"Let's see if I can destroy the soul chariot..." Qin Dong said suddenly. Then, he just thought, suddenly, the magic fog of the soul chariot turned into a black magic flame. The devil's flame is ferocious, and the soul chariot makes a rapid sound of whine inside

A breath of destruction soars to the sky!

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are surprised. At this moment, they are sure that the soul chariot is connected with Qin Dong.

"As long as you let me go, I will give you this little beast." Qin Dong said in a deep voice.

When Qin Dong talks, his eyes are fixed on Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen.

He knew that he could never give up the soul chariot. To give up the chariot is to give up all glory and status.

Moreover, they can chase him at any time.

Although Qin Dong didn't want to die, he knew in his heart that the only chance to live today was to talk with the belief that he would die.

"My child..." Dongxiang has come back to herself by this time. She comes to Chen Yang and mengqingchen. Then she looked up and pleaded, "please, save my child."

Seeing this, Qin Dong hoped that he would do it more quickly. The little lightning beast began to cry at once.

Dongxiang was even more heartbroken when he cried.

"You Please... " Dongxiang rubs Chen Yang's leg with his head. She also knows that between Chen Yang and mengqingchen, Chen Yang is definitely the kinder one.

"That's not how it's calculated!" Dream light dust also know Chen Yang soft hearted, she does not wait for Chen Yang to speak, first said.

Mengqingchen looked at Qindong and said, "Qindong, I know what you are thinking. In fact, you are more afraid of death than anyone else, but you know, except for showing that you are not afraid of death, the rest of the way is a dead end! "

Qin Dong's eyes were awe inspiring, and he said, "what about mengqingchen? Now that you are so clear, I don't need to say anything more. Who is not afraid of death? But I also know how to choose! "

"I'll let you go, and I'll let you go with your soul chariot. It's impossible Dream light dust said: "there is no possibility of a silk.". You can't do it. It will only be you Chen Yang and I are destined to be unscathed. The big deal, Dongxiang and the little guy, we don't want any more. "

"Are you willing?" Qin Dong sneered and said, "mengqingchen, when you say these words, do you believe it yourself?"

"Ha ha!" Meng Qingchen laughed and said, "I'm afraid you don't know me very well. Do you want to bet? "

"What do you want?" Qin Dong was very angry and roared.

Chen Yang didn't speak, and he wasn't a good man or a good woman.

Chen Yang also believes in mengqingchen, so he leaves everything to mengqingchen. Dongxiang stayed aside, ready to cry without tears.

Dream light dust said: "I'll tell you a little bit, or, we are friends. Or you die! Otherwise, I will not be at ease! "

"Friends?" Qin Dong was stunned.

Dream light dust light said: "yes! Since I can enter the descending temple from the ghost King clan, why can't you? We can also help you get rid of the ghost King's breath on you. "

"This..." Qin Dong immediately said, "can I be a friend? Do you want to control my brain? It's impossible! I didn't even control my brain

"If you really want to manage the whole ghost King clan, you can't control the people below by controlling the brain. But that's why I betrayed you today. " Dream light dust light said: "you think about it, I control your brain.". Then you're with your soul chariot. In the future, you have unlimited possibilities. But if you don't agree today, I'm sorry. You lose the future, the future! "

Chen Yang was on the side, his heart beating fast.

He didn't think about it, but he thought it was impossible!

I have to say that the dream of light dust is more than I dare to think, dare to do!

If you really take Qin Dong under your command, it will be like a tiger adding wings!

"I, I can't!" Qin Dong's face was very painful. He was in a dilemma and had no choice.

"Is there no second way to go?" Qin Dong asked in pain.

"Before, Chen Yang gave you a smooth road to heaven. But you didn't choose Now, you are lucky to survive. Think about the end of winning Hong. You should know that when we kill people, we will not be soft handed. "

"Yes, I promise!" Qin Dong suddenly clenched his teeth and said.

So he agreed.

At this moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were both surprised.

Later, Qin Dong opened his brain to Meng Qingchen. Mengqingchen is suspicious, but he planted Yuanshen bomb in Qindong's brain.

After that, Qin Dong also released a small lightning beast.

Chen Yang took over the small lightning beast, and then quickly handed it to Dongxiang. Dongxiang wept with joy and caught the little guy in his mouth. Then he took him aside and put out his tongue to lick the little guy to give him the greatest comfort."Next, what do you want me to do, you say!" Qin Dong said very single.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen look at each other. They feel that something is not right. But I can't say exactly.

Mengqingchen waved his hand and said, "go back to guiwangzong first. At the right time, I will tell you what I need you to do."

Qin Dong nodded and said, "good!"

Later, the dream light dust collected the Xiandu rule. All the laws of Xiandu return to the staff of Xiandu.

Looking at Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang, Qin Dong said, "well And I'm leaving? "

Mengqingchen suddenly smiles and says, "Qindong, I know something about you. You say, I'll detonate the Yuanshen bomb now. Am I quick, or are you quick to blow up the soul chariot? "

Qin Dong was shocked and said, "what do you mean, Miss dream? I've listened to you and been your prisoner. "

"You must have a way to crack it!" Dream light dust said: "I see, I still kill you the most appropriate!"

"There is no such thing." Qin Dong turned pale and said, "I swear to God, I have no way to crack it. I promise because your words wake me up

"Oh, what do I say?" Dream light dust asked.

Qin Dong said: "you say, if I promise, there is infinite possibility. But if I don't promise today, there will be no future. It's my best choice right now, isn't it? "

The dream light dust hears speech, in the heart slightly steadfast some.

"You go!" Mengqingchen finally waved again.

"As long as you tell me, I can do anything!" Qin Dong said sincerely.

"Go, go!" Dream light dust said.

Qin Dong said goodbye, then turned and got on the chariot of soul. After that, the soul chariot turned into a light and disappeared into the sky like lightning.

"You say, is it the best choice to blow him up?" Dream light dust asked Chen Yang. After a pause, she said, "I feel as if I had put the Yuanshen bomb in your brain. It's not practical!"

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