All over the sky, gold scale armor covers the whole area for thousands of miles. This is not only the means to create the seven fold realm of God, but also the power of Nirvana!

Emperor Shengtian stood respectfully behind him.

He was just a simple display, and people already felt the horror of his cultivation.

Ba long planet, it has never been heard that anyone can cultivate to the seventh level!

Emperor Shengtian and Yingzhen are the most outstanding people after the ancient war on the Dragon planet, but they have stayed on the sixth level for hundreds of years. For hundreds of years, there has been no progress!

It is also because of this that the descending temple and the ghost King sect have always maintained a balance of strength.

But now, Emperor Shengtian has broken through.

This is definitely the disaster of guiwangzong!

"Win true child, get out and die!" Emperor Shengtian yelled.

His sound wave is like a long river, surging and rolling, and it is transmitted to every corner of the golden scale armor.

The sound waves are rolling back and forth for a long time.

Those who are weak in cultivation can no longer bear such attacks.

Guiwangzong responded quickly.

At this moment, he didn't run away. He didn't want to run away. He killed himself and took the chariot. Then he got the crystal stone and the origin copper coin. Immediately back to the ghost king!

Qin Dong has a suggestion to win really, immediately go to attack and kill the temple.

Ying Zhen was not in a hurry, but said, "if something happens to Emperor Sheng, the temple of God is just something in the bag. If there is nothing wrong with emperor Shengtian, I will study the magic weapon in my hand first, and then I will have a better chance of winning. As long as there is the emperor in the temple, we don't have to rush to attack and kill. "

So these days, Ying Zhen is studying the time spar and the origin of copper coins.

That day, he asked Qin Dong and ban juesheng to study and repair the chariot. If all refining is finished, Yingzhen has promised banjuesheng that he will give it to banjuesheng.

Taoist priest Luo Tong asked Yingzhen to resign.

But Yingzhen didn't agree. He said, "the relationship between us and the Taoist priest has been going on all the time, but the Taoist priest doesn't work hard every time. Is this the way to repay the original relationship?"

"What do you want with that idea?" he said

Yingzhen said: "it's very simple. In the future, I will go to attack and kill the shrine. When the time comes, the Taoist priest will make a contribution to it

Luo Tong also wanted to finish the matter quickly, so Wen Yan agreed.

Yingzhen studied the time spar for three days. The inner river of the time spar has been waving. So, win really didn't see the next three days from it. This is probably the real fate of winning!

As for the origin of copper coins, he has been unable to control it!

This makes win really angry. He thinks there must be a ghost in it. We must grasp Chen Yang and ask him clearly.

At this time, Yingzhen is closing her eyes.

The movement from the outside world startled him in an instant.

Then, the sound waves of the emperor came.

Win really this just really surprised.

"He broke through?" It's incredible and unbelievable to win. "How is that possible? How is that possible? "

Yingzhen was originally ambitious. At this time, he felt the cultivation of emperor Shengtian. His heart suddenly all cool, secret way: "today, is the end of this seat has arrived?"? No, I can't wait to die! "

Yingzhen immediately called to Taoist priest Luo Tong.

Mayor roton, come quickly.

When they met in the secret room, Luo Tong said, "Lord, the emperor has come. His accomplishments seem to be It's a breakthrough. We are no match

Yingzhen said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that he broke through. If it had been, it would not have been life and death. But now, I have killed his son. This resentment is doomed to be unable to resolve. Taoist priest, you should pay back the favor you owe me. "

Roton frowned. He didn't quite understand what winning really meant. When the sinking voice said: "what does the suzerain want me to do?"

Yingzhen said: "I know that your God tiger has the power of wonderful space. If I hide in his inner space, I'm afraid that even the emperor and the heaven will not be able to detect it. I want to hide in it and muddle through to see if I have a chance to escape. "

Luo Tong was surprised and said, "if the LORD goes to war, we can still fight. If you run away from them, how can they fight? "

Yingzhen shook his head and said, "Taoist priest, it's not that I don't want to fight. You don't know what that means. But I know! No matter whether we go out or not, the ghost King clan has no power to fight. For now, I just want to escape from the planet. If we can break through by chance in the future, we will have the courage to come back for revenge! "

Without further thought, he said, "well, it's urgent. Come into the tiger

Tears flashed in Yingzhen's eyes.

True love in need!At this time, he couldn't believe it. But he trusted him because he believed in his character.

"And the Lord?"

"Why don't you see the master at this time?"

"The cultivation of emperor Shengtian has broken through. Now, he is the absolute first person on the Dragon planet. It's not just the first person in front of you. No one has been able to practice the seventh level since ancient times! "

"Isn't our Lord already gone?"

It's a mess in the ghost King clan. Those disciples with low accomplishments don't feel anything, they just feel that a strong enemy is coming, but their patriarch will certainly resist the attack.

But those masters with high cultivation are very clear in their hearts!

Many experts are looking for the whereabouts of win.

However, there was no news.

Soon, there are already experts flying out.

The first one to fly out was Qin Dong, the dragon in white. Qin Dong drove the soul chariot to the front of emperor Shengtian and others.

Qin Dong knelt down and said, "little man, congratulations to the Lord of the temple for breaking through the seventh level of the God of nature and becoming the first person in the world of dragon. Such a magnificent master. I'm willing to follow the master and be loyal to him from now on

He has a good sense of current affairs.

"Where is your Lord?" Emperor Shengtian looked at emperor Shengtian and asked each other faintly.

At this moment, there is no one who looks down on Qin Dong.

Because, the strength gap between each other is too big. Who is willing to die in vain when they reach such a state?

Qin Dong said in a deep voice: "master Yingzhen has no idea what he is going to do. I think it's because of your divine power. He knows he is invincible and tries to escape."

"He didn't go!" Emperor Shengtian said lightly: "I can clearly feel that he is in the Jiulong array of Dharma. I just don't know how he hid it. "

Qin Dong said, "this The villain is willing to introduce all the affairs of the ghost King clan to the Lord of the temple and help you find the real Lord. "

"You don't care about the old days!" The emperor said with a smile.

He was actually content.

Now it's really over ten thousand people. When he comes, even a master like Qin Dong, the dragon in white, has to kneel down to please him.

Qin Dong said: "it's not that the villains don't care about the old love, but that the people in the cultivation of Taoism fly separately in the face of disaster. Now the Lord has been hiding, whether we live or die. Then we have to find a way to live, and hope the patriarch can give the villain this opportunity. "

Emperor Shengtian said with a smile, "well, Qin Dong, you know the current affairs very well. Besides, you are the first one to come out and join us. I will not humiliate you or kill you. But how you want to win the trust of this seat depends on your performance. "

Qin Dong said: "villain, at this moment, is the man who has come to the temple, and is the dog of the Lord of the temple. Whoever you want the villain to kill, the villain will kill at once. "

Emperor Shengtian laughed.

At the same time, the ghost King masters who secretly observed came out one after another.

Blood hand man devil, Qianlong scholar, lethal Xiushi, ghost elder, ghost elder all come out and kneel down to take refuge.

Including the ghost king, the rest of the master, as long as it is on the number of row, all come out to surrender.

Even the bosses have surrendered. What else can they insist on?

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen's heart has sunk. This situation is unexpected!

At first, they thought that winning was really a fight, but they knew that they didn't have the courage to win.

Facing the surrender of many experts, Emperor Shengtian glanced at the past, but he didn't accept it immediately.

Many experts all kneel in the air, the atmosphere dare not.

Chen Yang has also been observing the crowd, he found that among those who came, there was no Taoist priest Luo Tong. He said in his heart, "is Taoist priest Luo Tong gone? If you go, it's the best. "

"Father, that day, my brother was killed by ban juesheng. He hasn't come yet Di Feiyan said to di Shengtian.

"Good!" Emperor Shengtian nodded and said, "everyone, go and catch ban juesheng and get back the Tiangang chariot. After these two things are done, I will accept your surrender. "

Many experts are ready to go out immediately.

At this moment, a figure flashed in the air.

The coming is just like the unique life.

Ban juesheng was dressed in a long blue shirt. His face was solemn and dignified. He came slowly from the void, which was also quite powerful.

At this time, he came to the emperor.

The masters of the ghost King clan made way for him.

Ban juesheng said directly: "Lord of the temple, Emperor huaixiu was really killed by me. But that day, it was the order of the Lord. But, having said that, I also know that today I may not be able to live. I could have destroyed the Tiangang chariot, but if you think about it, don't embarrass the brothers who work together. Chariot, back to you. I'll do whatever you want! "

Then, pan juesheng handed over the Tiangang chariot.Emperor Shengtian put the gang chariot into Jiulong chariot.

"You are very honest!" Emperor holy day light said. He paused and said: "you can take the initiative to come out and return the Tiangang chariot. I can't kill you! "

General juesheng was stunned. He couldn't believe it. Then he knelt down and said, "if the Lord can forgive my sin, I will serve the LORD with all my life's loyalty."

Emperor Shengtian said with a faint smile: "although huaixiu was killed by you, you are just the one holding the sword. I won't blame you. I can tell right from wrong. "

He then scanned the audience and continued, "you said that you will always be loyal to us. I don't believe in Because no matter you, or this seat, or the people behind this seat. We are all practitioners... "

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