Chen Yang was able to enter Leng Yifu's border without being discovered by Leng Yifu, thanks to the magic of great fatalism. At the same time, it's also because Leng Yifu is at the moment of zhengseinian's attack, and wants to conquer such a high cultivation beauty as Mo you. That's why Chen Yang took advantage of this.

This border could have cut off the sound, but Mo you's cultivation is good. Although it has been controlled, it still forces the voice line out in panic. Therefore, Chen Yangcai heard the voice. As for Leng Yifu's voice, Chen Yang also heard it along Mo you's voice line. It's all a wonderful coincidence.

Chen Yang quickly turns into a beautiful woman, and then sneaks into each other's brain. He let the beauty quickly and quietly came to the side hall where Leng Yifu was.

Beauty went directly into the side hall.

Chen Yang immediately saw the situation inside through the beautiful eyes.

At this time, the cold husband is tearing Mo you's skirt.

Poor don't worry, beautiful woman, a generation of strong, now snow-white body exposed outside, and pan red.

Apparently, Leng Yifu also took some kind of drugs to stimulate her feelings.

Leng Yifu's means are really inferior.

Mo you is almost completely exposed, and only a few key parts are curled up and protected by her.

was not worried. He smiled and said, "Lao Tzu is a mixture of the essence of obsidian essence and the desire of the king of beast." After taking it, no matter what kind of martyr you are, you will eventually become a dissolute woman. You are still guarding now. You will ask later. Ha ha ha... "

Mo you scolded: "shameless!" But her voice has no strength, even with a trace of coquettish.

Her snow-white body is shivering. Now that her mana is sealed, it's really hard to resist the terrible lust.

At this time, Leng Yifu turned back and looked at the beauty who came in.

This beautiful person is the initial cultivation of virtual fairyland, called Lanxi.

Lanxi has been arrested for more than 100 years and has long been Leng Yifu's crotch.

"What are you doing here?" Leng Yifu asked Lanxi coldly. He didn't wait for Lanxi to answer, and said, "get off!"

Chen Yang drives Lanxi and teaches Lanxi to speak.

So, Lanxi suddenly with a smile, said: "Sir, don't you think, two people serve you together, will show your prestige?"

Leng Yifu has never played such a ridiculous trick, but he still attaches great importance to Mo you. After all, he had never been happy with such a woman in his life.

Now, his desire has been stirred up.

Lanxi's suggestion made him more interested.

"Ha ha, good, good!" Leng Yifu laughed.

When Mo you heard that Leng Yifu had to increase her humiliation, she couldn't help it any more. She lost her voice in pain and burst into tears

She wants to commit suicide, but at the moment, she doesn't even have the strength to commit suicide.

Lanxi said, "my Lord, let me get rid of the fire for you first."

Then she came to Leng Yifu and squatted down.

Chen Yang tried his best to use the great fatalism to cover up the killing and the secret.

Fatalism burns life!

In a flash, three thousand years of life will burn out.

It's too hard to deceive Leng Yifu.

Moreover, it can only last for a moment.

Lanxi takes off Leng Yifu's trousers. At that moment, Chen Yang takes off his hand.

He can't wait any longer.

If you wait any longer, Leng Yifu will find out.

Chen Yang instantly let the black hole crystal shrouded the stone hall, the endless black hole mysterious space shrouded.

Chen Yang shows his sword to the East!

The light of the sword is like the autumn water of Pinghu Lake. It is not surprising, but it contains amazing and terrifying power.

Leng Yifu found it a little late, but after all, he reacted very quickly.

In horror, he quickly put on the ice magic armor. But the sword light has cut into the armor

Leng Yifu immediately turns on the power of black ray to cover the sword light coming from the East.

His armor has been damaged and his body has suffered internal injuries.

But in the end, something was made up.

He tried his best to block Chen Yang's sword from coming to the East.

"You want to die..." Leng Yifu is furious. He gushes blood. Just as he wants to expose everything here, the phantom takes action.

Light of the sword!

As if from heaven, straight cut Leng Yifu's head.

When he was cold, his whole body bristled with sweat. In the crisis, he shrank his neck and finally avoided the sword of the phantom.

Dangerous and dangerous, mysterious and mysterious!

Chen Yang suddenly claps again, bang!

Leng Yifu flies thousands of miles away

Of course, all this is in Chen Yang's mysterious space.

Chen Yang's speed is faster. In a twinkling of an eye, he comes to Leng Yifu. He grabs Leng Yifu's throat."If you dare to inform your Lord, I will let you die at once!" Chen Yang said coldly to Leng Yifu.

At this moment, Leng Yifu also sees Chen Yang clearly.

"Aren't you dead?" After Leng Yifu saw Chen Yang clearly, he was shocked again. His eyes were full of disbelief.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "it's not so easy to kill me."

"It's impossible, it's impossible!" Leng Yifu murmured.

Chen Yang said, "well, I'm too lazy to talk to you. I know you're full of tricks and won't give up easily. But I don't want to kill you. I'm dead in your eyes. I just want to leave. If you must be buried with me, I will die with you. "

Leng Yifu woke up and said, "I can help you leave."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "OK, now I want to enter your brain."

After he finished, he drilled into Leng Yifu's brain with the help of black hole crystal.

Leng Yifu now knows the truth. He knows that no matter how powerful the Lord is, he can't save him.

All he can do is cooperate!

That Mo worry originally was already completely disillusioned, but at present of change, she didn't notice at all.

After Chen Yang collected the black hole crystal, the outside world has returned to normal.

Mo you see Leng Yifu in front of her, she suffered to the extreme, want to find a man to fill himself. But shame and self-esteem were suppressing her inner desire.

Mo you looks at Leng Yifu in front of her with longing and fear. She is incoherent.

Chen Yang can't help feeling distressed that such a strong woman was forced to look like this.

He immediately started a dialogue with Mo you: "don't be afraid, Miss Mo you. I have controlled Leng Yifu just now."

When Mo you heard Chen Yang's voice, he was shocked. An inexplicable joy flashed in her eyes

Then Chen Yang said to Leng Yifu, "the antidote!"

Leng Yifu said with a bitter smile, "there is no antidote. No one will ever develop an antidote for this kind of thing. The only antidote is men. "

Don't worry about hearing the words, you can't help but despair again.

Chen Yang snorted coldly, and then said to Mo you, "it doesn't matter if there's no antidote. I'll untie all your prohibitions and give you a healing pill. This kind of medicine is made under the hand. As long as you can use mana, it will be resolved! "

At the same time, he grabbed other clothes in the room and wrapped Mo you directly.

Although Chen Yang is a man, he is also a woman. But there is still a gentleman's demeanor.

Then, Chen Yang imprisoned Mo you with his mana, and asked Leng Yifu to remove all his mana and seal.

Leng Yifu dares to stir up trouble there at the moment, and immediately removes all mana and seals.

Now, Mo you is free again.

Chen Yang once again reaches out his big hand to grasp Mo you, and seals her body into a small pill. Then caught in brain domain from cold one husband's ear.

The next moment, Mo you appeared in Chen Yang's black hole crystal.

At this time, Mo you is still suffering from the drug.

She was seriously injured and could not be better for a moment.

Chen Yang grabs countless Ning Xuedan, and forces the medicine to the Na Mo you. Don't worry about sitting on a platter and greedily absorb the medicine. At the same time, Chen Yang also seized some common spirit liquid produced by xuanhuang Shengu seeds for Mo you to take.

"And long Xin, please help me!" Don't forget your companion while you are suffering.

Chen Yang nodded and said to Leng Yifu, "go and save Long Xin."

When he was cold, he felt embarrassed and said, "Long Xin has been taken away by Sheng Lun. I..."

"It's very simple. Trade your treasure for beauty. Say Mo you is willing to be your wife, but the condition is not to hurt Long Xin. You and Saint Lauren have always known each other. He may not be so unreasonable? "

As soon as Leng Yifu's eyes brightened, he said, "good!"

Leng Yifu went to work.

Chen Yang and Mo you continue to heal. Mo you's injury is too heavy, and the power absorbed temporarily is too weak to suppress the terrible medicine. She was in pain and suffering. She wanted to solve it with Chen Yang. At this time, her sense of shame is getting weaker and weaker.

But how can Chen Yang take advantage of others' danger at this time.

"Young master, help me!" Please don't worry and take off all the clothes.

Don't worry about Chen Yang, even if he is a beast.

Chen Yang a grasp, or let all the clothes wrapped Mo worry.

He can't help it, too. He's going to run big destiny.

It only took ten years of fatalism to catch all the toxins in Mo you's body. This kind of poison doesn't matter at all, but it's very difficult to get rid of by external force. If you don't worry about your skill, it's not the case at all.

Although the power of destiny is rarely spent, Chen Yang's ten-year life span is also extraordinary.No other force can do this except fate.

Mo you finally returned to the state of pure spirit.

Her forehead was covered with sweat, which seemed to have collapsed.

Chen Yang finds out Qiao Ning's clothes, including underwear, from Jie Xumi and hands them to Mo you.

"Change the girl first, and then we'll talk about it."

After Chen Yang finished, he entered another layer of space.

Mo you took the dress, but he thought of his ugly appearance just now, and felt embarrassed.

Chen Yang then went to monitor lengyifu.

Poor God, that Saint Lun is a gentleman more than Leng Yifu. He was decorating the wedding room and wanted to marry Long Xin seriously. And he promised long Xin many benefits and so on

Longxin has no choice but to talk to Shenglun first.

That is at this time, Leng Yifu came to Shenglun to ask Longxin.

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