The sword power of an daoshen finally shattered Chen Yang's sword of destiny!

Leng Yifu also picked up a life!

At the same time, Yannan flies a sword to kill Chen Yang. Yannanfei's sword power is to condense his cold magic armor!

For a moment, it seemed that the Obsidian essence of the whole Obsidian tunnel was controlled by him.

The power of this sword can turn Wanzhong iron mountain into nothingness in an instant!

This is the supreme sword!

It's an irreversible sword!

Chen Yang immediately realized the power of Yannanfei's sword, which was to squander the remaining 50000 years of his life.

In this tunnel, Yannanfei is the master!

Chen Yang is now seriously injured, and it is difficult to recover in a short time. He can only rely on the power of fate

"This is a treasure land. It's amazing that the talisman can absorb so many fates!" Chen Yang doesn't want to leave here for the time being. In the face of Yannanfei's overbearing sword power, he couldn't think about it carefully, so he urged the great fatalism to come out!

"Great destiny, you are the supreme being. Take me, stealth, to avoid all this attack and kill Chen Yang begins to recite incantations and urges the great fatalism to come out.

At that moment, Chen Yang was enveloped by the power of fatalism.

When Yannanfei's sword power comes in, Chen Yang suddenly disappears.

There is no trace of Chen Yang in the whole audience.

The wild goose south flies a sword to cut empty, he just opens a mouth to inhale, then inhale the sword force in the mouth. His eyes are full of anger and killing intention. His mind is sweeping all over the place. He wants to find out Chen Yang.

An daoshen and Leng Yifu were also very surprised. They also searched around with their divine thoughts, but they didn't get any results.

"Damn it Yannanfei couldn't help scolding.

What's going on right now is so weird.

"Lord, he must still be here!" Said anda.

Yannan Fei said in a cold voice: "of course, I know that he is still here. He has been seriously injured. How can he exert such strong power?"

An daoshen said: "this son is really too strange. He was killed by us before. Later, he was safe and sound. Now, it's not surprising that he shows such strength again. "

Yannanfei said: "just here, he must assimilate his body elements with strange power, so as to achieve the effect of invisibility. This will consume a lot of energy and will not last

An daoshen said in a deep voice: "Lord, your analysis is absolutely correct. It's just strange that since he can be invisible, why didn't he be invisible early? "

The wild goose south flies to smell speech one Zheng, then fell into meditation.

He immediately thought of something and said, "when he started the fire, he had the heart of death. Later, I feel that the Obsidian spirit around me is being devoured. It was as if the essence of obsidian had given him strange energy. Not good He is absorbing the essence of obsidian again

The wild goose flies south and suddenly turns pale.

An daoshen and Leng Yifu also lose color.

Yannanfei is more angry, but he suppresses his anger.

"Let him absorb all the time, and he will be stronger!" An daoshen immediately said to Yannanfei.

Of course, Yannanfei understood this truth, but he had nothing to do.

At this moment, Yannan's heart turned Countless ways, thoughts flashed through his brain, but they didn't work.

He suffered countless wars and dangers in his life, but now he is the most helpless.

At this time, of course, Chen Yang is not idle.

Yannanfei guesses well. Chen Yang needs a lot of energy to maintain his stealth state. Now his cultivation is too strong, and there are mo you and long Xin in his body, so it is more difficult. Thanks to the magic of great fatalism!

His life span of 50000 years has run out.

But fortunately, the great fatalism talisman can continue to absorb the essence of obsidian.

The essence of obsidian here seems endless.

Chen Yang gradually absorbed a million years of life!

A million years is the limit of his body. He can only live for a million years now!

The shadow on the great fatalistic talisman changes according to Chen Yang's overall life span. Only when Chen Yang's life expectancy is less, the shadow will be bigger. On the contrary, Chen Yang's life expectancy has been increasing, and the shadow has not continued to increase.

Chen Yang is consuming it happily. Anyway, if he uses 10000 years of life, he will immediately add 10000 years of life.

Really is not distressed at all!

At this moment, Chen Yang has a kind of indulgent happiness.

It's like suddenly getting rich, surrounded by a group of beautiful women, a feast of heaven and sea. Although very cool, but deep in my heart, there is also a kind of indescribable uneasiness.

It seems a little evil!

Chen Yang then used fatalism to heal himself.

He was seriously injured, but there was a stupid way, which was to be directly broken into pieces. Then you can recover quicklyBut at this time, Chen Yang dares to do so.

He's directly healing with the force of destiny. Not only treat yourself, but also treat Mo you and long Xin together. Anyway, it's a long life now.

The power of destiny is really magical. After entering Chen Yang's body, he quickly mends Chen Yang's injured area.

At the same time, long Xin and Mo you also feel this magic. They feel that there is a warm current in their bodies, and the injured cells are recovering quickly.

Soon after, Chen Yang, long Xin and Mo you all recovered!

"Young master, what's the matter? How could there be such a miracle? " Long Xin and Mo you said in surprise.

Chen Yang laughs and says, "I'll explain to you later."

Chen Yang's life span is always one million years. He doesn't know how much it cost.

At this time, Chen Yang was a little suspicious. Even if he wanted to upgrade his cultivation to the Ninth level of creation, maybe the great fatalism could do it.

But in the dark, Chen Yang has a sense of crisis. Intuition told him not to. Never do it. Once you do it, the consequences will be obvious.

Everything has cause and effect!

What you want, you give. There is no reason why you can get a huge return without paying!

Chen Yang feels that if he really relies on great fatalism to ascend to the Ninth level of creation, he will encounter great disaster in the future, and he will fail because of his poor foundation. They may also be possessed, more likely to transfer the cause and effect to their families.

"Roar!" When all the power recovered, Chen Yang withdrew his stealth.

He let long Xin and Mo you also stand behind him.

So like this, Chen Yang appeared in front of Yannanfei, an daoshen and lengyifu.

Yan Nanfei, an daoshen and Leng Yifu are surprised to see Chen Yang come out so calm. They already feel bad, but they feel unrealistic. In the end, Chen Yang is just the triple cultivation of the holy land. Can he turn the tables here? How is that possible?

Although they are thinking so much, Chen Yang's miraculous deeds still make them feel a little hairy.

Chen Yang first looked at Yannanfei. He said with a smile, "Lord, I know your name is Yannanfei. I know it from Leng Yifu, but you may not know me yet. "

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