"Black hole whirlpool, great phagocytosis, xuanhuang Valley seed! The power of destiny At this moment, Chen Yang's reaction was also extremely fast.

It's tempting to fight. But if you really find that the other side's card is no better, both sides will directly move on the real case, capture and kill the other side. The cooperation between Mingyou and Chen Yang is obviously inclined to seize it and control it. If Chen Yang thinks that he can suddenly catch this guy and force him to let him go, that's good.

The Yao sun's fingerprints, like lightning beasts in the dark clouds, instantly shuttle into the black hole vortex!

All the matter in the black hole vortex will be burned to ashes directly.

Great phagocytosis, xuanhuang God Valley seed also can't resist Yao God's fingerprints!

However, at this time, the gray force of fate entangled in.

That fatalistic force, like a protective cover, instantly withstood the sun's pure fire!


Heaven and earth collapse!

"Suck!" Chen Yang's life is burning crazily, and the burning speed is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it is 10000 years!

But this 10000 years is also worth it!

Because Chen Yang finally succeeded in absorbing the strength of the other party.


"So pure, so powerful!" Chen Yang is speechless, almost instantaneously, he almost can't bear each other's strength.

Fortunately, he still has the power of destiny!

Fatalistic force stores each other's pure energy!

"Why is this Yao RI Shen Jia so terrible and abnormal?" Chen Yang's secret way.

At the same time, Mingyou was surprised and said in secret: "our Lord's Yao RI God armour has seldom been used. Once it is used, it is hard for the six sacred realms to resist. This son is just the triple cultivation of the holy land. He not only resists the attack of the Lord, but also attacks the power of the Lord. It's no wonder that you's son will die in his hands. "

"Pure fire, true sword!" The dark heart reads a turn, suddenly a big drink, the operation Yao sun god armor cuts out a sword.

That Yao sun god armor is like a powerful sun stove in an instant.

It seems that the whole person becomes the center of darkness!

What is more terrifying is that the sun in the sky seems to have a kind of connection with yaorishenjia.

Then, a beam of divine light came out of the center of yaori!

This divine light is the pure fire real sword!

This flash of thunder and lightning generally shoots into the center of Chen Yang's black hole vortex.

Chen Yang hey, a sword east to chop!

He concentrated all his energy in this sword, and only retained the necessary energy and mana.

Sword light collides with jinghuo real sword lightning. Then, a sword came to the East and was killed to ashes.

"I'll go!" Chen Yang is disgraced.

The jinghuo real sword cuts Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang is also changing very fast.

"Fatalism, you are the supreme being!" Chen Yang cheered: "out of nothing, kill this sword!"

The fatalistic talisman immediately fluttered, and Chen Yang's life was burning wildly.

"Ten thousand years, twenty thousand years, thirty thousand years, forty thousand years, fifty thousand years!"

"100000 years!"

"The limit is 300000 years at a time!" Chen Yang immediately understood his bottom line.

It runs directly for 300000 years, and it's used three times in a row!

It is true that there is a deep relationship between yaorishenjia and the sun.

At this moment, Mingyou is not only his own power, but also the power of the supreme sun.

Chen Yang can feel the endless power of the dark.

"It seems that a decisive battle with him must not be in the daytime. We must fight when the sun is weaker! No wonder he dares to set the location here! "

In this moment, Chen Yang understood a lot.

The force of destiny produced three swords in an instant!

The first sword, as cold as ice, directly freezes the pure fire sword and the dark yaori armor!

Second sword, the power of thunder!


Mingyou reacted very quickly and quickly broke the ice force of the first sword.

At the moment of ice breaking, the second sword has arrived!

Thunder communicated with heaven and earth, and all of them were killed on the top of yaorishenjia.

The third sword is the power of ice!


The world is frozen!

The whole person is frozen again.

The ice power of the first sword was completely dissolved by the dark sun god armor and the power of the sun.

The second sword, however, made Yao RI Shen Jia lose contact with the sun.

The third sword completely lost the energy of yaorishenjia.

Chen Yang's three swords cost 900000 years of life, and finally defeated Mingyou and yaori.

A life span of 900000 years. What's that concept? It can almost kill the existence of the creation environment.However, with the energy of yaorishenjia and the sun, Mingyou just carried Chen Yang's attack.

Chen Yang also understands that the name of Mingyou, the number one in the world, is not really boastful.

However, the number one in the world also has water.

If Mingyou doesn't have yaorishenjia and is not under the sun, then Mingyou may not even have a life span of 100000 years. Unless he turns into the real animal, the real animal can live up to 200000 years.

Chen Yang was shocked by the horror of the Yao sun god armor, and sighed that it was indeed the first day God's thing.

He thought that if God existed on this first day, he would not be inferior to any saint on earth. Perhaps, the first day of God and the universe is almost the existence of it.

What Chen Yang doesn't know is that at this time, Mingyou's heart is shocked.

He couldn't believe what was in front of him.

"How is that possible? How is that possible? My Lord was defeated by him with the power of the sun god armor and the sun shining on the sun He was shocked, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

Chen Yang looks to the dark, and his eyes are full of light.

At this point, there's nothing to hide. He plans to capture Mingyou alive, and then take yaorishenjia for his own use.

However, at this time, a sense of crisis rose from the bottom of his heart!

"No, it's true that Mingyou is so cunning that he calls for help at the moment of failure. This helper is very strong I can't. Yao RI's armor is beginning to recover. I'm afraid I'll have to drink bitterness. " Helpless, Chen Yang quickly sacrificed his life at the gate of destiny, and then returned to the Obsidian tunnel.

On the cliff, the ice on Mingyou's body dissipated quickly.

He took back the armor.

It looks like he's nothing.

At the same time, four figures appeared in front of him.

"See you, my Lord!" After they had settled down, they knelt down quickly. All of them were dressed in black robes, shrouded in darkness and lost their face.

These four men are the dead men in the dark.

They are the prisoners he rescued from the dark gods. They were originally the dark god people and committed heinous crimes. But Mingyou saved them and made them stronger.

It's a secret!

These four dead men are the four guards of the dead!

Their cultivation is just a sacred place, but they are not afraid of death. Once they explode, their killing power is unimaginable!

They will not be forced to go out.

Once they are really mobilized, they will immediately come to die.

After all, Mingyou didn't trust you so much, so at the critical moment, he used the four guards of the dead and didn't ask you to come.

You are always loyal. But at this time, if you find that he is injured, and Yao RI's armor is also damaged. He was afraid that you Lao would kill him and take away his yaori armor.

"You, go back. It's all right! " It's hard to be calm for a long time. It's hard for him to accept his failure. He hasn't failed for many years. But today, I lost so inexplicably.

The four guards of the undead stayed for a while, then they turned and left without hesitation.

He murmured: "Chen Yang, Chen Yang, I thought you were just a good person. But I didn't expect that you were so strong. Well, it seems that you will be the turning point of the owner. "

After a flash of light in his eyes, he went directly out of the inner part of Guangyao star and came to the outer part of Guangyao star. Then he flew in the direction of the sun, wearing the armor of Yao Sun God.

Under the sun's light, yaorishenjia quickly absorbs the true fire of the sun.

After a long time, yaorishenjia recovered as before.

After Mingyou, he turned back to the inner part of Guangyao star.

Chen Yang came to the inside of the Obsidian tunnel.

He absorbed Obsidian again to replenish his life. Soon after, his life was complete again!

Chen Yang said in secret: "anyway, he has already split his face with Mingyou, so it's OK. His yaori armor is damaged. It must not be so fast. Laozi went into Yaotian palace again in the evening, captured him and rescued the second elder brother. "

After that, Chen Yang left the Obsidian tunnel.

He left very simply, but after he left, the wild goose in the tunnel appeared immediately.

The wild goose flies to the south, suffering to the extreme.

He's like a super billionaire with a lot of money.

Now, however, there is a problem with where I put my property. There was a robber who came to steal his money when he had nothing to do. The robber is very good at spending money. He can spend ten billion a day. Besides, he comes here several times a day.

But the wild goose south flies and takes him to have no way at all.

Yannanfei feels that if this continues, he will become poor.

He is the master of the film clan. If it goes on like this, the whole film clan will be destroyed.

Yannanfei has the pain of Yannanfei. In fact, Chen Yang is not happy. The shadow of his fate has become more and more deep as he has consumed his life. If it goes on like this, the fire will burn in the future He couldn't even imagine."Fatalism is the supreme existence, which can not be defiled." Chen Yang has a secret way in his heart.

He felt like he was having an affair with a saint who couldn't be profaned. Once he was found, he would be doomed. But now, he can't stop.

Deep down in his heart, there was a deep uneasiness.

In the shadow clan's Jiuyou cave, Yannanfei summoned an daoshen.

"Lord In the palace where the wild geese fly south, an daoshen salutes.

The wild goose south flies to wave a hand, say: "free gift!"

Anda stands up.

Yannan said in a deep voice: "that villain has consumed two fifths of our Obsidian essence stone. In the long run, our shadow clan will have no Obsidian essence to cultivate. At that time, the disaster of extermination will be in front of us! "

An daoshen knelt down again and said, "it's all the sins of his subordinates. If the Lord didn't save his family, how could he take the villain to the source of obsidian. Please punish me

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