"What's new?" Fu Yue immediately asked Chen Yang. Chen Yang said: "I also want to ask you, if Mingyou knows my existence, will he tell you that as long as I contact you again, you will report to him immediately?"

Fu Yue did not deny it and said, "yes!"

Chen Yang said: "it seems that I'm in a dilemma for you to appear again."

Fu Yue is silent.

Chen Yang said, "well, I won't trouble you this time. I need you to do one thing for me now, the only thing

The mansion month heart a tight, say: "what matter?"

Chen Yang said: "you help me make sure that there is no one in the quiet room. I'm going to sneak in and take my brothers when there's no one in the quiet room. "

Fu Yue said, "you are killing yourself. Even if there is no one in the quiet room, you can't get into it. Even if you can go in, the array settings inside connect the flame mountain. Once it starts, its power is unimaginable. You can't save them now. "

Chen Yang said: "I know all this, so you don't have to say more. Anyway, I have to try. Besides, I'm not sure. I won't try. "

Fu Yue sighed and said, "you're not a bad man. To tell you the truth, I don't want to see you die. Last time you were lucky enough to escape in time. "

Chen Yang laughs and says, "are you in love with me?"

Fu Yue smell speech, immediately face a red, then spat a way: "I bah!"

Although she denies it, she can't deny it from the bottom of her heart. Chen Yang really exudes a very mature charm. The charm is not in how handsome he is, but in his personality.

This person, who has a certain degree of advance and retreat, is really rare in the world.

To be exact, it should be rare among monks.

Today's monks, the higher their accomplishments, the colder they are.

It's also easy to understand. There's nothing wrong with the innocence of an ordinary person when he is young. But if this person is often cheated, suffered a lot of losses, met a lot of the world, an age, he will be innocent?

But I don't rule out that there are many different people in this world.

Some people are more compassionate as they get older. Compassion for those ignorant people, compassion for those who never wake up, compassion for the world!

Under the baptism of years, some people will become particularly sharp. And some people will become as gentle as jade, moisten things silently!

Chen Yang then asked about Xiaming Jiaolong. Fu Yue said, "she probably won't be happy. You should have heard my conversation with Fu Tian just now. The Lord has promised her to marry Feng Shangren. This marriage is imperative. In those days, the wind was impatient to grasp our straw. Now time has changed, but we are going to catch the straw on the wind. "

Chen Yang sighed.

He thought about it and said, "if I take Mingjiao dragon with me, what do you think will happen?"

Fu Yue's face changed and said, "absolutely not!"

Chen Yang laughs. Of course, he knows he can't.

It is estimated that Ming Jiao long will not go either.

Fu Yue said: "when your highness ran away, it was humiliating Feng Shangren once. If you run away again this time, you will be humiliated again. At that time, even if the wind can not bear to fight, in order to dignity, we must fight! Once we attack, we will have a headache. "

Chen Yang said: "I understand what you say, just ask casually, don't be too nervous!"

Fu Yue said, "of course I'm nervous. It's a matter of life and death for my family."

Chen Yang said: "life and death, actually closely related to a woman, sad!"

Fu Yue said: "what's sad? There are many things that are closely related to each other." After that, she suddenly felt strange and said, "you know that I may have confessed everything to the Lord. Why do you come to me? What's more, every time you use Fu Tian to come. He still doesn't know. "

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "if you explain everything to Mingyou, it means that you are the person that Mingyou trusts. So of course I choose you. Obviously, after the last incident, Mingyou doesn't believe in his own daughter, so of course I can't go to mingjiaolong. "

Fu Yue said, "you are not human!"

Chen Yang laughs, then says, "well, let's get down to business. You're going to check the situation in the quiet room. "

Fu Yue nodded and said, "good!"

Then Fu Yue got up.

This time, she took her maid Yinghong.

Yinghong already knows the whole story of the past, so now she doesn't have much doubt. She blamed herself for not knowing that so many things had happened to sister Yue. Fu Yue is also a good consolation.

Now, Fu Yue doesn't dare to tell Ying Hong, and Chen Yang runs to her brain again. Just to go to the quiet room. See you, Lord!

Chen Yang has told Fu Yue a set of words.Fu Yue also has some bottom in her heart, but she is still worried that Chen Yang's existence will be discovered by the secret tryst. Chen Yang said, "you don't have to worry about this. I have my own sense of propriety."

Come to that quiet room, Fu Yue asks to see you.

Chen Yang hopes that the guard says that the Lord is not in it. However, the guard says that the Lord is in meditation.

Fu Yue immediately said, "I'm in meditation, so I won't disturb you."

She turned to leave.

The guard said, "but the Lord has also explained that if aunt Fu Yue wants to meet her, she can go in."

Fu Yue smiles awkwardly and says, "I don't have anything important. Come back later."

Chen Yang is also murmuring in his heart. How can this dark place stay in this quiet room all the year round! This guy's life is really boring!

When Fu Yue was ready to leave, there was a faint voice in the quiet room.

"Xiaoyue, come in!"

Fu Yue had no choice but to go in.

As for Yinghong, it is not allowed to enter.

The gate of the quiet room opens and the moon enters.

Before the Jinghu Lake, the fog was dense.

Fu Yue came and saluted: "Xiaoyue, please see the Lord!"

He sits in front of the lake in a silver robe without anger. With a faint smile, he said, "sit down!"

Fu Yue also sat down.

Mingyou said: "you are always afraid of our Lord. There is nothing important. You will never come. But just now, I want to retreat. It seems that I just want to make sure that I am here or not. "

Fu Yue was startled.

Then, with a faint smile, Mingyou said, "it must be someone who wants you to explore whether the master is in this quiet room, isn't it?"

Fu Yue is in a panic.

Chen Yang is also secretly surprised. This Mingyou is really a crafty guy.

However, it is obvious that most of them are guessing and testing.

It seems that there is a city in Fuyue, but in front of Chen Yang and Mingyou, they are very naive.

Chen Yang immediately took control of Fu Yue's vocal cords and said, "Lord, I He did communicate with me. He wants me to see how his friends are doing? He wanted to make sure they were awake. He couldn't wake them up before. If he wakes up, maybe he will take another step! "

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