In this battle with Yingzhen, it is absolutely profitable for the emperor Shengtian. But for the shrine, it was a heavy loss. At the loss of Qingxuan, Mr. Moda has two supreme elders. Emperor huaixiu, chariot, tanlao, real person in the cemetery, these are the backbone of the descending temple!

Today, only Chen Yang, di Feiyan, Meng Qingchen, cangnu and the three Xuanjin masters on that stage are left in the hall of descending. The three Xuanjin masters are Wuxu, Daoxu and Tianqiong.

These three real people are not the original inhabitants of the Dragon planet. They came from the void of the universe and then submitted to the emperor. However, the three of them often go out, so Chen Yang didn't meet them last time.

When Chen Yang saw the three real people, he knew their identities. After all, there are records of every Xuanjin master in Shanhai Pavilion. Although these three are real people, they are not people on earth. Real people, Taoists, do not belong to the earth alone.

Tao may not have been invented by the earth. It's coming from the sky to the earth But maybe it's the earth that has the Tao, which is introduced into the universe.

It's more likely that Taichu has a way!

That is to say, there is a way in the universe, spreading all over the sky.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen also came to the platform.

The bronze master, the gold master and the black gold master all attended the ceremony. Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen nodded slightly, which was also polite.

Wuxu three real people also look at Chen Yang and mengqingchen.

They immediately came over, and Wuxu real man said with a smile: "I have heard the reputation of master Chen Yang and master Qingchen. Today, I see that he is really an extraordinary person. "

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are at once modest.

Later, the real man of Daoxu sighed and said, "this time, the ghost King clan mobilized people without any reason to kill the famous temple disciples. I can't bear it. We need to work together to share our worries for the temple master! "

"That's nature," Chen Yang said He didn't really want to win or lose. If guiwangzong was easily disintegrated, his life would be difficult.

Chen Yang said in his heart: "in the crystal of time, for the first time, people can see the situation in the next three days. I don't know if win can crack this layer. If he can crack it, maybe it can be saved. However, perhaps, after being continuously urged by me for a long time, time crystal can no longer see the situation in the next three days. "

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen didn't wait long. After that, di Feiyan and di Shengtian came to the field together. They came slowly from the other side.

Emperor Feiyan, dressed in white, followed emperor Shengtian. The emperor wears a purple and gold robe

No one else knows about the breakthrough of emperor Shengtian.

At this time, Emperor Shengtian came slowly, and people immediately looked to the other side of emperor Shengtian.

Under the sun, there are layers of aperture around the back of the emperor. Everyone's eyes are difficult to open, the light is too dazzling, it seems that the emperor has been with heaven.

"Temple master, breakthrough!"

"My God

At this moment, all the people knelt down.

Even Chen Yang has an urge to worship.

In fact, it seems that there is only one difference between the power of the king and the power of heaven.

Emperor Shengtian came to Jiulong chariot and sat down safely.

His eyes were indifferent, and he said in a low voice, "you don't have to be polite. Let's all get up!"

Everybody up!

Emperor Shengtian nodded, then said: "win true child, dare to kill my son, take my chariot. The revenge must be avenged! I'm determined to go out immediately and step down the ghost King clan. Dear generals, would you like to go out with me? "

"I'm willing to go!" They said immediately.

If so, they have to hesitate!

But now, the Lord of the temple, the holy heaven, has been cultivated to such an extent that they have nothing to hesitate about.

"Good!" As soon as emperor Shengtian waved his hand, the chariot of Jiulong was immediately covered with a layer of golden shield. At the same time, a golden gate appeared.

And they went in.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen finally meet with di Feiyan.

Then, the chariot of Jiulong rose up and flew to guiwangzong.

On the way, di Feiyan communicates with Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen. "I have already communicated with Dongxiang. She will send you away first. However, she doesn't want to be separated from the child, so after that, you should let her back. "

Chen Yang said, "has your father seen Dongxiang these days?"

Emperor Feiyan was slightly stunned, and then said, "my father met Dongxiang this morning."

Chen Yang's heart sank.

Meng Qingchen said to di Feiyan directly, "we can't leave. Dongxiang must have been manipulated by your father. It's good that we don't run away. If we run away, your father will have a good reason to kill us immediately. "

"Ah?" Di Feiyan was surprised. She said immediately, "it's impossible. Dongxiang is full of thunder and lightning. Any idea and so on, she can directly quenchChen Yang said faintly, "she can quench our thoughts. But I'm afraid no one can quench your father's cultivation. "

Di Feiyan was speechless. She thought about it and said, "it's just your guess."

Chen Yang said: "yes, it's really speculation. But what your father did was to guard against me. Otherwise, in the morning, why do you suddenly meet Dongxiang? Because he has already expected that we may escape when he is fighting with Yingzhen. "

Emperor Feiyan said: "this..."

"We should act according to the circumstances," Chen said. This is my crisis, you and light dust do not interfere in it

He is willing to help his friends. But when he is in trouble, he is not willing to involve his friends.

Di Feiyan took a deep breath and said in a sincere voice: "I will never allow my father to kill you unless I will die

Chen Yang felt the sincerity of emperor Feiyan. He was slightly moved, but he didn't say anything more.

In the blink of an eye, Jiulong chariot has crossed the vast sea area and come to the sky of guiwangzong.

The golden gate of the Jiulong chariot opened, and everyone went out of the chariot.

When Emperor Shengtian waved his hand, the Nine Dragons of Jiulong chariot suddenly soared, and they bloomed with endless golden light. The golden light turned into golden scales in the sky. Finally, the golden scales formed a sky curtain. The tomb covered the sky and covered the earth, and covered the whole area of a thousand miles in an instant.

The whole area of Tianzong is covered with golden scale armor!

Chen Yang's field of display, Dongtian, is a mysterious space.

But today, the emperor is directly shrouded in entity!

This method is really eye opening.

Including Yingzhen, although the spirit of ghost and evil he exerted can be turned into substance. But in the end, it's mana. The golden scale armor, however, seems to have gone beyond the category of magic illusory, beyond the magic, and become a real thing.

It is not a kind of thing of Yuan Shen, but a kind of thing that actually exists in heaven and earth!

This is the means of the emperor!

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