Emperor huaixiu felt that the chariot had been taken away, and he was devastated.

"Ha ha ha!" Yingzhen received the gang chariot that day into the core area of Shengui Tianzhou.

I won a chariot. I'm sure I'll win.

He looked at the Hun yuan Jin Dou in front of him and just gave a cold hum.

With a flash of body, Yingzhen came out of the Shengui Tianzhou and stood on the head of the Shengui Tianzhou.

"Give me a break!" With the help of Yingzhen's big hand, the tortoise Tianzhou's whole body flashed with electric light. Many violent mana, ghost elder, ghost elder, all the way to deliver mana.

Win really powerful to the point of extinction.

His hands condensed a black sword of ghost!

That sword light lightning revolves, direct spiral cut to Hunyuan Jindou.

To win is really to break the Hunyuan gold fight!

Hunyuan Jindou vibrates continuously and kills with the power of a great God. But the ghost ghost sword won't be affected at all.


Soon, cracks appeared on Hunyuan Jindou's gold body. Then, the cracks expanded and spread to all directions.


Hunyuan Jindou burst open, and countless chaotic air floated out.

Tan Lao's face was very white, and he gushed a mouthful of blood.

Emperor huaixiu and others also gushed blood. Their injuries are getting worse

If there is no special ability, in fact, it's the master of the four realms of heaven and nature. In front of Yingzhen, it's also vulnerable.

What's more, today, Yingzhen takes the tortoise Tianzhou and the two elders together.

The younger generation of emperor huaixiu have no resistance.

At this time, Emperor huaixiu finally felt the fear of death. He and Tan Lao tried their best to stand in the void with magic power. Emperor huaixiu said to Yingzhen: "master Yingzhen, we have never interfered with each other. Today, why do you want to kill the younger generation? Do you want to cause a dispute between the two sides? "

Yingzhen's eyes were cold. He took a look at emperor huaixiu and said, "emperor huaixiu, my son is dead. He must be very lonely. You should go with him, too. "

"Brother Yinghong's death has nothing to do with the younger generation!" Emperor huaixiu immediately explained.

"I know exactly what happened that day!" Win really coldly said: "you, can't get away from it. Your sister, they're involved. I'll take you first, and then I'll go to them to settle accounts. "

"Lord!" At this time, the soul chariot came back and forth.

The soul chariot stands, and Qin Dong takes it.

After that, all the injured people, including monk Shanju, Qianlong, kusheng, etc. They will be surrounded by Emperor huaixiu and others, it is called a tight.

Taoist priest Luo Tong rode on his God tiger's back and came to Yingzhen's side.

Ghost shadow elder, ghost sorcerer elder also appeared to win really's side later.

All the elite of guiwangzong appeared here.

Qin Dong and others see Yingzhen together.

Ying Zhen glanced at the crowd, followed by a sneer, and said: "it seems that emperor Shengtian has not come!"

Qin Dong said: "at present, even if emperor Shengtian comes, he can't return to heaven."

Yingzhen said, "the chariot of Tiangang is in my hand." He paused and said: "now, the most important thing is to kill the people of Di Feiyan and catch the lightning beast. After that, there will be no fear in the hall of tranquility! "

Qin Dong said: "only, the patriarch, Chen Yang and others have lost their trace."

Yingzhen waved his hand and said, "I have a way to find them." His eyes to the emperor huaixiu and others.

Emperor huaixiu and others turned pale.

Emperor huaixiu wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy, but he couldn't save face.

Ban juesheng immediately asked Yingzhen, "suzerain, how do you deal with these people?"

Yingzhen said, "in your opinion, what should we do?"

Ban juesheng said: "they are all advanced in cultivation. If they are controlled by Yuanshen bomb, it will add some strength to our ghost King clan."

Yingzhen said: "Yuanshen bomb is not omnipotent. Isn't Qin Dong also hit by Yuanshen bomb? Is he controlled by dreamdust now? There must be special means in the hands of emperor Shengtian! These people, it seems to me, don't have to stay. "

"Yes Pan juesheng said immediately.

"Kill them all?" General juesheng asked again.

Win really swept one eye, finally said: "except that woman stay, the rest of the people, kill!"

There was a chill in his eyes.

Ban juesheng and Qin Dong took action at the same time.

Without waiting for emperor huaixiu to beg for mercy, ban juesheng had already grasped emperor huaixiu's head with one claw. With one pinch, the head burst.

In the body of emperor huaixiu, the magic power surged wildly and the blood burst out.

The essence of the whole body explodes.Later, tanlao was killed by Qindong.

The real person in the cemetery was caught by the ghost elder, and he was born to shrink it. Then he bit it into his mouth several times. Finally, the ghost elder took it alive Yes.

What a miserable death!

As for the ghost wizard elder, he quickly grasped the body fragments of emperor huaixiu and even tanlao, and then inhaled them into his body.

The ghost wizard elder and ghost elder practice the ghost evil skill of ghosts and monsters, so they are not afraid to absorb fragments and bear some karma.

At this moment, the last living Qingxuan, although she is the four fold cultivation of the realm of God and king. But now it's shivering

This scene is so cruel.

She had seen cruelty, but it had never been before.

Win really see to green Xuan, he light says: "kneel down!"

Qingxuan looks at Yingzhen.

She didn't want to kneel down, although the white terror was so frightening to her heart.

Her body continued to tremble.

"On the count of one to three, if you don't kneel down, go to die!" It's straightforward to win. "One Two Three... "

It's a quick count to three.

But Qingxuan didn't kneel down. At the last moment, Qingxuan used the remaining power to explode the spirit. At that moment, she looked at death as if she were home!

"Don't think too much of yourself!" Win really cold hum.

Ghost shadow elder, ghost sorcerer elder hand at the same time, instantly tear green Xuan body open. In order to explode in time, Yuan Shen turned into countless pieces. After that, these fragments were absorbed by the ghost elder and the ghost wizard elder at the same time.

"Next, go after Di Feiyan with all your strength!" Win really also don't have any nostalgia, give orders.

Ban juesheng said: "master, how to pursue?"

"All of you come into the turtle sky boat, and I'll chase you!" He said.

After that, all the people went into the turtle boat.

The tortoise is in the sky boat. Yingzhen chases out quickly.

"Lord, have you found them?" Qin Dong was puzzled.

Ying Zhen said in a deep voice: "the Yuanshen bomb planted in your brain by mengqingchen can make her feel you. We can also sense them through the smell of Yuanshen bomb. The glazed cave is connected with my heart. At this moment, even if she detonates your Yuanshen bomb, I can pursue and kill them with this residual breath. "

"Hum!" Then, Yingzhen sneered again and said, "they are heading for the Dragon planet, and they want to return to the shrine of descent."

"Speed up!" Win really let all the mana together into his body, he quickly urged turtle Tianzhou.

In an instant, the tortoise Tianzhou was extremely excited, the lightning and thunder flashed, and then directly entered the hyperspace.

Chen Yang is riding back to the Dragon Star of Dongxiang Dynasty. Before that, they hid in the dark and witnessed the death of emperor huaixiu and others. Chen Yang didn't particularly want to kill emperor huaixiu. After all, he had to take care of emperor Feiyan's feelings. But in that case, he couldn't help.

If he was injured in order to save emperor huaixiu, or his life was in danger. What you have done is not ridiculous.

Although the speed of Dongxiang is fast to the extreme!

But the speed of Shengui Tianzhou is faster.

This time, the distance between Shengui Tianzhou and Dongxiang is getting closer and closer. If it goes on like this, it will be overtaken by Shengui Tianzhou.

Right now, it's like a race on earth!

The first comparison is the quality of the car, as well as the degree of modification.

If it's all the same, it's going to test the racer's ability.

It is obvious that at present, the cultivation of Ying is far ahead of Chen Yang's group. What's more, win can really absorb people's mana to activate the turtle Tianzhou.

Dongxiang, however, relies on her own energy. Chen Yang can not provide more powerful lightning to Dongxiang.

However, Chen Yang can't In fact, Emperor Fei Yan can.

The situation has reached a critical point.

Chen Yang quickly communicated with the emperor Feiyan in the black hole crystal with his mind.

Emperor Feiyan is still immersed in great sadness. "Feiyan, now we want you to cooperate with Dongxiang. Otherwise, we are afraid that we are going to have a grudge here today."

Although emperor Feiyan is sad, it will not delay the event. Hearing this, he quickly came out of the black hole crystal and rode on Dongxiang's back. Chen Yang immediately got into the black hole crystal.

Emperor Feiyan quickly turned on the power of Dianmu's Heart Sutra, and her whole body flashed with electric light, integrating with Dongxiang. Dongxiang immediately sent out an excited cry, and then, the speed increased again, and the lightning ran forward.

Chen Yang comes to mengqingchen.

Dream light dust is thinking, Chen Yang came, dream light dust asked: "win really why can accurately catch up with us?"

Chen Yang's heart jumped and said, "is it the Yuanshen bomb?"

"Hateful," she said suddenly Then she detonated the Yuanshen bomb.

But all this has been of no help.Dream light dust of course also know this, she felt the rear pursuit, deep voice said: "if this goes on, or will be overtaken."

Chen Yangyi gritted his teeth and said, "well, I'll stop them. Buy time for you and non tobacco. As long as you go back to the temple of God, you will have no worries. "

"How long can you stop it?" Dream light dust said: "now win really around experts, plus win really and his turtle Tianzhou.". I'm afraid you can't even stop for a moment. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices. "

"No!" Chen Yang said, "besides, I can't die."

"No way!" Dream light dust said: "if you fall into the hands of win really, even if you have immortal body, there will be no chance to turn over."

Chen Yang can't help but feel a little annoyed and said, "I didn't expect that emperor Shengtian didn't come."

Dream light dust said: "emperor Shengtian has been concerned, he did not appear, this is too strange."

Chen Yang said: "now emperor huaixiu is dead. If he is really there, he can't be absent."

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