The monastic world of balang has been quiet for a long time!

Now, Chen Yang has become the one who has made trouble. Chen Yang doesn't want to stir up the situation. It's not so important to kill Tan Lao and the real person in the cemetery. It's just that he's holding his breath. He was chased all the way to this place far away from the earth. He could not be angry. If it's not for luck, it's still unknown whether we can live today.

But that is by no means the most important thing.

Most importantly, Chen Yang felt that if he just let go. With the thin strength of emperor Feiyan, he can't play emperor huaixiu. Emperor huaixiu is different from emperor Feiyan. Emperor Feiyan is kind But emperor huaixiu is a hidden murderer. When he has a chance, he will really kill emperor Feiyan.

At first, di Feiyan could realize this, but after a long time, in her comfort, she gradually lost the sense of crisis. However, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen did not give emperor Feiyan the chance to continue to be at ease.

The Tiangang chariot flies through the Dark Universe with lightning, and its whole body is flashing.

In the chariot, Emperor huaixiu tried his best to drive the magic power to control the chariot.

Tan Lao, the real person in the cemetery and Qing Xuan are all around the emperor huaixiu.

The interior of Tiangang chariot is magnificent and luxurious. This chariot is the heart of emperor huaixiu. It is not the closest confidant. It will never come in.

Emperor huaixiu also has many subordinates and experts. However, the only one at Tan Lao's level is Qingxuan. The rest of the lower cultivation masters, he put all in the hall.

In this war, the master with low cultivation is not qualified to fight.

"In fact, young master, I'm in favor of your coming. There's another purpose." Tan said suddenly.

Emperor huaixiu said, "is that right? Let's hear it. "

"If the chariot is fake, it means that Chen Yang wants to get rid of us with the help of the ghost King clan," Tan said

"It's very possible," emperor huaixiu said

"But if that's the case, what would the Lord think?" Tan Lao suddenly smiles.

Emperor huaixiu's eyes brightened, and then he burst out laughing. "Wonderful

Qingxuan said: "if I guess correctly, the temple master is afraid to follow me in the dark. The Lord of the temple is very dissatisfied with Chen Yang. Maybe he will take this opportunity to get rid of him. "

Emperor huaixiu said: "my father seems to have some interest in that dream light dust. But also, the lightning beast fell in the hands of mengqingchen. If my father took mengqingchen as his concubine, my father would have owned the lightning beast indirectly. If Meng Qingchen is sincere about my father's concubine, and today Chen Yang is dead again, ha ha, my poor sister, isn't she alone. How can she fight with me for the title of the Lord of the hall in the future? "

Tan Lao said: "it's just that I have a strange place."

"Is it?" Emperor huaixiu said: "Tan Lao, what do you think is strange?"

Tan said: "I have a lot to do with Chen Yang. He is extremely deceitful. We must not underestimate What we can think of may not be beyond his imagination. "

Emperor huaixiu said: "he may not be able to think that my father might do it himself."

Tanlao said: "that's true."

Qingxuan said: "another possibility is that the chariot is real. There are not so many conspiracies. "

"The chariot is real. Why don't they pick it up quietly?" The real people in the cemetery were puzzled.

"So Chen Yang and his colleagues have to answer the secret. In a word, this time, it's true or false. I want to see what he can do. " Emperor huaixiu said coldly.

"No!" At this time, Emperor huaixiu found that the living lightning beast in front of him turned his direction and flashed away towards the depth of the universe.

The living lightning beast no longer pursues the soul chariot.

"This It's going to go after the other side Emperor huaixiu stayed for a while.

Qingxuan couldn't help changing her face. She suddenly thought of something and said, "did the ghost king really believe the chariot when he went through this muddy water? Young master, if we really win, let's... "

"Bad!" Emperor huaixiu was shocked.

At that moment, he seemed to think of something.

Tanlao is also a color change.

"Win really wants to kill Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen. But at the beginning, Yinghong would die, and it had something to do with me. What's more, I came out with my chariot. If they can't catch up with Chen Yang, we'll be the living target. " Emperor huaixiu said: "let's go too, damn it!"

Emperor huaixiu immediately turned the Tiangang chariot and ran back.

"What's the situation?" Qin Dong, who was in the soul chariot, ran for a while and turned around to find that the breath of Tiangang chariot and living lightning beast was all gone.

"None of them?" Qin Dong was very depressed.

"Which part of the game is this?" The general juesheng also did not understand.

Just then, at the hub of the soul chariot, a bloody jade pendant flashed. Then, the ghost king Zongzhu Ying really appeared."See you, Lord!" Qin Dong and ban juesheng salute Yingzhen together.

Yingzhen has a blood robe and is extremely dignified.

He looked in his fifties, dignified and elegant. He has a long beard under his jaw, but there is a trace of immortality.

Win Zhen said in a deep voice: "fight with all your strength. Don't let go of any of them. Qin Dong, you and Taoist priest Luo Tong, as well as the bitter bamboo monk and the blood hand demon, go to kill Chen Yang. We will take another person to stop them. This time, all the main cadres of the temple of God will be destroyed here! "

"Yes Qin Dongying road.

Then a void door appeared in the bloody jade pendant.

The next moment, Mr. Luo Tong came in riding a white tiger. With a wave of his sleeve robe, the bitter bamboo monk and the bloody hand demon all appeared in the soul chariot.

Kuzhu monks and blood handed demons are all the leaders of the six divisions of Tianzong.

Each of them has unique powers, and the blood hand man's evil cultivation is the triple realm of God and king. Kuzhu monks are the four realms of God and king of nature.

Yingzhen then steered the turtle Tianzhou and went all out to pursue that emperor huaixiu.

Yingzhen has already locked the Tiangang chariot of emperor huaixiu.

His tortoise Tianzhou was above Tiangang chariot. In addition, his accomplishments are far higher than emperor huaixiu's, so the turtle Tianzhou is approaching the Tiangang chariot at the fastest speed.

On the Tiangang chariot, Emperor huaixiu immediately felt the pursuit of the turtle Tianzhou.

"It's really the tortoise Tianzhou. The old thief of Yingzhen really did it himself. Cheap maidservant, Emperor Feiyan, you are so poisonous. I really want to kill your brother! " Emperor huaixiu couldn't help yelling.

He has completely forgotten that when Di Feiyan fled to the universe alone, his brother didn't want to save him. What he wanted was to let her die and let her fall into the abyss.

The soul chariot goes all out to track the living lightning beast.

However, the living lightning beast is faster than the soul chariot. Therefore, the soul chariot can only eat ashes in the back.

Moreover, at this time, the living lightning beast in front suddenly lost its breath.

In the soul chariot, Qin Dong and others lost their target. For a moment, everyone looked at each other.

"Lord!" Qin Dong had to report to Yingzhen. "We lost it."

"Lost it?" Win true smell speech, that anger!

However, these people are not little punks. He was not allowed to be denounced by the patriarch.

"Come and join us at once!" Win really immediately changed the order.

"Yes Qin Dong acted immediately.

Huaixiu emperor and others really won.

"It's just as well." In the chariot of soul, Qin Dong said to ban juesheng, Luo Tong and others.

"What's good about it?" He asked with a faint smile.

Qin Dong said: "at present, everything is designed by Chen Yang and others. If emperor huaixiu is killed. The chariot was taken away by me. Emperor Shengtian hated Chen Yang and others to the bone. "

Ban juesheng sighed: "it's a pity All this is the calculation of Chen Yang. He made it clear that he wanted emperor Yin huaixiu. We have to be fooled by him

"Ha ha..." Qin Dong sneered and said, "little thief Chen Yang, he's just a little smart. At present, Emperor huaixiu and chariots, as well as the experts under his command, all belong to our ghost King clan. In addition, Chen Yang and Emperor Feiyan separated themselves from emperor Shengtian. In the future, we will soon be able to level the temple of God. "

"There is no overall view!" Pan juesheng shook his head and said, "it seems that emperor Fei's smoke can't be used much after all."

"You'd better not be happy too soon," said roton. It's not all settled yet? We've been cheated by Chen Yang before! This time, the Lord himself, baobuqi emperor Shengtian also came. The winner has not been decided yet? "

"It's possible!" Qin Dong Yilin.

So Qin Dong immediately contacted Yingzhen through the bloody jade pendant.

"What?" After hearing the words, Yingzhen changed color slightly and said, "do you think emperor Shengtian might come?"

Qin Dong said: "Lord, this is our guess."

"At this point, what if the emperor comes?" Win really afterwards in the eye hair cold, say: "we today elite do, Emperor holy day came, simply kill him together!"

So, at this time, where did Chen Yang and others go?

It turns out that Chen Yang wrapped Dongxiang with black hole crystal. And then directly into a black hole

The black hole covered up all the breath, so Qin Dong and others lost Chen Yang's trace.

However, the Yuanshen bomb in Qindong's brain is still there. That's the mark of dream dust Qin Dong has no way to defuse the bomb. He must wait for mengqingchen to detonate it himself.

Because the glass cave is a wonderful small world.

After wrapping the Yuanshen bomb, there is no gap. Then, Qin Dong's power could not penetrate.Yuanshen bomb is connected with the neurons of Qindong. But this tiny neuron can be completely repaired by Qin Dong.

Chen Yang and others are not afraid to lose the trace of Qin Dong.

After confirming that they didn't continue to track Qindong, Chen Yang and others left the package of the black hole.

After these changes, they can no longer lock Chen Yang's breath.

Chen Yang rode on the living lightning beast, and then quickly tracked Qin Dong. This time, Chen Yang will be extremely secretive and will not give the other party a chance to find out.

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