The voice of emperor Shengtian was loud and powerful, and he continued: "because we are all practitioners, we all know what it means to die. We don't care about loyalty, we just give in to the strong, because this is the iron and blood law of the practitioners and the spiritual world! "

Emperor Shengtian then said: "so, here today, you are loyal to me. This is the right choice that every monk will choose. No one has the right to laugh at you, because no matter who stands in your position, they will make the same choice! From now on, you are officially my people who came to the temple. If someone surpasses us in the future and you want to join us, we will also send you there. Because, this is the rule, this is our inferior skill. "

"We pledge our allegiance to the Lord of the temple to the death!" All the masters of the ghost King clan were immediately grateful and swore again.

It has to be said that emperor Shengtian's words greatly gave these experts face.

Whether they are despicable or not, it is always dishonorable for them to turn their back on the old and take refuge in the new. But emperor Shengtian dispelled all their worries. What's more, it's also the truth from everyone's heart.

At this point, who has the right to look down upon who? Would you be able to fight to the death if you were the master who came to the temple? What's more, even after winning, they are still working hard? Isn't that a fool?

Are there any idiots in the world of monasticism? Of course not! Because a fool can't practice Taoism.

There is only selfishness and cruelty in the world of monasticism. Live!

In fact, even in nature, it is the same for living beings to survive.

Chen Yang saw that emperor Shengtian did not kill him, so his heart did not relax. He understood that the emperor was just acting.

That is to say, please follow me. You can let bygones be bygones, let alone you.

Besides, ban juesheng is just an executor!

The real culprit is Chen Yang!

And win, really!

Emperor Shengtian will never let go of Yingzhen. Similarly, he will never let go of himself. Chen Yang is very clear about this.

Di Feiyan saw that di Shengtian had forgiven him. She stayed for a while, then anger flashed in her eyes. But now, in front of so many people, she dare not say anything. She knows the rules.

It was also at this time that another person came out of the heaven sect of the ghost King sect. It was Luo Tong who came. Luo Tong stepped on the clouds and soon came to Emperor Shengtian and others.

"I'm willing to be loyal to the Lord from now on." At this moment, roton also chose to compromise and knelt down.

"Roton?" Emperor Shengtian looked at Luo Tong. He looked at Luo Tong for a moment and said, "I've heard of you. You still have a tiger. Each of you is a tiger. You have a lot of skills! "

Luo Tong immediately said: "the temple master is flattered. Compared with the temple master, I'm not as good as I should be."

This makes emperor Shengtian very comfortable and comfortable.

He nodded and said, "it's very good that Taoist priest can come to us. We are very welcome."

Chen Yang looks at Taoist priest Luo Tong. He is worried about the safety of Luo Tong. At present, I see that the leader of Luo's passage is not pedantic. Instead, he will surrender directly. He could not help but breathe a little relief.

Later, Emperor Shengtian said, "Taoist priest, please get up. In addition, let me have a look at your tiger."

He stood up and said, "yes."

Later, he released the tiger.

That God tiger is really majestic, standing in the void, sweeping around, has the majesty of the king of beasts. However, when the tiger's eyes to the emperor there, immediately drooped down.

This is not a flattery, but a rule!

It is the natural law of the weak in front of the strong!

It is the intelligent human beings who meet the strong.

At this time, Emperor Shengtian suddenly sneered.

His sneer made all the people present tremble. Today's emperor holy heaven is too dignified.

Emperor Shengtian first gave a sneer, and then, suddenly, he bent his fingers.

A sword light cuts out instantly!

This sword light was aimed at the God tiger. Taoist priest Luo Tong couldn't help but lose his color. He didn't think much about it, so he immediately shot it. See Luo Tong body shape a turn, appeared directly in front of the God tiger. Then, with a wave of the long sword in his hand, he cut the light of the sword that popped up to Emperor Shengtian!


At that moment, the long sword in the hand of Taoist priest Luo Tong was Daoling sword.

This Dao Ling sword is Zhang Dao Ling's personal sword, which is extremely powerful. But at this moment, Taoist priest Luo Tong only felt that the other side's sword light had endless power. That power is like a wild beast, devouring everything, attacking everything.

Roton summoned up all his mana to dissolve it. But soon, the light of the sword seemed to be exhausted. Suddenly, it was as strong as dead wood.


Take a picture, Luo Feiling can't catch the sword directly.At this time, Emperor Shengtian suddenly waved his sleeve.

Roton immediately felt a huge force in front of him, which was very wonderful. It was like he suddenly felt small.

Before he had time to think too much, he had been knocked out and then turned upside down in the air.

As soon as he turned, he flew to the tiger. At this time, his face was pale and his mouth was bleeding.

Emperor Shengtian's eyes are cold.

But the crowd was appalled.

All the people at the scene knew the skill of roton. But emperor Shengtian just like that. With a wave of his big hand, he hurt Luo Tong.

All of them are frightened. This seven fold skill of making God King is so powerful and terrible!

"Do you know sin, roton?" The emperor said coldly.

With a sad smile, he stopped quibbling. He already knew that the hiding place of Yingzhen was not hidden from emperor Shengtian after all.

"The main killers in the hall are to be cut. Please follow me!" Said roton in a deep voice.

Chen Yang's heart sinks.

He seemed to understand something at this time.

Not only he understood, but also the experts on the scene understood.

Luo Tong then said: "Lord, this beast has followed me for many years. He is a good beast. It is innocent, you keep it, but also as a good magic weapon. Please... "

"Good!" The emperor agreed to roton.

But at this time, boom, the tiger suddenly burst out

At that moment, Luo Tong saw that his eyes were red and his canthus were about to crack.

"Ah Bai!" Roton hissed.

In the scene, there was already one more person, who was in a black robe, solemn and dignified. It was the leader of the ghost King sect that won Zhen.

Yingzhen was originally hidden in the body space of Shenhu. However, when he came out, he directly burst the Shenhu.

At this moment, Luo Tong was extremely remorseful. He felt that he should say "righteousness" in order to win such a person. It was ridiculous and pathetic. It's not only the tiger that killed itself, but also the God that killed itself.

"Win really, you are willing to get out at last." Emperor holy day sneer to see to win really, say.

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