Yannanfei regretted taking Chen Yang to the Obsidian tunnel, but who ever thought there would be such a place. But the wild goose south flies in the heart also clear, the affair has already happened, go to blame again the way God is also useless.

He said, "Lord ANN, since it has happened. It's useless for us to discuss whose responsibility it is now. What we want to think about now is how to ensure the safety of obsidian. How to kill that villain, how to make him no longer violate obsidian

An daoshen said: "Lord, what you say is reasonable. But the villain's ability is extremely strange, especially that he can go in and out of the Obsidian tunnel at will. Once the Obsidian goes into the sky, there is no rival

Yannanfei said: "so, we have to find a way in the Obsidian tunnel."

An Dao was puzzled and said, "what do you mean?"

Yannanfei said: "now there are two ways to go. One is to excavate all the obsidian, and then store them in secret places. As long as he doesn't get enough obsidian, we have a chance to beat him. But this road is very difficult. Although Obsidian has been consumed a lot, it will take a long time to excavate all the obsidian. I'm afraid we haven't succeeded in digging. He has come again. "

Yannanfei's heart is bitter. Chen Yang's calf comes twice a day, but no one can hold it! Come and don't say a thank you, sarcastic.

"There is a special mineral energy in the Obsidian tunnel, so the Obsidian essence can last forever," said an daoshen. If you dig at random, you are afraid of breaking the mine root. "

The wild goose south flies to say: "so, this first way is to walk impassable."

"It doesn't make sense," said an daoshen

Yan Nanfei said: "the second way is to set up an array in the Obsidian tunnel. As long as he comes in, he will be imprisoned in the array by thunder. His power can also break through the array, but as long as we have many experts, we can trap him. As long as his strength is almost consumed, it is possible to catch him

An Dao God's eyes brightened and said, "Lord, this method is feasible!"

Yannanfei said: "if he comes again, it must be to supplement obsidian. This is one of our attack points. Besides, you and I alone can't do it. We have to invite a strong hand to come here! "

What does an Dao God think of and say: "endure on the wind?"

Yannanfei said: "yes, fengshangren is our best partner."

An daoshen said: "but fengshangren is very tricky. His subordinates are worried that he will put forward many difficulties."

Yannanfei sneered and said, "if he doesn't cooperate, I'll go to bingxuanxin for cooperation."

An daoshen's eyes lit up and said, "Lord, you are very powerful. In this way, Feng Shangren will not dare not to cooperate with us."

The wild goose south flies to say: "good, this matter you also already understand.". I will send you to contact fengshangren secretly. In addition, we will start to build an array in the Obsidian tunnel. "

"Yes," said anda

Chen Yang came to Yaotian palace again, he still quietly entered by relying on others. He wants to approach Mingyou quietly, and then defeat it at one stroke, and then quickly take the old boy to the Obsidian tunnel. When he got to that place, he could knead it at will.

This time, Chen Yang did not go to Fuyue. Now that he has recovered his mark, he doesn't want to affect Fu Yue any more. In case of failure, if Fu Yue is involved again, it's not good.

Chen Yang arrives inside Yaotian palace and finds that Mingyou is in the quiet room.

"It must be healing!" Chen Yang's secret way.

He then flashed into the quiet room.

It's dark.

There is moonlight outside, but in the quiet room, it is misty and quiet.

Walking into a quiet room is like walking in a forest covered with clouds.

In Jinghu Lake, the humidity rises. This place has abundant aura.

Chen Yang enters quietly. It's easy for him to enter the quiet room, but it's hard not to disturb the quiet.

At present, he is not afraid to disturb the dark.

He soon saw Mingyou sitting in front of Jinghu Lake.

"Here you are His voice was calm and indifferent, as if he had expected Chen Yang to come.

Chen Yang was surprised.

At that moment, his mind turned and he observed the dark with the power of great fatalism.

Immediately, he found that Mingyou was not hurt, and his breath was very strong. The armor of Yao sun god covered by the silver robe is also intact.

Chen Yang also understood that the Yao RI God armor had been repaired.

I still want to talk about this posture of "Mingyou".

It's back to the beginning.

Originally, Chen Yang and Mingyou were ready to talk about cooperation when they met, but when they were ready to talk, their ideas were surprisingly consistent, and they thought it was good to catch each other.

As a result, everyone showed their muscles.

So now, we can really sit down and have a good talk."Your power, it's weird!" Mingyou said first.

Chen Yang smile, said: "your power, also very strange."

Mingyou said: "if I guess correctly, you should get this power in the shadow clan."

"Oh, why do you think so?" Chen Yang said.

Mingyou laughed and said, "if you had such power, I'm afraid you would die in your hands. Your friends can't be here either. You will not fall into the hands of the shadow clan. Can you tell me what you have experienced in the shadow clan? "

Chen Yang can't help admiring Ming you's calculation.

He thought about it, laughed again and said, "sorry, no comment!"

Mingyou didn't think it was strange, he said: "it's very good, your power surprised me. You have the respect of the Lord

Chen Yang said: "it should be more than respect. To be exact, it should be awe! Because you are defeated by me. "

The face of Ming you is a little unnatural.

He said, "let's not talk about that. It's good that you're so powerful. As long as you cooperate with us, we can help us to stabilize the situation. It's not only to let your friends go, but also to marry Jiaolong to you. In the future, you will share wealth with us

Chen Yang laughs and says, "don't talk about wealth. It's like a cloud to me. But really, if I really want to marry your daughter and don't leave this planet, I'm afraid you'll end up in a panic. "

I was stunned.

Chen Yang then said, "but you don't have to be defensive. I have many important things in my hometown. Here, I'm not interested at all. I just want to go. If you are willing to release my friend, I will go now and never come. It's OK. So, I'm not your enemy! "

He said, "of course, I know you are not the enemy, but I need your help. And after you help, chips are your friends. "

Chen Yang knew it was impossible, so he said, "OK, what do you want me to do?"

Mingyou said, "I want you to be a friend of the Earth Star royal family."

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