"Now I'm finished!" Chen Yang feels desperate.

This time, all the cards came out, and the noumenon fell into the hands of the opponent.

Great fatalism has less than a thousand years to live! He could feel that the shadow on the fatalistic talisman was going to be full circle, and if it continued to burn, the fire would burn completely.

The wild goose south flies an instant to leave cold one husband's brain domain.

Allan's family is saved.

"This channel is the source of obsidian essence! It leads to the place where most of the obsidians on this planet are located Wild goose south flies to knead Chen Yang in the hand, his vision is indifferent, a word says.

Later, he left Chen Yang on the ground.

The essence of obsidian around him suddenly surged up and wrapped Chen Yang inside and outside.

Chen Yang had no resistance at all and could not move.

Now Chen Yang is like an ice sculpture in this dark passage.

Leng Yifu is gnashing his teeth at Chen Yang. He says to Yannanfei, "Lord, this little bastard is very harmful to his subordinates. He controls his subordinates and forces them in every way. And hide the Dragon Xin and Mo you in the abdomen to protect. Didn't he want to protect the two women? I beg the Lord to reward the two women again. His subordinates are going to let him watch. What is helplessness? "

The wild goose south flies light to see a cold one husband one eye, say: "this time, you almost poke out a big basket.". It's up to you to stop making mistakes. "

Leng Yifu was stunned. Then he lowered his head and said, "yes, Lord!"

Chen Yang is frozen, and he communicates with Mo you and long Xin. At this time, he said bitterly: "two girls, I'm really sorry. Having done so much, nothing has changed for you in the end. Later, in order not to be humiliated, I will set my fate on fire. "

Mo you and long Xin know what's going on, and there are tears in their eyes. Mo you said: "it's very good for you to treat us. If you can die with you today, my sister Longxin and I have died without regret and complaint."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

"There are still many curious places in this seat." At this time, Yannanfei slightly unties Chen Yang's bondage. At the same time, he slaps Chen Yang's chest and abdomen.

Yannanfei's palm melts the ice formed by the essence of obsidian, and with his palm power, it cuts into Chen Yang's body.

This palm, a huge force, such as the galloping power of a million horses, all smashed into Chen Yang's body!

This palm, is hit on a death star, the death star also want to instantly burst into ashes!

In Chen Yang's body, the ferocious mana is surging, but he still can't resist the hand of Yannanfei.

The essence of obsidian is too severe to freeze him. At this moment, even the black hole whirlpool, the great phagocytosis, all kinds of forces have been unable to use.

"Poof!" Chen Yang then spat out a mouthful of blood.

Venus appeared in his eyes, and he felt that his whole body would burst out.

But it happened that Yannanfei's palm was very proper, but it didn't break Chen Yang's body to pieces.

Obviously, Yannanfei doesn't want to kill Chen Yang.

To be exact, it's not that he doesn't want to kill Chen Yang. He is afraid that Chen Yang will be able to die and come back to life. He has to find out some problems.

Chen Yang suffered great damage, but long Xin and Mo you were well protected by Chen Yang.

"Young master!" Long Xin and Mo you cry and shout.

Chen Yang ignored Long Xin and Mo you. He raised his head and looked at the wild geese flying south.

The wild goose south flies light to ask a way: "answer this seat, you die and come back to life after all is how to return a responsibility?"

"If you answer, will you let me go?" Chen Yang asked.

"No!" The wild goose south flies to say.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "then why should I tell you? Do you look good? Well, I'm sorry, you're so ugly. I'll feel sick when I look at you for a long time! "

The wild goose south flies in the eye to suddenly emerge to kill the intention of terror.

He hates people making an issue of his appearance.

"Leng Yifu, don't you want to humiliate him? What are you hesitating about... " Yannanfei thought about it and said, "wait, Lord an, let your family go back first. It's not suitable to have children here! "

An daoshen nodded quickly.

Then, an Feng, an Jie, an Ruyi and Mrs. an all saluted Yannan and left the corridor.

Leng Yifu is very happy. He looks at Chen Yang with cruel eyes.

Then Leng Yifu comes to Chen Yang.

He kicks Chen Yang to his knees, grabs his hair, and slaps him on the cheek.

Chen Yang was able to carry it there, and immediately his cheeks were covered with hematoma.

Seven or eight teeth were knocked out.

Even so, Leng Yifu didn't feel relieved. He looked at Chen Yang with hatred and said, "little bastard, do you think this is the end? You're wrong. It's just the beginning. If you dare to treat me like this, I will make it impossible for you to survive or die! "Chen Yang looks at Leng Yifu. He suddenly smiles and says, "you are very proud now, aren't you?"

Leng Yifu said: "how?" He suddenly felt strange.

Chen Yang said, "do you think you have won?"

Leng Yifu said, "isn't it?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "soon, you will know."

He just wanted to get a cushion before he died, otherwise he would have been doomed.

Leng Yifu feels bad. He wants to go


At this moment, the fire of doomsday broke out.

Leng Yifu is enveloped by the gray fatalism. In the light of lightning, the fatalism burns up

Yan Nanfei and an daoshen were also surprised.

Yannanfei immediately helps Leng Yifu get rid of the fire. He claps it with one hand and shoots it with a strong wind. The essence of obsidian turns into a storm and shoots at Leng Yifu.

Leng Yifu immediately put on the ice Demon Armor, freezing the fire with the freezing power of obsidian essence.

However, the fire is like the maggot of tarsal bone. Once it burns, it will never die.

No matter the power of Yannanfei or lengyifu himself, they are unable to put out the fatalistic fire.

Leng Yifu quickly gets away from Chen Yang, but it doesn't work. Fate still burns him.

He roared bitterly, but nothing helped.

Chen Yang doesn't care about Leng Yifu at this time. He's burning all over

This fire is different from other flames. It will burn him to ashes. Finally, only the eternal crystal will be left!

The seeds of xuanhuang Shengu will also be burned up!

In the end, only pure eternal crystal will be left!

Chen Yang will die completely.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt very wonderful. He saw death, he could clearly feel the pain of his body, and he also felt that he was walking towards death.

It's like falling off a cliff.

Falling to the ground is death.

And now, in the process of falling

Yannanfei and an daoshen have never seen this kind of situation. The terror of fire disaster makes these two top experts shiver.

Leng Yifu roars in pain

Yannanfei and an daoshen dare not touch Chen Yang.

Yannanfei instinctively felt the crisis. He felt that if he touched it, he would be infected by the fire.

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly noticed a trace of wonder.

He thought that he would die. All kinds of things on earth have nothing to do with him.

He still has too many concerns, but now, he can only give up. I can only say that after my death, the flood is surging, and I have nothing to do.

But at this time, Chen Yang suddenly felt cold!

"Why! The fire is burning, why can I feel the cold? Like nutrition? My life is over! "

With his naked eye, Chen Yang suddenly finds that the burning talisman is absorbing the essence of obsidian around him.

"What's the situation?" Chen Yang was surprised.

He didn't understand what was going on in front of him.

The fatalistic talisman quickly absorbed the essence of obsidian, and the fire began to go out

At the same time, even Leng Yifu's robbery began to weaken.

Gradually, the talisman was completely extinguished, and all the shadows disappeared.

Chen Yang finally has a close relationship with fatalism. He feels that fatalism is actively absorbing the essence of obsidian.

Chen Yang immediately put together the remaining mana to run the fatalistic power

"Oh, my God, it can be converted into longevity!" Chen Yang suddenly became ecstatic.

His life is increasing wildly. There are too many obsidians here.

A thousand years!

Two thousand years!

Three thousand years!

Five thousand years!

Ten thousand years!

100000 years!

In a flash, Chen Yang's life span reached 100000 years.

At this time, the fire on Leng Yifu's body disappeared completely. He jumped up and said to Chen Yangli: "little bastard, I'll kill you!"

He suddenly shot, ice demon war armor condensed Obsidian sword!


The sword is fierce, covering everything!

Leng Yifu's anger and obsidian spirit make him exert his power to the limit.

This sword, destroy the world!

Chen Yang was surprised.

And the wild goose flying south is staring at Chen Yang, his strength has been accumulated in the body, as long as Chen Yang a little resistance, he will kill Chen Yang in a thunderous state.

What happened in front of him was extremely strange and incomprehensible to Yannan Fei.Although Chen Yang is suffering from serious injury, his life is still increasing. He runs the talisman quickly

"Kill Chen Yang's sword!

A sword is a life span of 50000 years!

The sword of destiny was killed by lightning, and it was hanged together with the Obsidian sword!


The sword of destiny passes through like a strong wind. In a moment, it turns the Obsidian sword into ashes.

At the same time, the sword of destiny also killed Leng Yifu!

Leng Yifu could not help but be shocked. His ice Demon Armor quickly sent out infinite black rays to wrap the sword of destiny!


Those black rays are collapsing!

The unparalleled power in the sword of destiny continues to kill Leng Yifu.

Leng Yifu can't escape, can't resist!

An Dao God and wild goose South fly see this, immediately hand.

The difference is that andao is helping Leng Yifu. Yannanfei is a guide to kill Chen Yang

An daoshen also put on ice Demon Armor. He pointed out black rays, which turned into ten fierce swords in an instant

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