Chen Yang, surrounded by the powerful enemy, talked with great eloquence and said, "let me introduce myself first. My name is Chen Yang. Originally, being caught here by you was unintentional. I didn't have any other ideas before. I just wanted to get out of here. But Yannanfei, you and your men's prestige is too big. What's the matter? Are you the masters above? Appear in front of you, do not have to ask you to be killed? Since you like killing people so much, I might as well let you shadow clan Extinction

Chen Yang said that later, the murderous spirit was revealed and the meaning was very strong.

Chen Yang is also very angry this time.

At this moment, Yannanfei's pupils contracted slightly. He was silent for a long time, raised his eyes, and said faintly: "it depends on you?"

"Yes, I am!" Chen Yang smiles. He then pointed to Leng Yifu and said, "Leng Yifu, you make me feel sick. But I didn't mean to kill you, but you slapped me twice. Now, I'll give you a chance. Immediately, kneel down and slap yourself ten times. In this way, I will consider saving your life. How about it? "

Leng Yifu naturally feels Chen Yang's strange state at this time, but he can't even recognize him now. In front of Yannanfei, he has to be tough to the end.

At that moment, he laughed three times and said, "little bastard, who are you scaring? You can do whatever you want. If I frown, you little bastard will be a character. "

"Good!" Chen Yang nodded.

His left palm popped out!

At this moment, the great fatalism started to stir up.

Life is burning wildly in an instant.

Chen Yang is a nouveau riche now. He has a life span of 300000 years!

The life span of 300000 years drives the fatalistic talisman, which directly forms a fatalistic handprint!

The gray fatalistic handprint flies directly to the south of the wild goose.

The wild goose south flies, the brow slightly a wrinkly.

That fatalistic handprint is gray, just like an ordinary big handprint.

Yannanfei instinctively aware of the danger, his cold magic armor in the body, and their own mana completely integrated.

At this moment, Yannanfei did not dare to slack off.

He stood there as if heaven and earth had merged with him.

The obsidians around him are like his skin and muscles.

With this complete fusion, he immediately felt that Obsidian was being crazily excavated and absorbed.

It's something he can't stand.

Obsidian is a great wealth and unique resource of the shadow clan.

The wild goose south flies to feel as if is own wealth by the match crazy steals, steals does not say, also uses to smash oneself.

Wild goose south flies suddenly also clapped a palm!

In an instant, the power of the palm is powerful, overwhelming, and the world trembles!

Obsidian essence all changed from the state of Vajra to infinite fog. In the center of the palm, ten thousand black rays were killed first, strangling the seal of destiny!

But the moment of strangulation, Yannanfei felt bad.

In this Obsidian tunnel, his Obsidian power can make him immortal.

He should have been invincible!

His spirit is also incomparable.

Just at this moment, when his black ray strangled into the palm of fate, he suddenly felt powerless.

From each other's palm, he felt a terrible, strong sense of destiny.

It's like, he was going to fail!

This sense of fatalism can't go away!

In an instant, all his black rays disintegrated and disorganized.

Then, the fateful palm force collided with his palmprint!

Let the wild geese fly to the south, how powerful the spirit is.

Strong sense of destiny will defeat all its mysteries and spirit!

"This is my destiny? Am I destined to lose? It's impossible. I can't be defeated! " The wild goose flies south, the heart is flustered.


Finally, Yannanfei's palm power is doomed to defeat.

Yannanfei's body is flashing, waving infinite power to kill. But innumerable handprints, black ray bombardment in the past, are rapidly disintegrating.

"Fate? fatalism? Is this your destiny? " The wild goose south flies to suddenly roar wildly, double eyes blood red rise. "It's not my destiny, it's not. This is your skill disturbing me. I will never admit defeat! "

The wild goose south flies to roar wildly in, his willpower fiercely climbs.

Follow, he'll do it again!


One palm, it will be completely defeated fate handprint!

Yannanfei's eyes burst out. At the moment of crushing fatalism, he felt as if he had conquered fatalism. It makes him proud!

Meanwhile, Chen Yang is not idle.

He's two hands in a row!

One palm, three hundred thousand years of life, against the God of an Dao!

There is also a hand, 100000 years of life to deal with Leng Yifu!An daoshen has been driven crazy by fatalism handprint. At this time, Yannan flies out to help him defeat fatalism handprint.

With this defeat, the essence and spirit of Yannanfei rose again.

He no longer seems to be afraid of fate!

Chen Yang has run to the limit. It's not easy for him to deal with such three masters at the same time.

In fact, Mo you and long Xin have regained their strength and can help. But Chen Yang didn't let them do it at all.

Chen Yang's two hands hold Yannanfei and an daoshen, and the last one is against lengyifu.

Leng Yifu couldn't even take over the life span of 100000 years, so he burst out with a mouthful of blood.

Later, Chen Yang once again used his fatalistic power to cover Leng Yifu.

Everything happened with lightning

After an daoshen and Yannan flew back to God, Chen Yang also recovered all his strength.

"Well, your power is nothing but that!" Yannanfei looked at Chen Yang and said, "it's undeniable that your skill is really weird. But it's also very good. As long as I fight you more, I will be more confident. Perhaps, I can break through the six shackles of the Holy Land in such training! "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "just now, I made three moves! You don't have to be too confident. If I combine the strength of these three palms, you can weigh whether you can take it or not. Also, do you think you have won? " He then gave a cold drink and said, "Leng Yifu, get out of here!"

The wild goose flies south and an Dao God is tiny a Zheng. Two people looked at Leng Yifu at the same time!

Leng Yifu immediately came out. He knelt down to Chen Yang and said, "villain, see your master!"

"Palm mouth!" Chen Yang said lightly.

Leng Yifu said: "yes, master!" After he said that, he raised his hand and threw it at his own cheek. In the blink of an eye, Leng Yifu had a hematoma on his cheek.

But his eyes were dull.

"Leng Yifu, I order you to stand up!" Wild goose south flies to see shape, can't help lung all want to follow gas to explode, immediately big shout a way.

Leng Yifu ignores Yannanfei.

Chen Yang then said to Leng Yifu with a smile, "Leng Yifu, get up and tell Yannanfei what you have learned?"

Yannanfei and an daoshen look at each other, and both of them feel some terror.

Leng Yifu got up and said, "I didn't understand until now that I was born to be master Chen Yang's slave. This is my destiny. I didn't understand it before, but now I understand it. From now on, I will try my best to be loyal to my master and devote myself to him all my life! "

"Sorcery!" There was a wild goose roar. He pointed to Chen Yang and said, "if you do not use this power properly, you will be attacked one day."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "you're wrong. It's not my fault! Leng Yifu has done so many evil things. He deserves to die. What he is doing now is his retribution! Well, Leng Yifu, you, give yourself. Use all your strength to kill Yannanfei, never die

Leng Yifu immediately replied, "yes!"

"Leng Yifu, you dare!" An Dao Shen shrieked.

Leng Yifu is ignore anyone, he and ice devil war armour into one, burst out a few black rays in an instant toward wild goose South fly crazy attack kill past!

Yannanfei looks gloomy!

An daoshen was about to resist Leng Yifu, and Yannan Fei said coldly: "back down!"

As soon as an daoshen was in awe, he didn't dare to do it now.

Yannanfei controls this Obsidian mountain. Leng Yifu is in front of him. How can he see it!

He just clapped, then all the black rays of Leng Yifu were smashed. Next second, the wild goose south flies a palm to clap on the eyebrow of cold one husband!

Leng Yifu burst out on the spot and died.

Chen Yang looks at each other coldly.

Of course, he knew that Leng Yifu had no choice but to die. But he let Yannan fly to kill on purpose.

Aren't you flying high? Then I will let you to kill your beloved general!

This is a shame to Yannanfei!

Of course, Yannanfei knows what Chen Yang means.

Chen Yang and Yannanfei look at each other coldly.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "this is just the beginning."

Yannanfei said, "I will kill you!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "you don't have this ability."

Yannanfei said, "you'd better never leave here. Once you get out of here, I'll kill you! " When he had finished, he said to Andong, "let's go!"

"Can you go?" Chen Yang said.

The wild goose south flies to say: "certainly!"

Chen Yang lightning shot, big fatalism again!

"Endless prison! Sleepy Chen Yang's life is burning wildly, and the fatalistic force quickly forms a dark prison. He flies to the south of the wild goose and suppresses the past with an daoshen.

Yannanfei said coldly: "in this place, you are immortal, and I am invincible!"After he finished, he suddenly disappeared in the same place with an daoshen.

Although Chen Yang's hand was thunderous, it was still empty after all.

"Run away?" Mo you and long Xin asked at the same time.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "that's right!"

Mo you said: "can't chase?"

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "this is not a place to talk. Come to my crystal stone and talk about it."

Mo you and long Xin nodded.

So, the crowd entered the black hole crystal again.

Chen Yang said: "I found that the Obsidian here is different from that of the outside world. I can absorb Obsidian here and provide infinite energy for me. There's still a risk in chasing it out. Of course, after going out, Yannanfei didn't have such powerful power. But I don't know the depth of the shadow clan, so I don't want to take this risk. "

"What shall we do next?" Don't worry.

Chen Yang pondered for a moment and said, "leave here first!"

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