Meng Qingchen took a breath and said, "third, your father has already killed Chen Yang."

"How is that possible?" Di Feiyan was surprised, she said: "I talked with my father, between the words, he expressed his thanks to Chen Yang."

Meng Qingchen shook his head and said: "non smoke, your character is not suitable to mix in the monastic world. You should be glad that you have such a family and father, and you have good talent. Otherwise, there will be no scum left. Your father's intention to kill Chen Yang is very hidden, but I can feel it. If he doesn't do it now, he still has scruples. But I don't know what to worry about. I'm afraid that after finishing cleaning up and winning, he will attack Chen Yang. Chen Yang's weakness has been completely exposed. By your father's means, how can Chen Yang have a chance to live? "

Di Feiyan immediately said, "I'm going to ask my father."

"No smoke!" Dream light dust quickly stop, said: "this matter can ask? Your father can get rid of you in a word. He will say no, and he will know that I am telling you this. After that, he even wanted to kill me. "

Emperor Feiyan said: "but..."

Dream light dust said: "nothing but, do you think, I'm provoking you?"

Di Feiyan said, "of course I believe you."

Meng Qingchen said, "if I can, I really want to leave with Chen Yang. Anyway, you're in no danger at the shrine. But now, in this case, as long as we try to eliminate the breath of the temple of descent, or just leave. Your father will know immediately. I'll see if we have a chance to leave when we go to win tomorrow. If so, I will immediately choose to leave this land of right and wrong with Chen Yang. If you don't have this opportunity, I'm afraid it will be even harder in the future. "

Di Feiyan said: "even if I die, I will never let my father touch you."

"Don't be silly, it's not smoke." Meng Qingchen said, "your father really wants to kill us. You can't stop him. He can do it behind your back. After we die, he can prevaricate with you. What can you do? To kill him and avenge us? "

Di Feiyan's back was in a cold sweat.

"Why? Why does it have to be like this? " Emperor Feiyan muttered to himself.

Dream light dust said: "I specially come to tell you this today, not to alarmist. I want to help myself We need your help. "

Di Feiyan immediately said: "you say."

Dream light dust heavy voice said: "the origin of copper coins and time crystal stone fell in the hands of win really.". On that day, we were the only three people who had seen the origin of copper coin and the power of time crystal. So your father didn't know the power of it. At that time, you must find a way to help Chen Yang get these two things back. Chen Yang has said that it is impossible to mobilize the power of time crystal in a short time. Therefore, these two magic weapons may be chicken ribs in your father's eyes. You have to ask for it cleverly. "

Di Feiyan said, "OK, I understand. I know what to do

Dream light dust said: "this is Chen Yang's only chance to live. His life depends on you."

Emperor Fei smoke heavy key head, said: "well."

After that, di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen did not continue to talk. Di Feiyan left. She intended to see Chen Yang. But dream light dust told emperor non smoke, don't go to see now, otherwise too obvious.

Emperor Feiyan heard into the heart, also did not go to see Chen Yang.

It was a long night for Chen Yang.

Mengqingchen is acutely aware of Chen Yang's crisis.

Of course, Chen Yang also felt his own crisis. He had a bitter smile in his heart. All this was really caused by himself.

If we didn't come back with difeiyan, we would have been on earth with our wife and children.

But at that time, the situation of emperor Feiyan was difficult. I brought in the dream dust again

We are partners and friends of life and death. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult for him to walk away.

It's not his character!

This time, the biggest problem is the death of emperor huaixiu.

Even if he saved the emperor, the emperor got great benefits. But the death of emperor huaixiu will always be a thorn in the heart of emperor Shengtian. Then, for the emperor, of course, it is necessary to pull out this thorn.

Chen Yang clearly knows that saving emperor Shengtian may face such a situation.

But he still saved emperor Shengtian, at any risk to save emperor Shengtian.

Because Chen Yang can't let go of his friends. Without the emperor's holy heaven, the temple of God will be destroyed.

Emperor Feiyan and mengqingchen will have nowhere to live.

There is also the good spirit month, and those children who are still in the heart may be greatly affected.

Therefore, Chen Yang chose to save emperor Shengtian when he knew that he would be in a desperate situation.

In life, there are always many difficult choices.

Some people choose to do it for their own interests, while others choose to do it for the interests of the majority.Some people are selfish, others choose tolerance and compassion!

It's a sleepless night.

Chen Yang came to the courtyard at the middle of the moon.

The luminescent body in the sky is similar to the moon, but it is also called Silver Star on this dragon planet!

Silver Star itself is not light, all by the star light refraction.

The earth is silver and gray.

The flowers in the courtyard are also covered with a layer of silver gray color, and some dewdrops make the flowers add a little bit of cold.

Chen Yang doesn't want to talk about these troubles with Meng Qingchen.

He deliberately kept a distance from mengqingchen. First of all, he doesn't want to have an emotional relationship. Second, Chen Yang also knows his current situation. He doesn't want to be involved in mengqingchen.

At this time, in the gorgeous palace next door, dream light dust like a sleepless night.

She happened to be standing in the courtyard.

Chen Yang felt the existence of dream light dust, and dream light dust also felt Chen Yang's existence.

They looked at the silver star in the sky together, but there was no communication or superfluous words between them.

At this time, they communicate with each other, and the emperor will never find out.

But sit facing each other in silence!

At this time, Chen Yang is like a lonely traveler.

Dream light dust but feel, in the heart of Chen Yang more and more three-dimensional.

This man is the real strange man she has seen in her life. No one has such a great personality.

Meng Qingchen thinks that only the word "great" can describe Chen Yang's personality.

It's morning.

The sky showed a trace of fish belly white.

Soon, there was a touch of purple in the clouds.

Gradually, the red sun shines from the clouds in the East, setting off the day in all directions. Finally, the red sun finally jumps out of the shackles of the clouds and rises slowly from the East.

The morning wind blowing in the morning makes people relaxed and happy!

However, at this time, Emperor Shengtian began to summon.

In Chen Yang, dream light dust and other master's brain domain, all sounded the voice.

"Come to the platform!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Chen Yang went out of the courtyard.

Dream light dust also out of the courtyard, two people meet

"Let's go!" Dream light dust light said.

Chen Yang nodded.

They walk side by side and communicate with each other.

Dream light dust first said: "you should not save the emperor holy heaven."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. He said, "do you see the emperor's intention?"

Dream light dust said: "his performance is not very obscure."

Chen Yang said: "I really shouldn't have saved him, but if he doesn't come back alive. What do you do? Lingyue, they will not feel better. "

Dream light dust said: "big deal, we can leave the Dragon planet. But now, can you escape the palm of the emperor's hand? "

Chen Yang said: "I really didn't expect that he could break through to the seventh. I thought, even if he comes back alive. He also needs to employ people, and we can help him deal with win Zhen. But now, it's too late to say anything. "

Dream light dust said: "emperor Shengtian died a son, but broke through to the seventh heavy.". In his own mind, he estimated that he would be a hundred. But he won't let you go. "

Chen Yang said: "when he saved him before, he said that I was not to blame for the death of emperor huaixiu. I believe that it may be true. But now, if you want to pull out my thorn, it's obviously true. How can a peerless master who dominates the planet allow a son killing enemy to survive

Dream light dust said: "it seems that all this, you understand very well in your heart!"

Chen Yang said, "of course I understand."

Dream light dust said: "you must get back the origin of copper coins and time crystal stone."

"I think of that too," Chen said

Mengqingchen said: "I have already told Feiyan that emperor Shengtian doesn't know the magic function of time crystal and origin copper coin. There's still a great possibility of getting it back. "

Chen Yang said with a wry smile, "if it's not for the smoke, I will fall out with emperor Shengtian in the future and let me kill emperor Shengtian again. I'm afraid he'll hate me. "

"Do you want to pity her? If you die, think about your wife and children. Is it her hatred or the pain of your wife and children that matters Dream light dust said coldly.

Chen Yang said: "don't worry, which is more important, I have a ruler in my heart. Since emperor Shengtian has moved the idea of killing, of course, I will not be a woman again. I will do anything to survive! My kindness is limited to what I can do. If you want me to fill it with my life, I won't do it either. "

Meng Qingchen nodded, she said: "today he duels with Yingzhen. If we have a chance, we can also ride Dongxiang to leave. I will discuss with Feiyan... "Chen Yang said: "I don't think it's right. I suspect Dongxiang has been cheated by Emperor Shengtian. Maybe Dongxiang himself doesn't know that it's impossible for such a smart man as emperor Shengtian not to guard against this. "

Dream light dust heart next surprised, said: "I didn't think of this, or you thoughtful."

Chen Yang smiles bitterly again.

While talking, they finally came to the platform.

The Dragon chariot is already in the middle of the platform.

However, the emperor has not come yet.

On the platform, most of the disciples didn't come.

They are all teachers.

There are about thirty of them, most of them are bronze and gold.

There are also Xuanjin masters like cangnu.

In addition, there were also some absent master Xuanjin who came here this time.

As soon as Chen Yang saw it, he saw three more Xuanjin masters on the stage.

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