Chen Yang couldn't help laughing bitterly. He said, "I know that women's intuition is always accurate."

Dream light dust said: "you say, we now whether or not directly blow him up.". Then, when he's dead, we'll get the soul chariot. "

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "after all, it's just your guess. Besides, we should be prepared for him. Maybe, it will work wonders then! Now it's not 100% certain that he has a way to deal with your Yuanshen bomb. He's better alive than dead. And, more importantly, the soul chariot is likely to be directly destroyed. "

At this time, Dongxiang said: "the man also said that the actual control of the soul chariot is still in the hands of the ghost King Zong Yingzhen."

Hearing this, Chen Yang said to Meng Qingchen, "so we have no reason to kill Qin Dong like this."

Mengqingchen said, "OK. I really don't believe it. Now the most unsolved Yuanshen bomb is so worthless. "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "that's it!"

Dream light dust dun dun, her eyes to Dongxiang body.

"I can wear a boneless collar!" Dongxiang said directly.

Chen Yang was slightly shocked. He almost forgot. He snatched the wonderful boneless collar from the green face God! Boneless collar is a wonderful thing, its material is not affected by any lightning.

If the opponent has great magic power, he can deal with boneless collar!

But Dongxiang doesn't have the so-called magic power, so the boneless collar is Dongxiang's biggest nemesis. Once the caster says the spell, the boneless collar will hang in the opponent's neck like a crooked crochet. The pain is unimaginable.

So Chen Yang took out the boneless collar.

"As long as you don't hurt my children, don't let our mother and daughter separate!" Dongxiang said.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "Dongxiang, I have never covered up my purpose. I need your mother and daughter to work with us. But, I never said, I'm going to enslave you. I may not be a gentleman, but at least I'm a man of words! "

After he finished, he suddenly opened his mouth and chewed the boneless collar to pieces. Then, spit it out!

"Let's get out of here first. Dongxiang, you can recover as soon as possible." Chen Yang then said.

There was a strange look in Dongxiang's eyes. At the same time, there was a trace of gratitude.

At this time, she will not doubt that Chen Yang is buying people's hearts. Because he could have solved the problem in the simplest and most crude way.

However, Chen Yang did not do so.

"I need to find enough lightning layer and recover energy!" Dongxiang said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "OK. We try our best to find you in this universe! "

After that, Chen Yang wrapped Dongxiang and xiaoguy with black hole crystal. Then, Chen Yang and mengqingchen enter into the black hole crystal.

The black hole crystal turned into a black light and left this strange planet!

However, just out of the moment, Chen Yang and sudden fantasy. "There must be some reason why the energy of this planet directly extinguishes the lightning. We can't go like this. In the future, if we meet the experts of thunder and lightning department, maybe we can have a wonderful effect. "

Dream light dust didn't expect this stubble, she was thinking about other things. Smell speech then say: "that also goes, go back to have a look again."

Chen Yang nodded.

They then turned back to the strange death star.

Dongxiang's mother and son are deep in the crystal of the black hole. They don't know what's going on outside.

Stand still on the death star, there is silence all around!

It's real darkness, real silence.

Thousands of miles, desolate, no life.

Mengqingchen thought of something and said, "do you really have no control over Dongxiang?"

When they were talking at this time, Dongxiang would never hear them.

"Yes Chen Yang said.

Dream light dust said: "I feel wrong, you know?"

"Why not?" Chen Yang asked.

He knows that mengqingchen is different from him in many aspects. However, Chen Yang also has to listen to Meng Qingchen's opinions.

Dream light dust said: "you see, Dongxiang takes children seriously. You should also see that even I, Qin Dong, as long as I am controlled by others. You have to betray... "

"Cough, I don't control your brain. You control me Chen Yang said.

"Don't interrupt." Dream light dust said: "I'm serious with you. If someone controls Dongxiang's children, Dongxiang will betray us every minute."

"If there is no betrayal, we can only make Dongxiang into a puppet like Qin Dong! If her children fall into the hands of others, we should consider how to help her. Not afraid of her betrayal Chen Yang said frankly.

Dream light dust wry smile, said: "I know, you will answer me like this."

Chen Yang smiles.

Dream light dust said: "and, there is a possibility, you know?""What's possible?" Chen Yang said.

Meng Qingchen said: "maybe, as soon as she recovers, she runs away with her child. We're in the back. Can we still catch up? It's not impossible. She hasn't run before

Chen Yang said, "if she runs again, I will be blind. But now, isn't she not running? "

Meng Qingchen shook his head and said, "well, anyway, I'm just making suggestions. It's up to you! "

Chen Yang smile, said: "thank you, light dust!"

Mengqingchen was still a little upset, but Chen Yang's soft Qingchen yelled, and she felt that all her Qi was gone. On the contrary, the heart slightly with a trace of sweet.

After that, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen searched around the steel planet, but there was no extra harvest.

"I think too much." Chen Yang then said, "Qin Dong has known about this planet for a long time. If he had found anything, he would have made it first."

Dream light dust said: "that we still want to continue to find it?"

Chen Yang said: "forget it, don't waste time. Let's go first

Dream light dust said: "good!"

The two followed into the black hole spar.

The black hole crystallized into a black light and rushed into the dark universe again.

Even in the black hole crystal, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen did not go to see Dongxiang's mother and daughter. Although they are in the same world, they are separated from each other by space.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen do not plan to return to the Dragon planet immediately.

Because they don't know if their whereabouts will be leaked. It would be very disadvantageous if the world's greatest powers were to pursue and kill with chariots. Return to Baron, and the route will be detected. But right now, if they travel through the universe, their whereabouts will not be revealed.

The condition for going back is to wait for Dongxiang to recover all its vitality. In this way, it can be regarded as meeting the peerless giants, and it also has the power to fight.

This time luck is also good, two people soon met in front of a quantum lightning storm. The quantum lightning storm in the central area is like a bright Milky way, in which the sky is thundering, brilliant and beautiful, just like a violent version of the aurora!

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are also terrified by the powerful cosmic forces. But after Dongxiang saw it, he was overjoyed. He broke into the quantum lightning storm with his children.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are stunned.

Different attributes do bring about different reactions.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are waiting outside.

At this time, Chen Yang's heart is also a bit empty. Because if Dongxiang wants to escape at this time, they really have no way!

Dream light dust is also hesitating!

She said, "do you think we should take measures?"

Chen Yang said, "do you mean Xiandu staff?"

Mengqingchen said: "if the law of Xiandu staff comes into contact with this level of quantum lightning storm, it will be instantly disintegrated."

"What measures are you talking about?" Chen Yang doubts.

Dream light dust said: "I originally wanted to say Xiandu staff, but after that, I found that Xiandu staff seems to have lost its original ability here."

"In other words, there are no measures," Chen said

Dream light dust said: "almost. If she wants to go far away from the universe, we may not be able to catch up after ten or eight years

"We can't afford the time," Chen said

Dream light dust said: "yes." She paused, smile, said: "it's OK, at least we are worthy of it."

When she said that, it was a complete relief to Chen Yang.

Because all this is Chen Yang's decision.

Now, it's all here. Dream light dust will never blame Chen Yang.

Chen Yang gave a wry smile, and he didn't speak any more.

He has his own principles in his life, and now he is also pondering over Dongxiang's ideas. But he enslaved Dongxiang for no reason What's more, Dongxiang has children. Chen Yang really can't do that.

So time goes by.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen didn't talk any more. Their minds are all in the quantum lightning storm.

It's like they're waiting to be tried

For a long time, after a long time

Finally, the quantum lightning storm has a movement. Then, a flash of light and shadow, the next second, the Dongxiang mother and daughter bathed in thunder and lightning appeared in front of Chen Yang and mengqingchen.

The electric light is flowing in their bodies, and the strong electric light makes them look very strong.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen look closely, and the little guy seems to have grown up a lot. Now it's the size of a three-year-old. Her eyes were more flexible and her hair was more slick.

And they didn't run away!

At this moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were relieved.Chen Yang said with a dry smile, "Dongxiang, if you run away like this. I really lose face in front of light dust. "

Mengqingchen is also outspoken to Dongxiang. She smiles and says, "I'm a bad woman. Indeed, I advocate to control you with a boneless collar. But I listen to him. "

The little guy is riding on Dongxiang.

Dongxiang looks up at Chen Yang and mengqingchen. Then she opens her mouth and says, "I can run away, and you can't catch up with me. But since you have given me trust, I think I should also give you this trust. "

Chen Yang said with a smile: "Dongxiang, from now on, we are comrades in arms and friends. We are absolutely equal. I hope you can help us, but one day, you don't want to help us. If you want to leave, I promise you and I will never stop you. "

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