Emperor Fei's body trembled.

The sadness in her heart was unspeakable. In the face of her father's light inquiry, there was an unspeakable pain in her heart.

"Father, believe it or not, I never thought of letting him die. Even if he did anything to kill me. " Di Fei said in a heavy voice.

Emperor Shengtian sighed again and said, "no matter what, he is dead. What's more, it's meaningless. I think it's his life, too. This time, I reminded him, and he knew it in his mind. The only thing that you have missed is that I will be born by the demons. This is what I didn't expect. It's his disaster and an opportunity for his father. "

Emperor Feiyan thought of something and couldn't help asking: "how did you get entangled by the heavenly devil? On this day, is the cultivation of the mage above you? "

Emperor Shengtian couldn't help but smile and said: "his cultivation is more than being a father. A hundred fathers are no match for him in his heyday. "

"What?" Emperor Feiyan couldn't believe it and said, "has his cultivation reached the Ninth level of the realm of God of creation, or even surpassed it?"

Emperor Shengtian said, "it's not like this."

Emperor Feiyan was even more puzzled when he heard the words.

In practice, the deeper you practice, the more you fear and feel that you know little.

Emperor Shengtian was patient, though he lost a son. But if he wants a son, he can have many more. But he got more this time. If you exchange your son and accomplishments, he is absolutely willing. He would even take God's life.

Therefore, at the moment, Emperor Shengtian's mood is actually excited. It's just that he repressed the mood.

Emperor Shengtian patiently said: "the cultivation of the heavenly devil's grandmaster, I'm afraid I also know the five aspects of the realm of God and king of creation!"

"This..." Emperor Feiyan said: "if so, how can he trap you? Why do you say that a hundred of you are not his opponent? "

Emperor Shengtian said: "the road of practice is not all the way forward. This is what my father understood now! Forward is a road, horizontal development, can also be a road. The founder of Tianmo forged Tianmo planet, which is full of vitality. He absorbed the power of the world on the demon planet, and the power of the whole demon planet is in his hands. That's why he's invincible. "

"The world power of a planet?" Di Feiyan said, "how did that happen to him? Can the human body bear such a great power? And does every planet have the power of the world? "

Emperor Shengtian said: "only the living planet can have the power of the world. There is no power of the world on the death star. The power of the world is the lifeblood of a planet. If the planet is powerful, the power of the world will become more powerful. However, how does the power of the world connect with its noumenon. How does a body absorb and bear the power of the world? As a father, I really don't know how to crack it. "

He then laughed again and said, "before my father saw this, I couldn't believe it. I didn't even dare to think about it. But now, facts have proved that this is not only a case. And it has been done by predecessors. "

Di Feiyan is thoughtful. She thinks that this will be a new direction in her practice.

She then said, "you haven't said, how did you meet the heavenly devil?"

Emperor Shengtian said, "I'll drive the chariot of Jiulong for my father and follow huaixiu all the way. Mo DA and Liu Yun, and elder Liu Su follow. Halfway across a cloud of thunder, father's Jiulong chariot was already in hyperspace, but when he passed through the cloud, he was forced to pull in. That day, the mage was trapped in the thunder cloud. At that time, after looking at it, he directly killed Mo Da, Liu Yun and Liu Su. He took a fancy to his father's body and wanted to take it by force. Fight for your father. However, the power of the heavenly devil is too strong Fortunately, it can not be achieved by brute force and mana, but also by the willpower of the father. My father has been in a stalemate with him, but in the end Seeing that he was about to be unable to support himself, he was forcibly taken over by the heavenly devil. That knows this time, for the father sensed Chen Yang's existence, immediately called Chen Yang over

Emperor Shengtian said, "Chen Yang is still good. He came here immediately. In order to save my father, I took a big risk. I'm really lucky to be a father. Although the mage was injured that day, his body was gone. Moreover, at that time, most of the power of the heavenly devil grandmaster entered the body of being a father, and being a father restrained most of his power. Even so, his strength is enough to kill two. It's a lot to win. In other words, in my father's view, no matter who comes, it's a dead end. At that time, he called Chen Yang to come here. He was in the mood of having a try. People were dying and had to struggle to death! Unexpectedly, Chen Yang could not be killed. My father doesn't remember how many times he killed Chen Yang. Chen Yang finally exhausted him. "

When Emperor Feiyan heard this festival, his heart was touched.

The feeling of Chen Yang in her heart is more and more wonderful. Originally, the heart was moving secretly, but it was extinguished because of the light dust of the dream. But now, she thought of her father being saved by himThat must be a strange risk!

But he still went.

Di Feiyan also thinks of the death of her brother di huaixiu. She knows that Chen Yang can't be blamed for that, but she can't let go of it.

Later, di Feiyan said: "it's hard to imagine who can beat the heavenly devil's grandmaster to death."

Emperor Shengtian said: "being a father is a combination of some of the memories of the heavenly demons, but it's very vague. Vaguely see, beat him, beat his flesh body not to exist of person unexpectedly also is earth person

"Earthman?" Emperor Feiyan was slightly stunned when she heard that she was suddenly curious about the mysterious and distant planet of the earth.

Emperor Shengtian said, "it seems that the God devil is not vulnerable to attack in front of the earth people."

"Vulnerable?" Di Feiyan felt hurt in his heart. They used to boast that they were powerful, but now it seems that their own accomplishments are even more vulnerable.

Emperor Shengtian said: "the earth people, from the beginning of Tianzun! Yuanshi Tianzun and Tianmo zushi compete for a mature star core at the same time. It's a big fight. Yuanshi Tianzun killed the Tianmo grandmaster a few times. After that, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't care about the Tianmo grandmaster and left directly. Later, relying on the power of the remnant world, the heavenly devil grandmaster planted thunder clouds to nourish the remnant soul, and then survived. What he wants most now is a strong body. He has a good eye on his father's body. If he succeeds, he will go to a higher level in the future. "

Emperor Fei Yan said: "so it is!" Then she was surprised and said, "is it possible for him to take Mr. Mo DA and their bodies?"

Emperor Shengtian said, "it's no use. It must be to capture those whose accomplishments are equal to or higher than his. Otherwise, the rest of the body can't bear the power of the world. At the same time, the body of the dead is useless. "

Emperor Feiyan was relieved when he heard the words.

Emperor Shengtian then said in a deep voice: "non smoke, go down and get ready. Tomorrow, we'll go to the ghost king. "

"Well?" Emperor Feiyan was slightly surprised, but then he was relieved, and even a kind of revenge came from the bottom of his heart.

That blood debt, of course, also need to pay with blood!

After that, Emperor Shengtian ended his talks with emperor Feiyan. He summoned Chen Yang!

Or in the palace of emperor Shengtian.

It was the first time that Chen Yang came to the palace of emperor Shengtian.

To be able to enter the palace of emperor Shengtian also represents a kind of closeness. However, Chen Yang doesn't care much about this closeness.

When he came to the palace of emperor Shengtian, Emperor Shengtian had already withdrawn his maid.

Chen Yang saw that emperor Shengtian was wearing a purple and gold gown, which revealed a kind of unspeakable authority. His prestige is more powerful than before

Chen Yang knelt down on one knee and said, "see the Lord of the temple!"

Emperor Shengtian nodded faintly and said, "get up and sit down!"

Chen Yang got up and said, "thank you, Lord." Then sit down.

He had already seen that the cultivation of emperor Shengtian had reached a higher level.

If in the past, Chen Yang still has the courage to break hands with emperor Shengtian. But now it's lost time, spars and copper coins of origin. With the improvement of God's cultivation, Chen Yang became completely honest. My heart is no longer ready to move.

After Chen Yang was seated, he was a little nervous. Emperor holy day more let him ponder indecisively, between oneself and him, also can be regarded as the hatred of killing a son. What is the mind of emperor Shengtian?

Chen Yang can't speculate at all.

Also at this time, the emperor opened his mouth. He said faintly: "tomorrow, I will take you to the ghost King clan. The humiliation you have suffered in Yingzhen will be washed away tomorrow. "

After thinking about it, Chen Yang said, "now the temple master has achieved great success. In the battle tomorrow, there is no big difference between having me and not having me. Before I came here, I was afraid that it would be Her brother bullied her. Because they are my enemies. Now, all my grudges are over. It's time to go back to earth. I hope the Lord of the temple can give me permission! "

"You're leaving?" Emperor Shengtian was surprised.

Chen Yang said, "I hope the temple owner will allow me."

Emperor Shengtian's face was a little strange, and said, "since I'm going to leave, why do I have to risk saving my seat before?"

Chen Yang said: "I hope that non smoke can be well, if you are not, the whole hall will usher in the destruction."

Emperor Shengtian said with a smile, "it seems that you really have deep feelings for our daughter Fei Yan. Your mind, I see, there is no reason not to believe! In this case, in my opinion. Then Earth, why do you have to rush back. Why don't we offer you non cigarettes? "

Chen Yang was slightly surprised.

He couldn't help looking up at the emperor.

Chen Yang knows that now is not the day. On that day, Emperor Shengtian was besieged by the demons and ancestors, so he naturally lowered his voice. But now, Emperor Shengtian is in power.

Emperor Shengtian is an absolute old fox.

And Chen Yang naturally is not a lengtouqing who knows nothing.

Chen Yang said that he wanted to leave. It was sincere and tentative

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