"But anyway, let your brother die, this is not the original intention of me and light dust. I'm sorry Chen Yang finally said.

Di Feiyan was silent. She then forced a smile and said, "I'm a little worried about my father. I'll go back first."

She got up and left.

No matter how emperor huaixiu once wanted to murder emperor Feiyan, Emperor Feiyan was safe in the end. Now, the fact is that emperor huaixiu is dead. Di Feiyan's mood can't be relaxed in a short time.

When Emperor Feiyan left, Meng Qingchen said to Chen Yang, "emperor huaixiu should have died. It's best to die. I don't think there's anything wrong with you. It's too kind of a woman to smoke

Chen Yang said: "I know that at this moment, if the dead is not smoke, the living is emperor huaixiu. So now emperor huaixiu will not have a trace of sadness, but will be ecstatic. But it's not like smoking. Compared with those who have no feelings, those who have feelings will be hurt more. "

Dream light dust smell speech stay a stay, she then bitter smile, said: "you said right, in fact, I am also a person without feelings."

Chen Yang was stunned and embarrassed. But I don't know how to resolve this embarrassment.

"Have a good rest." Dream light dust does not wait for Chen Yang to speak, get up and say: "I went back first."

Chen Yang could not help shouting: "light dust..."

Dream light dust has arrived at the door, smell speech Jiao body slightly tremble, she turned around, light look to Chen Yang, way: "hmm?"

Chen Yang said, "I..."

Dream light dust heart suddenly accelerated beating up. She seldom has such a time. For so many years, she has always been in power and arbitrary. When the sky falls down, she will not be surprised.

But at this moment, she was inexplicably flustered and expected.

She didn't know what she expected Chen Yang to say, but she expected him to say something.

Chen Yang said immediately, "you know, I'm here to help you deal with emperor huaixiu. Now, Emperor huaixiu, Tan Lao and the real person in the cemetery are all gone. There's no need for me to stay here. I thought that when Emperor Shengtian's injury was healed, I should go back to earth. There are many crises and things on the other side of the earth that I need to deal with. "

Dream light dust Jiao body suddenly a shock.

She thought

But she didn't expect Chen Yang to say that.

Her heart rose out of the incomparable death, even a trace of resentment. But all this, dream light dust did not show. She said with a quiet smile, "OK, I see. I'll see you off then! "

Then she turned and left.

Chen Yang sighed as he watched Meng Qingchen's back leave.

Of course, he knows what mengqingchen wants to hear, but how can he say it?

"That's all. I don't have any regrets about this dragon planet. It's impossible to see each other again in the future. Let's forget about it Chen Yang said in silence.

Later, Chen Yang sat on the bed with his knees crossed, meditating.

Three days later, Emperor Shengtian finally went out.

In these three days, Chen Yang hardly talked to Meng Qingchen. Most of the time, Meng Qingchen closed the door to thank guests.

Chen Yang also did not see emperor Feiyan.

In the final analysis, this is a great victory for Chen Yang. Although the process is a little tortuous But the end result is good.

At least, it's good for difiyan.

But it's clear that difiyan doesn't think so.

Chen Yang feels that he has done so much about it. Who is he working for and who is he working for?

Everything about this dragon planet makes Chen Yang feel dull.

Emperor Shengtian was the first to see emperor Feiyan after he left the customs.

No matter how indifferent the practitioner's feelings are, his own children are more intimate than others.

When Di Feiyan saw di Shengtian in his bedroom, she stayed for a while.

Because, my father's accomplishments actually It's a step further.

His breath is obviously different from before, but what's the difference? Emperor Feiyan doesn't say much about it.

But di Feiyan was the master of the five realms of God and king. She could clearly feel that her father was more unfathomable.

"Father, your accomplishments?" Di Feiyan can't believe it.

Emperor Shengtian nodded with a faint smile and said, "that's right. Being a father has finally broken through the shackles of the six peaks of the realm of God of creation and reached the seventh peak of the realm of God of creation."

"Congratulations, father!" Di Feiyan immediately kneels down on one knee and says happily.

Emperor Shengtian smiles.

"The six realms of God and king are the wisdom of Prajna." Emperor Shengtian said: "so if wisdom is the truth of coexistence in the universe, as for the seventh, it is more mysterious."

Di Feiyan said: "in the history of the whole planet, there has never been a seventh level master. Therefore, no one knows what the seventh power is. Father, you are now the first person on the real dragon planet. "Emperor Shengtian said with a faint smile, "what is the first person on the Dragon planet? My father almost fell into the hands of the heavenly devil. Just now I know what it means to have people outside and heaven outside. This time, it's also a great chance for my father. Chen Yang repelled him, but in his father's body he contained the wisdom of the world and the immeasurable power of the demon. My father stayed in the ancient furnace of the abyss for more than a month, and finally fully understood the wisdom of the world and absorbed the power of the demons. "

Although it was only three days outside, it was more than thirty days inside the ancient furnace.

A month outside, a year in the abyss.

The passage of time is extremely slow.

"So, what is the seventh power?" Emperor Feiyan couldn't help asking emperor Shengtian.

"Nirvana Emperor Shengtian said word by word after a long silence.

"Nirvana Emperor Feiyan was slightly surprised, and then she felt thoughtful. After a while, she suddenly realized. I think that's what it should be. "Nirvana, Nirvana is the end and the beginning of everything. It's really higher than Prajna's wisdom I see, I see! It's just, I was thinking. The seventh is nirvana. What are the eighth and ninth? What is the way after the ninth

Emperor Shengtian said, "I can't give you an answer to what you said. Just as we practitioners seem to have boundless powers, turning our hands, destroying heaven and earth. But what are we in the universe? Can we know the edge and the end of the universe? We don't know. Therefore, there will never be an answer to what is the end of practice. "

"Father said it Di Feiyan said.

Emperor Shengtian nodded.

He looked up into the distance. Although he is in his bedroom, he can see through the planet Tyrannosaurus, and his eyes can reach thousands of miles away from the universe.

He then said with a touch of melancholy in his voice: "now, your brother is no longer here. Can the hatred in your heart be eliminated

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