All this is an unexpected disaster for Fu Yue.

Soon, Yinghong came with Xiaotao. Xiaotao naturally has a muddled face and doesn't know what happened. Chen Yang warned in Fu Yue's brain: "don't let anyone know my existence. Once my identity is exposed, I don't mind breaking your head when I leave!"

Fu Yue's heart leaped, so she said to Yinghong, "I've known the whole story of this matter. Let them all go down."

This is changed to Yinghong's face.

But she was obedient and let Xiao Tao and others go down. After waiting for these servant girls to go down, Yinghong asked Fu Yue, "sister Yue, what happened? I always find something strange in this matter today? "

"Fu Yue said:" I roughly understand what's going on, you don't have to worry about it

Yinghong said, "hmm?"

Fu Yue said with a smile, "I'll tell you later. Now is not the time

Yinghong also a smile, said: "you rarely hide something from me."

Fu Yue said, "it's not an urgent matter. You'll understand later."

Yinghong will no longer go to the bottom.

Fu Yue then said, "well, I want to meditate and think about some things by the way. Go down and have a rest, too

Yinghong nodded and said, "good!"

When she came to the door, she could not help looking back and asked, "is it really nothing important? If there is any difficulty, please let me know and I'll help you solve it. "

Fu Yue doesn't dare to make any small moves to Yinghong. Although Chen Yang is in her brain, she can also see and listen to all directions.

At the moment, Fu Yue said, "don't worry. What can I do for you?"

Yinghong was helpless and said, "OK!"

After Yinghong left, Chen Yang gave a cold warning and said, "the dialogue between you and Yinghong has left clues both inside and outside. What, you want her to warn? "

Fu Yue said: "I didn't mean that. She was suspicious about what happened just now. The more I hide, the more skeptical she is. Now that I say that, she will be relieved

Chen Yang said, "OK, I believe you for the time being."

Fu Yue said, "who are your friends?" Chen Yang said, "you Lao, do you know?"

Fu Yue said: "you Lao, you Fang Dao?"

Chen Yang said: "I don't know the name. I only know that those people call him you Lao."

"You are the only one who can beat you." Fu Yue said: "you Lao is the Lord's confidant troops, and has a high status in the whole Yaotian sect. If your friend is caught by him, it's very difficult to rescue him. "

Chen Yang said, "you don't have to say that. If things are easy, I won't start with you."

Fu Yue said, "my husband's accomplishments are far inferior to you Lao's. If you want me to do it, I can't do it. My husband can't do it

Chen Yang said, "don't be too busy to refuse. I won't force others to do so. Now I want you to help me find out the situation of my friends. After that, I'll try again. "

Fu Yue was silent for a while, and then said, "good!"

She paused and said, "you'd better talk about the situation in detail so that I can make a judgment."

Chen Yang immediately talked about how they went to get zhenhunguo and led out mingjiaolong. When Fu Yue hears that Chen Yang and others have killed you Lao's son, she can't help shivering.

"My God, that young master Yu is the sweetheart of you. Yugongzi's cultivation has reached the triple realm of creation, and has a bright future. In the future, you will inherit Mr. you. How can you kill him? " Fu Yue turned pale.

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "I killed the goods. When we met in the first day of junior high school, the little boy was arrogant and said that I didn't know what the real power was. As a result, we can't fight. He also wanted to turn into a real beast. As a result, he was slaughtered by Laozi. Including Wu Liyang. Do you know Wu Liyang? "

Fu Yue was surprised again and said: "Wu Liyang is also one of the top experts in Yaotian sect. Don't tell me, he's dead, too? "

Chen Yang said, "when you die, you've got the real body of the beast, and we've killed it as well. In addition, we killed the two younger martial brothers who followed us. They were called Lianyun and Lianbi

"You Is it the devil? These are the cutting-edge forces in our Yaotian palace! " Fu Yue said. After a pause, she said, "if the Lord knows, some of your friends will certainly be cut to pieces!"

Chen Yang said: "several of my friends have been protected by the vortex of time and space. You tried to kill them, but he didn't catch them. Otherwise, you will bring it back. You can check my friend's situation now, and then I'll think about it slowly. "

Fu Yue said in a deep voice, "OK!"

You Lao, you Fangdao is respected in yaotianzong!

There are many experts in Guangyao star.On the first day, the legend of God resounds through the whole starry sky forever.

On the first day, besides the gods, the elders also left splendid legends. There were five emperors in the Tianshen family in those years. Junyang emperor stepped on the river of stars. No trace emperor, come and go no trace There are tianmang emperor, Shengji emperor, Xingyun emperor and so on.

Above the great emperor, there were also three unique old people!

Sanjue old man, Tianjue old man, dijue old man, eternal old man!

Among the dark gods, there are also dark god elders.

In the earth star clan, there is also the legend of the Earth Star God Emperor. In addition, there are four saints.

The Guangyao star of that year was extremely brilliant.

But for thousands of years, the great gods have disappeared.

No one knows where these strong men have finally gone and what has happened.

In today's Guangyao star, new people have emerged.

The Lord of yaotianzong, the cultivation of Ming and you has reached the six peaks of the Holy Land!

There is also Yao star God armour in the body, as if there is a trend of the first person of Guang Yao star.

The dark Protoss is always hidden in the eternal night, and the situation inside is unknown to outsiders.

As for the shadow clan, the shadow clan seems to have never existed.

In the Dixing clan, the old emperor was very mysterious. Even in front of fengtaixuan, Mingyou has to be afraid of three points. Unfortunately, fengtaixuan acted too hastily, leading to being possessed. Now he has been dormant, and no one knows his condition.

However, in the end, there is no Jedi.

That ice Xuan heart heaven vertical capital, control the star clan, but also stable. Now, fengshangren is even younger. It's frightening to catch up.

You Fang Dao is called you Lao. His wife is called Yinxing. Yugongzi was born to him and Yinxing.

At the same time, you also had twelve concubines. In fact, he has many children, but the most favored one is Mr. Yu. Master Yu has the highest understanding and will shine in the future.

Moreover, Master Yu is the child he gave birth to with Yin Xing.

In you Lao's heart, he only regards Yu Gongzi as his son. The rest is just a foil.

Fuyue comes to Youfu.

She and Yinxing also have some friendship, so it's not abrupt to see them today.

The gate of Youfu is tall and dignified.

Inside Youfu, there are strict guards.

The master of xingyin's mansion is at home.

Yin Apricot's face is gloomy, obviously in a bad mood. However, she still wants to give Fu Yue face. Because there is the Fu family behind Fu Yue. More than that, Fu Yue is a member of the Ming family.

Even if you old strong, hidden apricot arrogant, but in the face of Fu month such identity, also dare not trust big.

Hidden apricot let servant girls tea, she forced a smile, said: "sister month, how do you have interest to come to me today? What about Yinghong? She has always been with you. How can she not be here today? "

Fu Yue said with a smile: "Yinghong's accomplishments have been understood recently, so I let her understand by herself. So as not to delay her! "

Hidden apricot said: "so it is!"

Fu Yue suddenly lowered her voice and said, "sister Xing I heard that... "

Hidden apricot eye socket suddenly a red, way: "you all know?"

Fu Yue was pale and said, "is it true?"

Hidden apricot cry, said: "although we have not found the body, but my husband said it has been confirmed. However, the main reason for this is that the current situation is too delicate for outsiders to know. So let's not have a funeral! "

Fu Yue immediately burst into tears and said, "Master Yu is very talented and talented. He will inherit you in the future. How could such a tragedy happen. Who on earth is so insane that he dares to do this

hidden apricot skimmed over and said, "my family is looking for the royal highness of princess. How can you expect to meet a thief in the alien world? "

"This revenge must be avenged!" Fu Yue said: "let those thieves cut to pieces, let their whole family die!"

This Fu Yue scolds very happily!

Chen Yang listened to the strange depressed, said: "who do you scold?"

Fu Yue ignores Chen Yang. She continues to scold the thief with Yin Xing.

The hidden apricot immediately said: "I don't need to revenge. My husband has already killed the thief. The remaining gang members have also been arrested. "

Fu Yue was surprised and said, "have you caught it back?"

"Yes," said Yin Xing Fu Yue said: "if it's not hearsay, I don't know such a big event happened in the palace!"

Hidden apricot suddenly suspicious said: "this matter, you listen to who said?"

Fu Yue said: "it's all spreading. It's said that it's Mr. Yu this time I didn't believe it at first

Hidden apricot is not good, and then continue to ask, she said: "really good things do not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles!"

Fu Yue said: "sister Xing, you have to be sad!"

Hidden apricot smell speech, tears fall again.How can we easily mourn the loss of our son!

Fu Yue then said, "those thugs' helpers are also damned. The Lord wants to keep it secret, and it's up to you, elder sister, to kill them yourself before you can get rid of them. "

Hidden apricot eyes suddenly a bright, said: "yes!" She really gritted her teeth and said, "I'm going to see the Lord now."

Fu Yue said, "I'll go with you, sister. I grew up looking at you, young master Yu. I'm going to help my sister to stab you. Otherwise, it's hard to get rid of this hatred! "

Yin apricot nodded and said: "sister Yue, I remember your love in my heart."

Later, the two women left Youfu together.

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