When Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen set up a plan to win the treasure, they didn't expect that things would develop to this point. There's so much chance in this. Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen originally wanted to cause chaos in the monastic world because of the looting. And then they're going to do the same thing

Few people can crack the fake chariot in the black box. But such as Qin Dong such master all appeared, that is to hide not long.

Chen Yang is very clear about the psychological changes of emperor huaixiu.

That Xiandu and chariot thing, really not necessarily Chen Yang they spread out. At least, on this point, the emperor is not sure.

Emperor Shengtian and Emperor huaixiu dare not be 100% sure that the chariot is fake.

Emperor huaixiu can tolerate the chariot falling into the hands of guiwangzong or other people, but emperor huaixiu can't let the super chariot fall into the hands of emperor Feiyan.

Because, di Feiyan has lightning beast on his side. If there is another chariot, the good situation of emperor huaixiu will be changed. This is what emperor huaixiu can't stand.

Therefore, even if there is only a little possibility, Emperor huaixiu will do it.

Chen Yang originally wanted to lead emperor huaixiu to kill Tan Lao and the real man in the cemetery.

But where know, ghost King Zong this hand thief quick.

As a result, Chen Yang's side had to make plans.

But the king of ghosts also has his own abacus. Everyone, everyone's calculation, that's why things have come to this point.

Chen Yang rode Dongxiang and chased Qindong all the way.

In the dark universe, the Tiangang chariot is speeding, surpassing the speed of light and breaking the space barrier.

But at this time, in the hyperspace, a light and shadow appeared.

The light and shadow is like a tortoise moving forward in the super space, and the lines on its back are vertical and horizontal, but it has the meaning of heaven and earth.

The turtle shell on the back looked like armor.

That is The master of the ghost king wins the real turtle Tianzhou.

Yingzhen finally caught up with Tiangang chariot. Meanwhile, his big hand came out of the turtle boat. A huge black fingerprint instantly tears the hyperspace around the Tiangang chariot. The next moment, the big handprint actually directly captured the Tiangang chariot.

It's like an adult holding a child's toy.

Yingzhen is the top master of the God King six. The magic power, energy and rules that he blooms through the turtle sky boat are not what emperor huaixiu and them can compete with.

At this time, Emperor huaixiu and others were shocked.

However, although win really eight unique world. Emperor huaixiu and others can not be completely without the power to fight back.

"Let's work with me!" Emperor huaixiu roared in the Tiangang chariot.

They quickly injected mana into emperor huaixiu's body. Emperor huaixiu's body was integrated with Tiangang chariot.

At this time, the Dragon roared in the gang chariot that day. Then, a hundred golden light sword Qi cut out, quickly cut the big black hand print into pieces.

As soon as the body of the Tiangang chariot was shocked, it broke away from the shackles of the tortoise Tianzhou and quickly shuttled to the distance.

In the sky boat, Yingzhen sneered, and his feet moved. That tortoise day boat speed is faster, again caught up with the Tiangang chariot.

Emperor huaixiu complained incessantly and immediately transferred the Tiangang chariot.

"Tiangang sword dragon Qi!" Emperor Huai Xiu roared.

Everyone's mana was injected into emperor huaixiu's body.

What emperor huaixiu practiced was Tiangang magic skill.

There is also a Leichi in the Tiangang chariot. Leichi is integrated with Tiangang's divine power.

If the enemy takes this chariot, it's really hard to start. You have to convert the thunder pool again!

In the dragon boat, Yingzhen is ready to make a quick decision. It doesn't matter that the Tiangang chariot is damaged immediately. Easy to fix!

I'm afraid that the emperor will come.

The most important thing is to win first.

Along with Yingzhen came two elders of Tianzong, namely ghost elder and ghost elder.

"Help me with all my strength and defeat these children at one stroke!" What a boo to win.

The ghost shadow elder and the ghost witch elder are all masters of the four aspects of the realm of the God King. At this time, they don't say much about it. They try their best to inject the mana into Yingzhen. Yingzhen's eyes are focused, and the mana in his body is integrated with the thunder pool of the turtle Tianzhou.

In the chariot of Tiangang, the Dragon Qi of Tiangang sword comes out like a dragon, like a fog, and like ten thousand swords returning to their ancestors!

Tiangang's fighting spirit is terrifying and dominating the world!

The stegosaurus roared away and killed the tortoise Tianzhou crazily.

The tortoise sky boat whirled violently, and the tortoise armor quickly resisted all the stegosaurus. Then he heard the sound of crackling and killing madly. The gas of Stegosaurus swings in the air and turns into a giant dragon. The Dragon opened its mouth, but it swallowed up the tortoise.

However, not until the Dragon moves

Then he heard a roar, and the turtle sky boat rushed out.The Dragon burst into pieces.

That win is really just a shock, then break the Tiangang sword dragon Qi of emperor Huai Xiu.

This moment, Emperor huaixiu throat a sweet, is spit out a mouthful of blood. Tan Lao, Qing Xuan and the real people in the cemetery all turned pale.

This confrontation, Emperor huaixiu all suffered a lot of damage.

Ying Zhen sneers that he is the leader of a clan. These people are junior in front of him!

What's more, the tortoise Tianzhou is the treasure of heaven and earth. It's a powerful magic weapon to dominate the sky.

Win really again hand, that tortoise day boat of tortoise head suddenly open an eye, follow, open mouth spit out ghost evil spirit essence yuan.


Ghost evil spirit's gasification makes thousands of sharp swords to kill madly!

Every sword power of ghost evil contains the wisdom power of win truth.

Dense, block out the sky!

Emperor huaixiu and others carried enough mana, and the law resisted desperately.

They can't support it.

At this time, the thousand sharp swords of the spirit of the ghost were seized by Yingzhen, and all of them merged together and turned into huge black fingerprints!

The black fingerprint instantly penetrated the Tiangang chariot and entered the Tiangang chariot.

Black fingerprints enter the chariot of Tiangang, and then turn into thousands of ghosts, such as the haunted spirits to Emperor huaixiu and others. Emperor huaixiu and others had already been injured. At this time, these wronged souls had Prajna wisdom.

They immediately feel that they are entangled in a myriad of entanglements, allowing their own magic power to be profound, but they have the pain of falling into a nightmare. If you want to break this nightmare, you can't break it anyway.

Tanlao instantly released Hunyuan Jindou!

Immediately, in Hunyuan Jindou, the Qi of chaos is shown.

Chaos gas quickly isolated many ghosts, and a small number of ghosts were quickly killed by Emperor huaixiu.

Tan Lao became the core at this time and presided over the array of Hunyuan Jindou.

Emperor huaixiu and others sent mana to tanlao.

The present battle is not about one man. You have to work hard to win.

In fact, there is still no chance of winning. It's just a matter of more time.

That wins really sneer, suddenly fist a shock, ghost quickly evacuated Hun yuan Jin Dou.

Ghost has wisdom of Prajna, even Hunyuan Jindou can't trap it.

The next second, the gang chariot actually broke away from the control of emperor huaixiu. Win really in the hand already grasped the sky Gang chariot. The Tiangang chariot shrinks in the space and is finally grasped by Yingzhen.

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