Ming you looks at Fu Yue with a smile, as if she wants to see through Fu Yue.

He suddenly said, "really?"

Chen Yang immediately said, "yes!" Mingyou said, "I thought he was in your brain again."

Chen Yang pretended to be stunned, and then said, "how can the Lord think so? If he comes here again rashly, isn't he looking for death? " Mingyou said: "what you said is reasonable. Maybe I think too much." After a pause, he said, "are you here to report this?"

Chen Yang said, "yes!"

Mingyou said: "you can reply him, just say you haven't woken up. But I already have a way to wake them up... "

Chen Yang said, "do you really have a way?"

"Yes," said Mingyou Chen Yang immediately affirmed that the old fox had no way to wake up his second brother. He doesn't trust Fu Yue that much.

Chen Yang said, "yes, I will reply to him according to your instructions."

Mingyou said, "OK, if you have any further progress, please come and tell me at once."

Chen Yang said, "yes, Lord!"

Mingyou said, "go down!"

Chen Yang immediately withdrew from Fu Yue's vocal cords.

Fu Yue gets up, salutes to Ming you again, and then retreats.

After leaving the quiet room, Fu Yue and Chen Yang started brain communication.

When Yinghong asked, Fu Yue didn't say much to Yinghong. Fu Yue said: "the Lord seems to have been suspicious. He is really a suspicious man."

Chen Yang said: "of course, he is suspicious."

Fu Yue said, "why didn't you say what you said to me? For example, you want me to keep the big secret that fengxinglie was caught by fengshangren. For example, does the shadow clan collude with Feng Shangren? "

Chen Yang said: "that set of words was originally prepared to be forced to say."

Fu Yue said, "but he must be suspicious. We didn't muddle through."

"If I guess correctly, he should have suspected me of sneaking in," Chen said. And I think I will do it, so after that, he will leave the quiet room for me to take the bait. "

Fu Yue said, "then you must not go."

Chen Yang said, "go, why not? His attention is on you. He must think I'm going through you. But I won't rely on you to get in. When he leaves the quiet room, you can delay me for some time and make some fake moves. But you won't sell me again, will you

Fu Yue was full of helplessness and said, "what do you want to do? I always think you're too risky. Your cultivation is very powerful, but that's just for me. You really don't look at it enough in front of the Lord

Chen Yang laughed and said, "that's not necessarily true."

Fu Yue can't understand Chen Yang's confidence.

After thinking about it, Chen Yang stressed, "I have my own plan. Just do as I say. No matter from that aspect, I have no malice to you yaotianzong. Even, Feng Shangren colludes with the shadow clan and catches up with fengxinglie. After I leave, you can tell your master. It's definitely a big deal and can give him a lot of judgment. I've saved people. If I don't say a word, I'll leave here. "

After a pause, he said, "Fu Yue, do you know? Now I'm in control of another technique. When I was a master of the four demons in the cave, I was a slave of the other side. So it's easy for me to subdue you and make you my slave. At the same time, it's the safest way to do it, but I didn't even think about it. Because I always regard you as my friend. Maybe you think my friend is ridiculous. When we first met, I was threatening you. But if you think about it carefully, I really don't treat you as a friend. Can you still live now? "

Fu Yue was stunned.

What Chen Yang said made her feel strange. "Four sacred places? You made a slave? How is that possible? "

Chen Yang said, "if I don't have some special skills, can I run to save people?"

No matter what, Fu Yue still believes Chen Yang's words. She believes in Chen Yang's personality and sincerity.

Fu Yue took a deep breath and said, "well, I will never betray you in this matter. This is what I promise you

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I believe you!"

So soon, Chen Yang began to take the second step.

When he went to the quiet room before, he had already seen the second elder brother. They were still in the quiet lake.

Think about it, the array setting in the quiet lake is extremely complex, even if it's dark, it can't be changed easily.

Chen Yang asked Fu Yue to go to the quiet room again.

But this time, Chen Yang has left Fu Yue's brain.

In order to gain Chen Yang's trust, Fu Yue did not seal Chen Yang's seal. Through that mark, Chen Yang can see what Fu Yue has done.

Although they both decided to trust each other, at the same time, they all kept one hand.

It's hard for adults to trust each other without reservation.If Fu Yue seals Chen Yang's seal again, it means there is a ghost. Well, it's not sure that Chen Yang is about to set off his mark.

No one is going to test the bottom line.

When Fu Yue comes to the quiet room again, the guard tells Fu Yue that the Lord is no longer in the quiet room. You didn't come, and the quiet room was empty.

After hearing this, Fu Yue was shocked.

Because all this was expected by Chen Yang.

So the next step is to continue to implement the plan.

Fu Yue tells the guard that she has something urgent to find Mingyou.

The guard said, "the Lord has told me that he will come back when he goes. If you want to find aunt Yue, you can wait in the quiet room first. "

This is to lay out the bait inside and wait for Fu Yue to enter.

Fu Yue then asks Chen Yang through his seal if he wants to go in?

Chen Yang said: "Mingyou must be hiding in the quiet room, waiting for you to go in and show your stuffing. What you need to do now is to ask the Lord where he is. You say that you have something to report about the shadow clan and fengshangren. Mingyou is naturally embarrassed to admit that he lied to you. He will move to another place to meet you. The attraction of this matter can absolutely paralyze him. He subconsciously thinks that I have to rely on you to go to the quiet room. "

Fu Yue has a headache. The twists and turns in the middle are too complicated. She wants to have a headache

"If he thinks you're going in, you have to rely on me. Then he won't think, "why don't I take you in now?" Fu Yue said.

Chen Yang said: "this is a game between me and him. He wants to lead me out and catch me now. Am I that stupid? Do you know he's in there and show up? If you insist on not going in and reveal something about Feng Shangren and Yingzu, he will doubt his judgment. At the same time, he will be eager to know the truth. What you have to do is try to tell him everything about me in the film family. It's a contribution you've made! "

Fu Yue said, "but if you save someone at the same time, doesn't he understand that I betrayed him?"

Chen Yang said, "you just say you don't know."

Fu Yue is silent.

There are still many dangers in this matter. Including her own political future

But she had to go on.

Chen Yang also knows this, but he can only go on.

He had no choice.

If you don't want to offend anything and want to have the best of both worlds, how can it be?

The communication between Chen Yang and Fu Yue is a flash of lightning. Fu Yue must go on in order to survive. She then said to the guard, "I won't go to the quiet room. Now I have something urgent to report to the Lord. It's big news about the shadow clan and tolerance on the wind! "

The guard was shocked.

Then, a voice came to the guard's mind, that is, the voice of the dark.

Mingyou said, "let her go to my palace."

The guard then said to Fu Yue, "the Lord has gone back to the palace."

Fu Yue quickly thanks and then turns away.

In the secluded palace, I will meet you in the moon.

Before Mingyou, he was hiding in the quiet room as Chen Yang expected. But Fu Yue's words startled him, and he immediately moved to the palace.

At the same time, he also paid close attention to the quiet room. In the quiet room, he would know immediately if there was wind and grass.

In the palace, Fu Yue knelt down and said, "see you, Lord!"

Mingyou was still very kind. He said with a smile, "you're welcome. Sit down!"

Fu Yue gets up and sits down.

Mingyou had already held back all his servants. He sat on the top of the table and said, "you must have some new news when you come to my master so soon, right?"

Fu Yue said, "yes, Lord. It's really a big thing. It's about our life and death. That's why Xiaoyue came in a hurry. "

"Oh, so serious?" Mingyou's heart has been fluctuating, but his face is still. Then he said, "tell me."

Fu Yue said: "Chen Yang and his highness are good friends. You know that. But he does not dare to contact his highness now. He feels that his Highness has been monitored. But he trusted me because he felt he could control me

"Say the point," said Mingyou He can't wait any longer. He has no interest in acting with Fu Yue.

Fu Yue said: "before Chen Yang promised his highness to help the hall go down to take care of a man called soul Muyang. But he couldn't find the soul Muyang, so he wanted to go into the Earth Star family to find out the soul Muyang. So he found a follower of the little prince, who was popular and strong, and hid him. At that time, fengxinglie wanted to persuade shenfengmen to cooperate with bingxuanxin. However, the leader of Shenfeng sect is so cunning that he won't agree or refuse. When he was angry, he took people away from the sacred wind gate. How to know at this time, they were attacked by the mysterious man. Those mysterious people have high accomplishments, and seem to control the gods. Those who are popular will not be defeated and will be arrested. So Chen Yang was caught in the shadow clan's old nest. "

Ming you's face is gloomy. He stares at Fu Yue and says, "it's very important. Do you mean it?"Fu Yue said: "this matter is absolutely serious!"

Mingyou said: "this is strange. How can you be absolutely serious?"

Fu Yue said: "Lord, Chen Yang wants to warn. It's very kind of him to say that. "

After a moment of silence, Mingyou said, "well, I believe it. What else is there? "

Fu Yue said: "what colludes with the shadow clan is tolerance on the wind. Tolerance on the wind promises many benefits to the shadow clan. These benefits include 20 billion Bing Po Dan and.... "

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