Fu Yue's words are not surprising to Ming you. At the same time, he has believed most of Fu Yue's words. Because Fu Yue talked about Bing Po Dan. The ice soul Dan and the shadow clan are highly confidential. With Fu Yue's cultivation, they can't touch these things at all.

"20 billion ice soul Dan, also promised that the film clan will have their own territory in the future!" "It's not surprising that the shadow clan refused such temptation," murmured Mingyou

Fu Yue looked at Mingyou, and she couldn't help saying, "what is this ice soul pill? Why do the filmmakers attach so much importance to it? And there are so many ice soul pills in fengshangren

Mingyou also took a look at Fuyue, and he said: "bingpu Dan is like poison to us. But a small dose of Bing Po Dan doesn't matter. But the people of the shadow clan grew up in the dark all the time, absorbed the essence of obsidian, and were as cold as ice. Bingpo Dan is the supreme holy product for them

Fu Yue said, "Lord, I don't understand. Where did Feng Shangren get so many ice soul pills from? "

Mingyou said: "in the past 100 years, fengshangren's cultivation has made great progress. It is said that he got the mantle of the eternal old man, who was still above the five emperors and was the first of the three great old men. "

"Old man forever?" Fu Yue was shocked.

"The old man of all ages comes from the shadow clan!" said the deep voice

Fu Yue said: "but how can he get the Almighty old man's mantle? Old man, are you still alive? "

Mingyou said, "the myths of those days don't appear any more now. It is said that he found the blessed cave where the old man once lived, in which there are many magic tools, skills and pills of the old man. Although the eternal old man is the myth of the shadow clan, he learned the skills of the shadow clan. However, when the Tao and Dharma are cultivated to the highest level, all things will come to the same destination by different paths. "

Fu Yue naturally understands this truth.

Mingyou continued: "Bingpo Dan, since he can take out so many Bingpo Dan. It seems that the legend is true. In this way, he must have more of the shadow clan in his hand. It's a foregone conclusion that the shadow clan will be used by him. "

Fu Yue said: "Lord, it seems that tolerance on the wind is more complicated than we think."

Mingyou nodded, and then he said, "things are more complicated than our imagination. There are still many strange things in this. Since Chen Yang has been captured by the film clan, how can he come to warn? And what's the matter with the popularity now? "

Fu Yue said, "this is exactly what I want to report to you."

Mingyou said, "OK, you say!"

Fu Yue said: "fengxinglie has fallen into the hands of fengshangren."

"Good!" There was a light in Mingyou's eyes. "It seems that everyone has taken a blind eye. In the current situation on the mainland, tolerance on the wind is the most hidden thing!"

After a pause, he said, "you haven't told me how Chen Yang warned you? Did he escape? "

Fu Yue said: "he has indeed escaped, he said he has special ability!"

"Special skill!" Mingyou was already full of thoughts. Hearing the words, strange light flashed in his eyes. He said, "I want to talk to him. Can you let him come here?"

Fu Yue is slightly stunned, but unexpectedly, Mingyou proposes to meet Chen Yang.

"I don't know if he dares to come, but I can convey your message," she said

Mingyou said, "well, tell him that our Lord knows his wish to save his brothers and friends. As long as he is willing to cooperate with us, these are not problems. "

Fu Yue said, "good!"

"Can you contact him now?" he said

Fu Yue said, "I'll try!"

As a result, Fu Yue soon contacted Chen Yang.

In his mind, Fu Yue and Chen yanggou said: "you heard the conversation just now?"

Chen Yang immediately said, "I heard it."

"Can you come and see my lord?" Asked Fu Yue.

Chen Yang said: "I came to see him when my head was broken. He just wanted to lead me out. Once I get out, he's got my life. He can knead me as much as he wants. At that time, not to mention saving my friends and brothers, it's a question whether I can survive or not. Now I'm going to save my friend, pat my ass and leave. What do I have to do? No

Fu Yue is also helpless.

She then reported to mingyouhui, "he's gone!"

Mingyou said: "he can't say it so happily? Don't you care about your friends? Or does he have a way to save his friend now? "

In fact, Chen Yang has been building the gate of destiny!

It's not easy for Chen Yang to cheat.

Mingyou spent too much effort in the quiet room. It took Chen Yang 100000 years to build a door of destiny. A fateful gate that can hide from the world

In a flash, Chen Yang had already arrived in the quiet room.

After arriving at the quiet room, he went back to Fuyue by the way.Then Chen Yang came to Jinghu.

He enveloped himself with the force of fate, so that Mingyou would not notice that someone was coming in the quiet room.

Chen Yang's plan is very simple. He begins to enter through the door of fate. Then he hides himself with the power of fate, and finally he grabs the second elder brother into jiexumi with the power of fate.

After that, you can go to the Obsidian tunnel to replenish energy. When life expectancy returns to one million years, we will go back to the earth. One million years of life on the body, still afraid of not escaping back to earth?

I believe that there is a headache around Mingyou, and I won't spend so much effort on myself.

In the quiet room, Chen Yang's life continues to burn wildly.

Before he came to Jinghu, he saw the lake

At this glance, Chen Yang was shocked.

Because there's no one in the lake.


I don't know whether the array is hidden or really transferred.

"It's really an old fox. If it's not right, it's going to turn people away." Chen Yang is extremely depressed.

"What should I do? No, I can't stay here any longer. The longer the time, the faster the life consumption. It's better to go back to the Obsidian tunnel and complete the life span, and then calculate the second elder brother's situation with great fatalism. "

Chen Yang made up his mind and immediately went out of the gate of fate again.

His life span has consumed 200000 years in an instant!

It's not that life is worthless, but it's too hard to hide from such a master as Mingyou.

Chen Yang once again spent 200000 years of his life sacrificing the fateful gate leading to the Obsidian tunnel.

It was at this time that Mingyou finally realized something was wrong. In an instant, Mingyou came to the quiet room

As soon as he comes to the quiet room, Mingyou sees Chen Yang step into the door of destiny.

"Chen Yang, I have something to talk with you..." Chen Yang has disappeared before the words are heard.

Mingyou wants to follow the fatalistic gate, but the fatalistic gate disappears in an instant.

"Damn it Suddenly, Mingyou was furious!

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