Win really looked up to the emperor holy days, he said with a sad smile: "unexpected, but you are the first to break a step."

Emperor Shengtian laughed and said, "you are wrong. It's not one step ahead, it's countless. I'll give you another 100 years. Can you make a breakthrough? "

"Will you give me a hundred years?" Win really smell speech, immediately hot heart up. He hoped that emperor Shengtian would be conceited enough to give him a hundred years.

"Of course not!" Di Shengtian immediately put out the fire of winning the real hope.

Yingzhen said: "it seems that no matter what I say or do, you will not let me go today."

Emperor Shengtian said, "that's right!"

"Good, good!" Yingzhen said, "I'm not the only one who caused your son's death. I hope you don't forget who set the trap that day. "

Chen Yang was speechless.

It's a dog's day. I don't forget to prescribe medicine to Lao Tzu when I'm dying.

Emperor holy day smell speech, light say: "these things, already don't bother you."

Win really said: "today, I am not your opponent. But I can't do it without my hands. In that case, I will fight to the death. But before I fight you, I want to have a word with a man

"Yes? Who is it? " Emperor Shengtian was slightly surprised.

Yingzhen pointed to Chen Yang behind emperor Shengtian and said, "that's him, Chen Yang. My son Yinghong was killed by him. "

"What do you want to say to him?" Emperor Shengtian said, "if you have anything to say, just say it now."

Chen Yang also looks at Yingzhen. Yingzhen also looked at Chen Yang and said, "you killed my son. Before I die, I can give you two things. That's what you have, but only if you're going to fight me! "

Chen Yang's heart moved, he said: "if you say the two things I want, I can consider a war with you."

Yingzhen said, "yes, it's what you want."

Chen Yang immediately said to Emperor Shengtian, "Lord, please allow me."

Emperor Shengtian said, "two things? What is it? "

Yingzhen said: "two kinds of treasures, is it true that emperor Shengtian, you are so cultivated, do you still want to touch his treasures? If you want to touch your fingers, you can. After we finish the duel, you can do whatever you want

"Joke!" Emperor Shengtian sneered and said, "how can I be such a person?"

After a pause, he said, "Chen Yang, do you really want to fight him?"

Chen Yang said: "report back to the temple master, although he is a master of the six realms of heaven and king, his subordinates have their own means. If you don't kill him, there's no problem with self-protection. "

"Is it?" Emperor Shengtian said with a smile, "well, it's rare that you have such courage. I'd like to see it today."

Chen Yang immediately said, "thank you, Lord of the temple!"

Then, Chen Yang stood in front of Yingzhen.

Win really a raise hand, that time crystal, origin copper coin then at the same time toward Chen Yang shot. Chen Yang just raised his hand, and then grabbed the origin of copper coins and time crystal into the black hole crystal.

Now all these changes are unexpected.

One side of the dream light dust see, heart secretly happy.

She is also a human spirit. Of course, she knows what's going on.

This is win really in a desperate struggle, win really is not really want to duel with Chen Yang. But want to cooperate with Chen Yang, escape this situation.

Win really eat the attitude of emperor holy heaven, originally emperor holy heaven also want to see what he said two magic weapon is. But win really took words to excite the emperor. Chen Yang said that there are means to deal with Yingzhen This is the most important point.

Emperor Shengtian has long had the heart to deal with Chen Yang, but he has always been afraid of Chen Yang.

Originally, after emperor Shengtian arrived at Qichong, he had less and less concerns about Chen Yang.

But at this moment, Chen Yang actually said that he had the ability to fight against the six realms of God and king.

This aroused the emperor's curiosity.

At present, Emperor Shengtian just wants to see what hidden skills Chen Yang has.

In the middle of the scene, everyone stepped back.

Chen Yang is opposite to Yingzhen.

At this moment, Yingzhen sacrificed the turtle Tianzhou. The tortoise sky boat spewed the spirit of ghost in an instant. All of a sudden, the ghost shadow was heavy, flying all over the sky, blocking the sky!

Chen Yang was completely covered in the ghost.

Chen Yang also launched the black hole crystal, mysterious and strange space, and also shrouded the ghost.

At this moment, the outside world can't see what happened inside.

Even if the emperor's cultivation is such, he can't see through the situation.

"Yingzhen, you have made it clear that emperor Shengtian is more suspicious of me!" Chen Yang and Ying really didn't start, but they stood opposite each other peacefully.

Chen Yang first asked Yingzhen.Yingzhen sneered and said, "I don't know how much you know about Emperor Shengtian, but I know enough about him. No matter what you do, no matter how loyal, he will suspect you. So what's wrong with more suspicion now. "

Chen Yang is speechless.

Yingzhen said, "you should know what I gave you back. It's something you can live in! "

Chen Yang immediately said: "first, this thing is mine. Second, even if you don't give it to me, I have made an agreement with non-smokers. She will take these two things back and give them to me after emperor Shengtian kills you. "

"You are so naive!" Win really said: "you probably did not calculate, my people will all surrender.". They've seen the power of these two things. As long as any one of them says it, Emperor Shengtian will not give you these two magic weapons. "

Chen Yang said, "I didn't get it. If you don't fight, you want to run."

Win is really angry, said: "you think I want to run? I'm afraid you don't know how terrible it is to create the Seven Realms of God. All of us can't be the opponent of emperor Shengtian. "

He then said: "it's really an evil family. The emperor's qualification is equal to mine. Over the years, we have been trapped in the shackles. It's hard to make progress. Why did he break through all of a sudden? "

Chen Yang felt his nose awkwardly and said, "I know why he broke through."

Yingzhen immediately looked at Chen Yang and said, "is it all about you?"

Chen Yang said: "it really has something to do with me. Don't you wonder why the Emperor didn't appear that day? Originally, you don't have to have this ending. On that day, you did not covet the crystal of time and killed me directly. Now the whole planet is yours. But you didn't. when I ran away, I just heard emperor Shengtian's cry for help... "

So Chen Yang quickly told Yingzhen what happened that day.

After hearing this, Yingzhen suddenly looked strange.

In fact, at this moment, win true heart is dripping blood, want to beat the chest.

But the choice of life is often like this, once you choose, you can only go on with tears and teeth. Because I can't regret it at all!

Yingzhen then sneered and said, "now, you must have a hard time. If I die here today, you will feel worse. "

"It's really bad, but it's better than you," Chen said

Yingzhen said, "help me out Use the way you helped Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen escape that day... "

Chen Yang said, "that's impossible. Why should I help you? What's good for me after you run away? "

"If I live, I can make the emperor scared and make him sleep hard!" He said.

Chen Yang said: "but it doesn't affect that emperor Shengtian wants to kill me. After you escape, you dare not come back. You think too much about me taking such a big risk to help you. The reason why I promised to fight with you is just to get back my crystal of time and copper coin of origin. "

"You..." You can't win without anger.

Chen Yang said, "well, we have nothing to talk about. If you want to fight, fight! "

"That's ridiculous!" Win really instant feeling was played by Chen Yang.

Chen Yang doesn't matter. He didn't promise to win. At this time, it's really stupid to help win to escape. This win really run away, will certainly run away, in the future absolutely plan is not up to.

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "you don't have to be angry to win. You're smart, and I'm not stupid. If I tell you the cause and effect, I will repay you. As for helping you escape, I may not have the ability. Second, the risk is not worth it. "

Win true eyes blood red, burst roar a, way: "I kill you first!"

After that, win really went all out.

Prajna's wisdom bursts out in an instant, and infinite ghosts form a bursting hand, tearing apart Chen Yang's strange space.

Chen Yang is completely exposed to Yingzhen. At the same time, Yingzhen's hands are clenched into fists, and the wisdom of infinite Prajna ghosts is condensed

The front of the fist is rolling and killing Chen Yang in an instant.

is the essence of winning the true systemic spell. Wisdom of Prajna is no small thing!

The fist came to Chen Yang's eyes in an instant. It seemed simple, but in fact, the principles and rules could directly engulf, submerge and crush Chen Yang into ashes.

Chen Yang is in a terrible crisis. Everything around him begins to change. Time and space become sticky. There is no way to retreat or avoid.

The six powers of the divine realm, burst out completely!

Chen Yang runs the black hole whirlpool directly. His black shirt turns into a black hole whirlpool instantly. The seeds of xuanhuang Shengu and the great phagocytosis are all displayed.

In a flash, Chen Yang felt that the endless energy body began to come in. He swallowed and absorbed it, and his body was about to be unable to bear it.

Not to mention the seven powers of the realm of God and king, Chen Yang found it hard to accept these six powers.Chen Yang didn't say much, and his physical strength was on the verge of collapse. At this time, without saying a word, he immediately mobilized the time crystal, and then the original copper coin was ejected by Chen Yang.

In a flash, the wind and lightning

The origin of copper coins is not special, and the speed of killing is not so incredible and fast In short, it is in line with Chen Yang's normal level.

But it is such a simple copper coin, win really at this time is like a big enemy.

As soon as his figure flashed, he stood on the turtle head of the turtle sky boat Then, he turned his mana, and the purple electric light in the ghost power flickered, finally forming a ghost vortex

There is Prajna wisdom in this vortex, which is more profound and mysterious than ordinary black holes and wormholes

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