heart of Rage: "mother a BA son, two people still dry but you one?"

It's always him who wins more with less.

Where can he accept two, but one?

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen flash into the encirclement of the God of war.

Battle torn!

The wand of Xiandu lowered its purpose and power in the air. With a push of Chen Yang's hand, the black hole crystal turned into a million sword blades and instantly killed them.

Dream of light dust purple hair is turned into infinite purple sword back and forth cut!

All of a sudden, the field is in chaos, and the sword light penetrates the nine heavens!

After a fight, the God of war in golden armor turned into golden light and was swallowed by the God with white hair and blue face.

The light of Xiandu staff was dim.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen attack the white haired Qingmian God before and after. The white haired Qingmian God is not good enough, so they wrap Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen in the red Xiandu rule.

But at this moment, mengqingchen holds Chen Yang's hand tightly. In that space, the two people cling to each other and do not separate. Chen Yang condenses the black hole crystal, turns the dream dust into a black light, penetrates the law of Xiandu, and comes to the white haired and blue faced God again.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen have collected the rest of the law space to deal with the white hair and blue face God. Chen Yang's two palms contain black hole crystal, which he repeatedly killed. The power of the hand is boundless, like ten thousand horses galloping and killing!

Mengqingchen rides on the Dragon transformed from purple hair, and sends out the terrible sword power of blood eating sword.

The white haired and green faced God has lost a lot of mana. Now he's in a mess. He's invincible

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen beat the water dog together and let the white haired and blue faced God scream. After a while, the white hair of the white haired and blue faced god suddenly stretched out and wrapped up his whole body.

Chen Yang rushed in immediately, but he didn't give the white haired and green faced God a chance to take advantage of it!

But in this instant, it was It's empty.

All that was left at the scene was white hair

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen stay slightly. Obviously, they didn't expect this.

"It seems that there is a hidden space array in his hair, but he took the opportunity to escape." Chen Yang said in a deep voice.

Dream light dust said: "his staff is a good thing, unfortunately, did not grab, was taken away by him."

Chen Yang said: "his copper coin is also a good thing."

"What's good?" Dream light dust said: "can deal with you, what good."

Chen Yang is slightly stunned, and then he remembers the scene when Meng Qingchen took the risk to get the copper coin. When he thought of that scene, he was deeply moved. He couldn't help saying, "you don't have to get that copper coin. It's going to explode immediately. I can't die. But you are too risky. Fortunately, you are fast enough. If you're a little late, you'll be blown to pieces! "

Dream light dust sink voice say: "that thing keep, too dangerous.". I can't let it threaten your safety, so I have to take it out and try to destroy it! "

"Well?" Chen Yang was stunned.

He didn't expect that mengqingchen was such an idea. All she did was for him.

Dream light dust is ignore Chen Yang's face change, she thought of what, busy said: "you in lightning beast body breath still?"

"I still need to feel again," Chen said

Mengqingchen said: "the lightning beast ran away before. She went secretly, but I know. I just don't have time to chase her! "

Chen Yang said, "I can't catch up with you."

Meng Qingchen said: "all these are the tricks of lightning beast. Fortunately, you saw through it ahead of time You don't have to say that the old man's staff is really powerful. If you didn't have the power of swallowing, we might have fallen into the hands of this old man today. "

When Chen Yang thought of it, his heart was still palpitating.

Although this battle is extremely dangerous, it also makes Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen feel full of joy! Because of the tacit understanding between them, it's great. Between each other, in the time of crisis, we can communicate with each other without any words. Direct the other party to understand!"By the way, your wound?" Chen Yang asked mengqingchen.

Dream light dust said: "hurt some vitality just, not in the way."

Chen Yang was relieved.

Meng Qingchen then said: "the lightning beast can't wait to cause a dispute between us and the old guy. I think she has a fierce fight with us. Time is running out. Let's find her without delay

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Then they stood on the ruins. Chen Yang began to search for another breath of cyanocarbon with cyanocarbon.

Before long, Chen Yang found another green magnetic calcium carbide.

At the same time, mengqingchen took out the original copper coin. "This copper coin is very strange, with the smell of the old man on it. I haven't erased it all the time. If we don't solve this problem, I'm afraid that old guy will know when we go there. "

Chen Yang took the copper coin and then dropped it deep into the core of the black hole crystal. Then, he drives the power of lightning to kill the copper coin.

After a while of chopping, the copper coin is intact!

However, the above belongs to the white hair blue face God's breath is completely disappeared.

Chen Yang then returned the coin to Meng Qingchen. Dream light dust took the copper coin, suddenly a sly smile, said: "you say this copper coin, is it you take good, or I take good?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "take it."

Dream light dust said: "really?"

Chen Yang said, "it doesn't matter if you take it or if I take it. I'm not afraid you'll use it against me. "

Mengqingchen laughs and then says, "I won't take it. I can't destroy it. If there is a way to destroy it, I will destroy it the first time. I have nothing to deal with you. Besides, I'll give you back the crystal stone at this time! " With that, she put the origin gold coin and time crystal stone into Chen Yang's hand.

"This..." Chen Yang said.

"Well, let's not talk about it. Let's get down to business Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang also knows that business is the most important thing. Now he doesn't give in to mengqingchen any more, so he puts the original copper coin and time crystal into jiexumi.

Then, Chen Yang takes mengqingchen to track the living lightning beast.

Located in the Milky way, among the countless planets in the solar system, the earth is still in rotation and revolution. The planet looks insignificant in the whole universe, but it's aloof.

This planet, which could have been chosen by the great emperor of the universe, has its own uniqueness.

And now, this planet is the leading star in the universe, few other planets can compare.

The earth, the world, Yanjing!

It's already winter.

It's going to be Chinese New Year again.

Six months have passed since Chen Yang disappeared.

In the past six months, Yanjing has been very calm.

LAN Tingyu stayed in Yanjing all the time, and Fu Qingzhu didn't go out either.

At this time, six years have passed since the 15 year mission arranged by the star master. In other words, there are only nine years left.

And the time from the imperial sky boat to the earth is approaching!

According to Xuan Zhenghao's estimation, there are 17 years to go at the latest and 14 years at the shortest.

There is less and less time for the earth to prepare.

It will be the biggest catastrophe in the history of the whole earth!

At that time, the great emperor of the universe came and caused a great disaster to the gods on earth. The gods have fled the planet for tens of millions of years!

Now, the gods are going to attack the earth!

At the same time, it is less than five months from the date of Yuanjue's death.

In five months, Yuanjue will be gone!

Everything on earth seems to calm down because of Chen Yang's departure. Those remnants of lingzun on earth have been searched and hanged by xuanzhenghao. Now they do not move, Xuan Zhenghao is also difficult to find it.

Lingzun has only one master who can handle it. He should not forget the four aspects of creation.

This time, it is a battle of life and death.

The imperial heavenly boat is the home of the spiritual gods. If the imperial heavenly boat wants to survive for a long time, it must extract the core energy of the earth to make the spiritual gods continue.

And the human friars, absolutely can't give up half a step!

For more than half a year, Luo Feng has not come back, and Qin Lin has not.

Fu Qingzhu was worried about change, so he was always in the base camp.

Although LAN Tingyu did not meet, he was waiting silently.

For all destiny, LAN Tingyu has less pressure. He doesn't have the task of leading the star master at all. He doesn't need to turn in the star stone. But this guy has four star stones in his hand.

Fu Qingzhu has only five stars!

Chen Yang has only three star stones.

In the final analysis, Chen Yang took over the task of 20 star stones in the past 15 years. This guy hasn't found one of his own in all these years.This is really ironic!

It began to snow heavily in Yanjing last night.

The students have had their winter vacation.

There is floor heating in the villa, which is very warm. The children had a good time But Nianci is getting bigger and bigger, and he will miss his father more and more. Today's Nianci and bao'er are both eight years old. Nianci often asks Shen monong where his father is going? When can I see dad. If dad is busy, we can go to the place where dad works?

He would also say, why is Dad so busy? Is our family short of money or something. Every time he talks about this, Shen's eyes are red. She is really worried about Chen Yang's safety!

Fu Qingzhu keeps asking Xiang Xuan Zhenghao about Chen Yang's whereabouts

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