On the cliff facing the sea, with the sun shining on the sea, Chen Yang comes to Mingyou and Fuyue through the gate of destiny.

At this time of the dark, a silver robe. He was wearing a golden crown of hair and a kind of King's spirit!

He looks only thirty or forty years old.

Chen Yang thinks that the appearance of Ming you and Chen Ling is similar, but the majesty of Ming you is more terrible. As for Mr. Ling, he felt as calm as Yuanyue.

Standing there, there was a kind of fear in the light indifference.

When wearing palace clothes, the beautiful and mature Fu Yue sees Chen Yang, her eyes turn red.

At this moment, her heart was moved, warm, and even a feeling of heart that she did not dare to face. This kind of heart makes her panic, she is a man with husband, how can such a young man have such a feeling?

But who can stop the heartbeat?

Fuyue obviously can't!

Chen Yang and Mingyou finally meet.

The two stood opposite.

Chen Yang clasped his fist, saluted and said, "I've met you, Chen Yang!"

Mingyou also looks at Chen Yang. There is no change in his eyes. No one knows what he is thinking at the moment.

After a long time, Mingyou said to Fu Yue: "Xiaoyue, go back. Now that he has come, I will let bygones be bygones. Even the Lord will remember your credit

Fu Yue couldn't help her ecstasy.

She soon repressed the ecstasy and said in a deep voice, "yes, Lord!"

After she finished, she took another look at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiles. At the same time, he takes away the mark in her brain.

Fu Yue's delicate body trembled slightly. Her figure flashed and disappeared in the air.

When the mark was taken away, there was an indescribable sadness and loss in her heart. That's the bond between her and Chen Yang, but now, the bond has broken.

Maybe from now on, there will be no meeting day!

She was worried, but she didn't dare to show any worry in front of Mingyou.

After Fu Yue left, only Chen Yang and Ming you were left in the field.

"Master, you should know my purpose. I have no intention for the whole Guangyao star or any sect or force. I just want to save my friend! " Chen Yang said in a deep voice.

Mingyou said, "I know." After a pause, he said, "but you and your friends killed several generals of our Lord, and even you Lao's son. This account can't be uncovered like this. "

Chen Yang said: "since you have called me, you must have a solution. I'm all ears

Mingyou said: "your friends are safe now, and the time vortex can't be opened for a while. However, the whirlpool of time cannot last forever. We have seen that the vortex of time is beginning to decline. Once the decline, we break. With you Lao's character, you will definitely kill them directly. It's hard to stop even the owner. "

What do you mean by Chen Yang

Mingyou said, "my Lord has many difficulties now. I believe you can see them. So, I need your help. As long as you are willing to help us do some good things, we will return your friends to you in good condition

Chen Yang said, "Oh?"

Mingyou said: "as long as the event is decided, you Lao will no longer have today's value. He will be afraid of the Lord

Chen Yang smiles. He thinks about it and says, "I understand what you mean. But now, are you too confident? I wonder what would happen if I caught you now? Is this a once and for all solution? "

"You? Capture the owner? " Mingyou was slightly stunned, and then his face became strange.

He seems to have heard a big joke.

After that, Mingyou said, "you remind us that it would be better for us to seize you and control your life and death."

Chen Yang said: "if you can control my life and death, then you should not place high hopes on me. Because it's obviously my lack of ability! "

There was a ray of light in Mingyou's eyes, and he said, "so it seems that we need to fight each other once."

Chen Yang knows that Mingyou is not simple. Although Mingyou is the peak of the six sacred realms, it is not as good as the Seven Sacred realms created by the emperor. However, on the Dragon planet of emperor Shengtian, all the accomplishments are somewhat weakened. At that time, Chen Yang's creation environment two easily beat his opponent's creation environment four. But now, Chen Yang's creation environment is triple, and his head hurts when he meets the people of Guangyao star's creation environment is quadruple. If the opponent turns into a real beast again, if he doesn't use fatalism, he is not the opponent at all. This is the gap!

Compared with the earth, the cultivation of the Dragon Star is weakened.

Compared with the earth, Guangyao people's accomplishments and talents are enhanced.

In front of Chen Yang's eyes, he was the first person of Guangyao star!Chen Yang knows that this is difficult to deal with, and may burn more fates.

The more life burns, the more terrifying the shadow becomes.

But Chen Yang can't avoid the war, he must let Mingyou know his ability, let Mingyou heart fear. In this way, Mingyou can face up to his ability.

Chen Yang wants to let Mingyou know that Chen Yang has chips.

Two people immediately instant hand!

The silver robe on Mingyou's body suddenly changed and turned into silver white armor!

This divine armor is the divine armor of the whole Guangyao star!

It is said that this armor was made from the scales of the God when he was born from the sun on the first day.

Now the situation of yaotianzong is not good, but no one dares to act rashly. The big reason is that Mingyou has Yaoxing armor.

Yao star God armour, an immortal weapon that the whole Guang Yao star master is afraid of!

This armour surpasses the magic weapon left by the old man, the five emperors and the dark god.

Chen Yang took a deep breath. Of course, he did not dare to underestimate it.

The great fatalistic talisman has been activated.

"I'm still here Mingyou's eyes are cold, and suddenly he drinks lightly.

Then lightning came out of his palm.

When the palm of his hand came out, the scales on Yao star's armor flashed, directly covering his palm!

Then, Yaoshen's hand seal comes to Chen Yang's thunder.

As soon as the hand print of Yao God comes out, it will shine!

That kind of light, even the sun on the spot all blocked!

Chen Yang feels that the dark hand print is the sun!

It's not only like the sun, but also the true meaning and dignity of the sun.

Chen Yang took a deep breath again and instantly sacrificed the black hole river!


Just for a moment, the black hole River completely collapsed.

It's like a black hole with the sun coming down!

Whatever matter you are, aoyi and so on!

Burn it all!

At that moment, Chen Yang was shocked.

He already knew that Mingyou was extremely terrible, but he didn't expect that Mingyou had been so terrible!

It was the first time for him to meet such a cruel man.

Then, the Yao star seal came to Chen Yang's head again.

As if the eternal flood and famine were suppressed together with the sky

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