In order to survive, Leng Yifu also showed enough sincerity. He said to Saint Lun, "brother, don't you like my two concubines? Snow and silver fox? I can give it all to you. Besides, don't you like my magic pearl? Here you are, too! I just want you to give me this Longxin. You don't know. Don't worry about that girl. I'll die. It's said that I have to take long Xin with me, and I'm not allowed to touch him. "

Saint Lun was afraid of the cold. Leng Yifu is overbearing, highly cultivated and evil. Don't say Leng Yifu is willing to give so many things. Even if he doesn't give anything, he can't help it.

Although Saint Lun was still reluctant, he finally gave up. Leng Yifu's position and accomplishments are above Saint Lun. If Saint Lun insists, he is afraid that Leng Yifu will give him small shoes in the future.

In addition, Saint Lun got snowflakes, silver foxes and soul grabbing pearls. He thought it was a good deal.

Leng Yifu takes long Xin back to his palace.

In the palace, long Xin is pulled into the black hole crystal by Chen Yang.

Since then, Mo you and long Xin have been counted together. Their prohibition has been lifted, but they are seriously injured and unable to fight. Chen Yang provided them with enough pills. However, they still need some time.

But there is a very fast way to recover, that is, Chen Yang and them direct meat repair. But Chen Yang didn't even think about it. How could he be such a shameless man. Moreover, since he was with Suzhen in black, his heart was completely closed.

Next, we need to consider how to leave.

Leng Yifu tells Chen Yang that no one can leave the Jiuyou Jedi without the permission of the Lord. If you leave without permission, it's a capital crime.

What Chen Yang has to do now is wait.

Although he is anxious, Mo you and long Xin are also anxious.

But anxiety can't solve anything.

Chen Yang takes care of Mo you and long Xin while monitoring Leng Yifu.

"The man who did it was the big prince, who endured the wind. Now that the little prince has fallen into the hands of the big prince, it must be very difficult for the master mother to do it! " Don't worry.

Long Xin expressed the same concern.

The two women are also curious about the origin of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang did not shy away, saying: "I was not a person of your planet. When I was in outer space, I had a conflict with Yao Tianzong. Now, my friends are in Yao Tianzong's hands. "

Chen Yang will take the dragon to the pulse plate in the future. Mo you and long Xin also express their understanding. Mo you said: "after we get out of danger, we will try our best to help Mr. Chen Yang."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "let's talk about it then."

There are many innocent concubines in Leng Yifu's hands. Chen Yang thinks he should be saved, too. But he can't save it for the time being There are too many creatures to be saved in this world.

Chen Yang also can't feel that it's useless to save the two people in front of him because he can't save the world.

Try your best and do what you can.

Three days later, Mo you and long Xin's injuries are better than half.

Leng Yifu still didn't find a chance to go out.

On this day, in Leng Yifu's palace, a bodyguard suddenly came. The bodyguard came and said, "Mr. Leng, today Mr. an has a family dinner. Please join Mr. Sheng Lun and Mr. Teuton."

Leng Yifu was slightly surprised. He didn't dare to show any clue on his face. He said with a smile, "OK, I will arrive on time when."

The guard said, "it's tonight, at night. By the way, Lord an asked you to take miss moyou with you. "

"Good!" Leng Yifu answered.

Then the guard left.

It was noon.

Chen Yang and others have heard what the bodyguard said in Leng Yifu's brain.

"It's difficult." Chen Yang felt headache, he said: "if you are a virgin, you can see it at a glance. According to his understanding of Leng Yifu, if you are still Yuanbi, the God of an Dao will doubt it. "

Leng Yifu immediately agreed and said, "yes, Lord an's eyes are the most poisonous. If you take Miss Mo you, there will be a big problem. "

Mo you's face turned white.

Chen Yang said, "why don't you take Mo you with you tonight. If an daoshen asks, you will say that this woman is not obedient. Now she is too tortured by you to get up. "

Mo you and long Xin's eyes suddenly brightened.

That cold one husband is bitter face, say: "in case, he wants to see?"

Chen Yang said, "don't you want to say it yourself? You say, don't worry about clothes. In name, Mo you is already your woman. Can you show someone your woman is not dressed? "

He hesitated and said, "if you are domineering, he won't be suspicious!"

Leng Yifu said: "yes, villains listen to you.""You can remember that if there is a flaw, death means everyone dies together." Chen Yang finally said.

Leng Yifu scolds his mother in his heart, but he has nothing to do.

In the evening, Leng Yifu took a beautiful concubine to the banquet.

An daoshen has the supreme position in the shadow clan. Today, he is mainly holding a banquet to get some good wine. This is the master of the shadow clan. Others dare not go in and out at will, but an daoshen has the freedom to go and come as soon as he wants.

There are Saint Laurent, Teuton and some other experts coming to the party.

It's really a happy gathering.

In the palace, there is a trace of luxury.

An daoshen sits at the top, with his wife beside him. The next is his two sons, whose cultivation is not high, and the holy land is heavy.

But it's still very young.

All the masters took their seats one by one, and the immortal wine was filled with them one by one. Everyone also brought gifts

In the middle, there are dancers performing for you.

A school of singing and dancing.

After all the generals were seated, an daoshen glanced at the audience, and finally his eyes fell on Leng Yifu.

Chen Yang didn't dare to look at an daoshen. He had seen the master of the cave one more time before and was found out. So when anda saw it, he took back all his consciousness.

An daoshen smiles and says to Leng Yifu casually: "Yifu, didn't I ask you to bring that new worry? We all want to see how well such a beautiful woman is trained by you. "

My heart beat when I was cold.

The rest of the people were laughing.

Chen Yang said to Leng Yifu in a deep voice, "now I want to talk with your vocal cords. Shut up."

Leng Yifu said: "yes!"

Chen Yang suddenly figured it out again. Before, he was noticed by the master of the magic cave. First, the master's accomplishments were too high. Second, the Wenying's cultivation was too low, which made a mistake. But Leng Yifu's cultivation is still above himself, afraid of an egg.

This cold one husband is afraid of an Dao God. He is afraid that something will go wrong.

Then Chen Yang said, "don't mention it."

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