An daoshen said: "my subordinates also think so."

At this time, Yannanfei suddenly noticed something wrong.

An daoshen also noticed something wrong!

They were flashing at the same time, and in an instant, they came to the palace.

"What are you doing?" An daoshen already knew what had happened. When he saw Leng Yifu standing there, he couldn't help but feel very angry and yelled.

The wild goose south flies is also the facial expression is gloomy.

Then Saint Lauren came with him.

Leng Yifu saw an daoshen and Yannanfei, and immediately knelt down. He cried and said, "Lord, Lord an, help me!"

"What's going on?" The wild goose south flies to sink a voice to say.

"Let me answer." Chen Yang opens his mouth quickly. He talks to the public directly through Leng Yifu's brain. "It's me. I control Leng Yifu's brain. His actions are completely out of his control! Just now, I found that you may have noticed my existence, so I took the initiative and arrested Lord an's son, daughter and wife. "

"You want to die!" Andao was furious.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Lord an, you don't have to show your prestige. It's easy for me to die, of course. But I'm afraid your family will be buried with you. But in fact, it doesn't matter. People who practice Taoism, this family and so on, are all floating clouds, floating clouds! You can find it again after you die, and regenerate, isn't it, Lord Ann? "

An daoshen's eyes are red. He wants to tear Chen Yang to pieces, but he doesn't dare to act rashly at this time.

He said to Yannanfei: "Lord, please feel sorry for me!"

The wild goose South flew to see an way God one eye, he didn't pay attention to an way God. His eyes are fixed on Leng Yifu, as if he wants to see through Chen Yang through Leng Yifu's head.

"Are you really alive?" The wild goose south flies to say.

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "obviously, I'm not dead!"

Yannanfei said: "I saw you disappear under the attack of the essence of obsidian. How did you do that?"

"Everyone has secrets, and I have my own," Chen said. Besides, at this moment, you, the Lord, should be concerned. Is it me who died with a senior general like Leng Yifu and the family of an, or is everyone happy? After all, the world is vast! People can't come back to life when they die. If I run away, you can catch me and kill me again. Is that right? "

After a pause, he said to an daoshen, "Lord an, if I were you, I would swear to your master that I would be captured alive in the future. It's the best of both worlds, don't you think? "

The God of an Dao immediately knelt down and said to Yannanfei, "Lord, Yifu is the general of our shadow clan. Please take care of Yifu's life and death. In the future, my subordinates and Yifu will work together to recover the thief! "

He can talk and never mention his family.

The cold husband could not help but shed tears of gratitude. He's not stupid. He doesn't know it's the way of Anda. But he made a big mistake, and at this time he was in a desperate situation. How could he not be moved when he was willing to speak for him.

After a long silence, he said with a smile, "Lord an, what are you saying? How can I ignore you and your family. Your son is my son. Your daughter is our daughter. Your wife is my sister-in-law! "

He then said to Chen Yang, "OK, I can let you go. But how do you ensure the safety of an's family and Leng Yifu's? "

When Na moyou and long Xin heard that the plan was successful, they couldn't help crying with joy.

Chen Yang is afraid to have the slightest carelessness, he said: "open the exit, when we get to a safe place, I will release people."

"How can I do that?" An Dao God immediately said: "when you get to the safe area, if you don't let people go, what can we do with you?"

Chen Yang said, "if I let people go first and you kill me, what can I do?"

This is a real problem.

Yannanfei said: "it's also very simple. I will escort you out with Lord an. When you get to a safe place, you hand them over. So everybody's happy, right? "

Chen Yang thought about it and agreed.

Because if he doesn't agree like this, the other party won't be at ease.

Right now, it's going to take action.

Yannanfei and an daoshen open the way in front, lengyifu and Chen Yang follow behind.

The wild goose south flies just a big hand to wave, in front of then appeared a gate.

The crowd entered the door.

After the gate entered, there was a dark tunnel.

Yannanfei and an daoshen are very fast. In the blink of an eye, they are thousands of miles away.

Leng Yifu's speed is also very fast, closely following it.

Chen Yang suddenly feels that something is wrong.

"Although the master of this magic cave has advanced cultivation, the shadow clan has never been able to see the light. It's not right, it's not right, it's not right Chen Yang noticed something wrong, he immediately ordered Leng Yifu, said: "leave this ghost place immediately, or I will kill you directly!""How do you get out of here?" Leng Yifu was shocked by the words.

But by this time, it's too late.

Suddenly, a surge of obsidian spirit came from the front and rear tunnels, and suddenly it floated from Leng Yifu

The essence of obsidian is not simply the essence of obsidian, but the essence of obsidian with the upanistic spirit of Yannanfei.

Leng Yifu's eyes also showed a ferocious color!

"Go to hell, you little bastard!" Leng Yifu scolded angrily.

Chen Yang can hear Leng Yifu abuse himself. He knows Leng Yifu has no moral integrity.

But now, even if Chen Yang is not happy, it's too late to deal with Leng Yifu.

Because at this moment, the infinite essence of obsidian came in.

In this moment, Chen Yang has understood the other party's intention.

That is, the essence of obsidian can deal with itself. But it won't hurt the people of the shadow clan

Use enough Obsidian essence to freeze yourself and don't worry. Long Xin wants to resist the freezing force. At the same time, this freezing force will also freeze Leng Yifu's brain and the family members of Anda. In this way, it is not so easy to kill them.

And what they want is this moment

Infinite essence of obsidian attacks and kills. When Chen Yang reacts, an Feng, an Jie, an Ruyi and Mrs. an are all frozen.

Long Xin and Mo you are not able to resist the fierce freezing.

Chen Yang still needs to rescue them

In that flash of lightning, Chen Yang swallowed Long Xin and Mo you

The whole black hole crystal is frozen.

Chen Yang himself quickly became a sculpture.

At this time, the wild goose flying south and an daoshen quickly came to Leng Yifu's brain. Both of them shrunk their bodies into a little bit and entered the world in an instant.

An Dao God directly grabs all his family members and takes them into his hands. The wild goose south flies is to grasp Chen Yang and its black hole crystal stone, also grasped in the hand.

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