Fu Tian didn't stay here for a long time. After a while, Fu Tian got up and left. Fu Yue will not stay!

When Futian leaves, the follower will naturally follow. Chen Yang takes advantage of the public not to notice, quietly occupied a servant girl in Fu Yue's house. He also changed the servant girl in an instant

All this is not known by God or by ghost.

In addition, his cultivation is much better than Fu Yue, so Fu Yue didn't find Chen Yang.

There are also masters in Fu Yue's Fu, but the highest one is the existence of creation environment.

There may be experts under Ming Wuji, but they will not live in Fu Yue's house. This is taboo.

Besides, if you are a master in a certain realm, you can't have your own residence!

In addition, this place is in Yaotian palace, which is heavily guarded. What foreign enemies will be afraid of invading there!

When Fu Yue finished his dinner, he went back to his room.

Her Valet arranged for her servant girl to serve her fairy bamboo.

The maid is the existence of creation, which is called Yinghong.

Chen Yang didn't see Yinghong before. When he wanted to start, he knew that Yinghong was Fu Yue's maid.

This time, we have to deal with the two creation environments. Chen Yang was in a bit of trouble.

Of course, Chen Yang didn't lose heart. He soon had an idea in his mind.

The errand of Duanxian Zhudan is robbed by Chen Yang, and the servant girls are controlled by him at will.

Chen Yang was accompanied by another servant girl. They came to the house of Fu Yue, and then they knocked on the door.

Yinghong accompanies Fuyue in the room. With a wave of her hand, the door opens.

Chen Yang and the servant girl enter the room of Fu Yue. After putting down the immortal bamboo bowl, Chen Yang drives the servant girl to say: "Miss Yinghong, the peach in the back kitchen seems to be abnormal."

Fu Yue is sitting, she and Ying Hong are slightly surprised after hearing the speech. Fu Yue said first: "why not normal?"

Chen Yang said: "Xiao Tao has been cultivating recently. It seems that she has some treasure on her body. But she's hiding so tight The maid found that it was wrong, so she specially told her to forgive me! "

Fu Yue said with a faint smile: "if what you said is true, I will naturally get a reward. But if you make up right and wrong, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

Chen Yang says busily: "maidservant dare not!"

Fu Yue immediately said to Ying Hong, "why don't you go and have a look?"

Yinghong nodded and said, "good!"

Immediately, Yinghong asks Chen Yang and another servant girl to lead the way.

Chen Yang and the servant girl take Yinghong out of the room. After going out, Chen Yang immediately drives the black hole crystal from the bottom of the servant girl's foot into the ground.

The black hole crystal is as fine as a hair. It comes out of the servant girl's pores. I don't know it.

Although his movements are secret, they can't hide from people whose accomplishments are higher than him.

Unfortunately, Yinghong has no ability to find out.

The servant girls are all controlled by Chen Yang, so they won't show their feet for the moment.

After Yinghong and others walk out of a section of the road, Chen Yang's body immediately flashes, and directly breaks into Fu Yue's room.

In an instant, the mysterious space of the black hole came down!

"Who?" Fu Yue is shocked, and suddenly shouts.

Unfortunately, her voice was completely blocked.

There is no movement from the outside world.

Chen Yang appears in front of Fu Yue.

At this moment, Fu Yue seemed to understand something. "You controlled that servant girl. Did you deliberately make Yinghong open?"

Chen Yang sneered and said, "that's right!"

He will talk nonsense there at the moment, and he will take action directly.

But at this time, the phantom also shot.

Behind Fu Yue, the sword flashed and was extremely fierce. However, from Chen Yang's experience, the sword of phantom is really merciful.

The phantom is good at killing people. Now she is deliberately not looking for the best time, in order to avoid occupational disease, a sword to kill Fu Yue.

Fu Yue Wan didn't expect that there was a killing move behind him, and his whole body was shocked.

With a flash of her figure, she quickly avoided the sword light of the phantom.

At the same time, Chen Yang's big black fingerprints were suppressed.

War armor suddenly appears on Fu Yue!

"Tianmang battle armor!"

Pure silver armor

The war spirit appears in the armor, roars and turns into a fierce beast

The fierce beast is bathed in divine fire and comes to kill Chen Yang's big fingerprints.

"Damn it Chen Yang scolded secretly.

"The people of Guangyao star really can't stir up trouble. They all have excellent jobs!"

Although Chen Yang's big black hole fingerprints are terrifying, they are directly defeated by the other party's fire.

The moon is changing so fast that her eyes are sharp.

In the blink of an eye, two hands make a seal!The scales in the armor turned into a white sword!

The sword comes to Chen Yang's eyebrows.

Chen Yang wants to scold again. If he wants to get rid of this sword, it's no problem. But it's dragging on and on. What's the point of quick decision!

At that moment, Chen Yang simply ran the great fatalism!

The force of destiny winding, with the cohesion of palm power!

As soon as I hit it, I caught the magic sword in an instant. As soon as I was shocked, it was shattered.

Then Chen Yang grabbed Fu Yue's white neck.

"Xiao niangpi, are you looking for death?" Chen Yang is quite annoyed.

Fu Yue Leng a Leng, she did not respond. Only feel the strength of each other, such as prison, unfathomable, irresistible.

"I showed the ultimate meaning of tianmang armor, that is, my husband had a lot of trouble to deal with it. This person is so easy to resolve, such a master, why I have never seen? " Fu Yue was surprised.

"Who are you?" Fu Yue can't help asking.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "it doesn't matter who I am. First of all, you should understand that if I want to kill you, it's like killing an ant. If it's not for you, why do I have to do this? "

"I have nothing against you Fu Yue said.

Chen Yang said: "less nonsense. I didn't come here to kill you. If you cooperate well, I will let you go when my goal is achieved. Now, open your mouth... "

Fu Yue feels Chen Yang's fierce intention to kill. Her heart trembles, but she really doesn't dare to say anything more.

Then, Fu Yue opens her mouth, Chen Yang collects the black hole crystal, turns it into a black light, and quickly flashes into Fu Yue's brain.

Everything is back to normal!

Not even a chair was broken.

After Chen Yang occupied Fu Yue's brain area, he communicated with Fu Yue's mind: "if I damage your brain area now, you will immediately die without burial. I hope you can understand that! "

All this happened too fast for Fu Yue!

She took a deep breath, which calmed her mood a little.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? " Fu Yue asked every word.

Chen Yang said: "to tell you the truth, mingjiaolong has been arrested."

, "are you a friend of your royal highness?" Fu Yue seems to have understood something.

"I'm not her friend." Chen Yang said: "it's not for her. When you arrested her, your people also arrested some of my friends. I'm here to save my friend! "

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