In the quiet room, Mingyou summoned Fu Yue again.

If you say before, Ming you is still interested in being patient with Chen Yang. But when he learned that Feng Shangren was in collusion with the shadow clan, he grasped Feng xinglie. These forces told him that fengshangren had the ability to defeat bingxuanxin. At this time, fengshangren still chooses to marry. What is the purpose of fengshangren?

I don't understand. But he knew that in this marriage, he was already in a weak position. There was a lingering fear in his heart. He's afraid that tolerance on the wind is a way to build a secret life. On the surface, he wants to get married. In fact, he wants to paralyze himself and deal with himself.

He can't lose, he can't lose!

Mingyou is eager to see Chen Yang, because Chen Yang has shown him too much magic. He died and resurrected in the hands of you Lao. After that, he made a miraculous escape in the headquarters of the shadow clan, and now he is walking under his own eyes.

This is a trump card!

Now he just wants to talk to Chen Yang, but what's more, the other party just won't give him the chance.

Quiet room, before the lake, sitting on the spot.

Fuyue kneels in front of Mingyou.

Mingyou's face was cold. He was silent and didn't speak.

Fu Yue already knows that Chen Yang has broken in. She sees that there are no LAN Tingyu and other people in Jinghu. She thinks Chen Yang has successfully saved people and left.

"Lord, I am damned. Please give me a confession!" Fu Yue kowtows in fear.

With a slight sigh, Mingyou said, "I didn't expect that you finally united with outsiders to cheat me. Jiaolong is like this, so are you. "

Fu Yue cried and said, "please forgive me. He controls my brain. If I don't listen, I will die on the spot."

Mingyou said, "there are many ways you can suggest to the Lord, but you don't. This shows that your heart is also toward that person. Anyway, you have betrayed yaotianzong and our Lord. My Lord, I can no longer tolerate you. "

"What?" Fu Yue could hardly believe what she heard. An indescribable fear rose from the bottom of her heart.

This is a fear of death from the body instinct!

She never thought that Mingyou was going to change her mind completely. She thought that most of them were punishments.

Fu Yue cried and said, "Lord forgive, Lord forgive. Chen Yang threatened me, but he also said that if I tell you the truth about the information, I will be punished! Lord, Lord... "

"When you go to help that person wholeheartedly, you should think of this ending," said Mingyou coldly. No one can betray the Lord again and again. At the beginning, you have done something extraordinary for him. I forgive you and give you a chance. I didn't punish you. But what did you get in the end? It's your further betrayal. I don't know what Chen Yang's ecstasy soup you and Jiaolong drank. They all helped outsiders betray me one by one! "

After a pause, he said, "well, I can give you one last chance. If, for your sake, Chen yangken comes to meet you. Then, I will not pursue your treason. If he doesn't come, I'm sorry. I'll kill you first. After that, I will declare your treason to your family! "

"I..." Fu Yue's whole heart cools down.

"Why do you want to die with me?" Fu Yue feels hopeless and desolate. Then, with a bitter smile, he said, "since the Lord is determined to kill Xiaoyue, what else can Xiaoyue say?"

He said, "this is your only chance to live. If you don't want to try, I won't force you." When he had finished, he put out his big hand.

His big hands form a handprint!

This handprint will cover Fu Yue's head. As long as you are lucky, you can break Fu Yue's head immediately!

Fu Yue is totally disappointed!

At the moment, the feeling in her heart is desperate and complicated. She finally chooses to help Chen Yang. She did not expect that she would come to this end.

She thought that everything Chen Yang said was, after all, a use. He said so much in order to make himself believe him. But he didn't think about his own safety at all.

As for his own life and death, how can Chen Yang care?

At this moment, Fu Yue can't help but resent Chen Yang.

She hated Chen Yang, and even more hated that she had lived so many years, but she was still an innocent person in the end.

The death shrouded her, as if she felt the touch and cold in the dark palm print.

That's the smell of death!

There is only a line between life and death.

Her delicate body could not help shivering. She was afraid of death after all.

Her heart suddenly jumped and she said in a trembling voice, "Lord, I Try it

Chen Yang went to the Obsidian tunnel through the gate of destiny, and then he immediately replenished his energy and absorbed the Obsidian essence.

Life expectancy is soon replenished to a million years!

Great fatalism is once again complete!It's a great feeling!

However, if he is happy, someone is doomed to be unhappy.

In fact, although great fatalism can rely on Obsidian essence stone to replenish Chen Yang's life. However, the consumption of obsidian is extremely huge.

The obsidian in the Obsidian tunnel is different from the obsidian in other places.

this Obsidian Stone can be said to be the general principle of obsidian essence and the essence of obsidian essence. It is the origin of obsidian essence.

If this kind of obsidian exists, it will produce the essence of obsidian continuously.

But if there is no Obsidian essence, the essence of obsidian will gradually disappear.

Yan Nanfei, the master of the shadow clan, managed to send Chen Yang away. But now, he immediately felt that Obsidian was absorbed again.

The Obsidian essence stone has been absorbed by Chen Yang by one fifth and gone.

If it goes on like this, it won't hurt.

At that moment, Yannanfei appeared in the Obsidian tunnel.

Chen Yang and Yannanfei meet again.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry. He said with a smile, "geese fly south. It's a coincidence that we meet again. This is a good place. I remember you brought me here on your own initiative. So, I will take this place as my base camp in the future. As long as we don't have enough strength, we should draw some. Surely you don't have an opinion? "

"You want to die!" The wild goose flies south in a rage.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I want to die. Why don't you give me a ride?"

The wild goose south flies to immediately want to hand, but in hand an instant, he once again stopped.

He knew that fighting this guy here would only consume Obsidian more sharply. The others are of no use at all.

"What? Think about it? But I don't think about it. I'll kill you Chen Yang's eyes are cold, and he wants to kill Yannanfei.

In this place, the power of wild geese flying south will also increase greatly. But after all, it's not as strange as Chen Yang!

The wild goose flies south, anxious and angry, but helpless.

Once Chen Yang makes a move, he can only escape here.

However, just when Chen Yang was ready to hunt wild geese. The voice of Fu Yue came from his brain

"Chen Yang, Mingyou wants to kill me. Where are you? " Fu Yue communicated with Chen Yang and asked.

Chen Yang still has the breath of fate left in the quiet room, which is why Fu Yue can communicate with Chen Yang smoothly. Otherwise, with the secrets of the Obsidian tunnel, Fu Yue would not be able to communicate with Chen Yang.

After hearing this, Chen Yang was stunned. He immediately said, "are you kidding me? Are you crazy? You told him such a big thing, I didn't get it, didn't save people, he would kill you? He meant to force me to show up

Fu Yue said: "you can feel my situation now. I don't know what he thinks. But I know he won't mind killing me if you don't show up. Anyway, I'm guilty of betrayal. If he killed me, we don't have much to say. "

Chen Yang said, "I..."

He sensed Fu Yue with the force of fate. With that mark, he immediately felt that Mingyou had contained Fu Yue's head. As long as you work hard, you will kill Fu Yue.

"Is this old man insane. Laozi has nothing to do with Fuyue. Can it threaten Laozi? You kill her and do my shit. She's not my lover Chen Yang thought bitterly.

He thinks that Mingyou is probably crazy and is in a hurry to go to a doctor.

But at the same time, Chen Yang also understands that Mingyou is afraid that he may actually kill Fuyue.

Since his words have been exported, if he does not appear, he will kill Fu Yue to establish his authority.

It's never a joke for the superior!

Chen Yang said in secret: "do I really watch her die? But I go like this? Isn't he also sick. What's my relationship with her? It's always using relationships! She betrayed me, too! "

Chen Yang has not spoken, his silence makes Fu Yue's heart more desperate.

However, at her most desperate time

Chen Yang opened his mouth and said, "OK, tell Mingyou, I'll come! But not in a quiet room. I can meet you. But it must be outside Yaotian palace! "

Chen Yang also has his own considerations. Going to the quiet room is too life-consuming. Even here, I'm not afraid of wasting my life. The more you can spend, the more powerful the shadow will be in the future!

At this moment, Fu Yue almost thought she was listening.

After reaction, she burst into tears with ecstasy!

She suddenly felt that the world was still beautiful.

After all, she believed Chen Yang correctly.

The feeling of not being let down is so beautiful.

So Fu Yue immediately conveyed Chen Yang's words.

But Mingyou didn't think much about it. He said to Fuyue, "OK, let's go!"

It's so easy for Mingyou to leave Yaotian palace.

In the twinkling of an eye, he was far away from the peak of TIANYAO palace.The peak stands by the sea, the sun is shining, and the sea is sparkling!

The sea breeze is blowing!

Mingyou said to Fuyue, "tell him to come and see you."

Fu Yue nodded and immediately told Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'll come right away."

After he finished, he said to the Yannanfei who was waiting for him: "well, you are lucky. I have something to do now. I'll go first. Do you mind if I leave? "

After the wild goose south flies to smell speech, the corner of the mouth twitches. He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Chen Yang sacrificed himself at the gate of destiny and then went through it.

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