Fu Yue looked at Chen Yang bitterly and said, "won't you say something nice?"

Chen Yang then said, "when you go to help me, I already regard you as my friend."

Fu Yue is silent. She thought of Chen Yang's sudden appearance in her life. He was dying just to save his friend.

Knowing that the parting was right in front of her, she asked, "if you are not sure, will you watch Mingyou come to kill me?"

She knew she shouldn't ask, but she couldn't help it. Because, she and he have no future. Maybe it's the best to break the last fantasy.

Chen Yang is a sincere person. He thought about it seriously and said, "I will not die. It is meaningless to die. Even if he took my brother's life to pinch me, I would not come to die. I will keep my useful body for revenge

Fu Yue is stunned. If Chen Yang suddenly talks, she will be disgusted.

If Chen Yang directly said that she would not come to help, she would also be sad and disappointed.

However, Chen Yang chose the most sincere answer.

She totally believed it.

Chen Yang then said, "well, I'm not suitable to stay here for a long time. If you have nothing else to say, I'll go. "

"You are not allowed to go!" Fu Yue suddenly worried and said.

Chen Yang was stunned.

Fu Yue's face is red. Suddenly, she bravely steps forward and comes to Chen Yang.

Then she offered her lips.

It was a sweet, soft kiss.

Chen Yang's mind was blank. He thought that Fu Yue might be like this, but when it really happened, he was still surprised.

Fu yuehuan hugs Chen Yang. Her kiss doesn't stop, but sticks out her tongue.

Although Chen Yang is now highly cultivated, his instinct for men makes him not refuse in time.

As a result, it is like a dry firewood burning up in an instant.

Chen Yang only feels that his desire has been completely ignited. He wants to ignore everything and press the attractive young woman like Fu Yue under his body to possess and ravage her.

However, at this time, Chen Yang stopped by force.

"Fu Yue, Fu Yue!" Chen Yang bit the tip of his tongue and said, "we can't do this."

"Why not?" Fu Yue looked at Chen Yang vaguely and said, "I don't want you to be responsible. I don't want anything later. I just want to have you at this moment, it's so simple. Don't you dare? "

"No, I dare not!" Chen Yang said: "dare, it's too simple. No, it's hard! As a man, I hate being greenheaded. I don't know your husband. But I have nothing against him. How can I impose such a great insult on him. Besides, I have a wife. So we can't do that. "

Fu Yue is silent again.

She then said, "I know you. I know what love is like. I can't jump out of the shackles in front of me, and I just want to be with you. "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned and said, "between you and your husband?"

Fu Yue said: "we respect each other like guests, everything is good, but there is no love."

Chen Yang said, "but this is what you are willing to choose."

Fu Yue said: "so I said, I can't jump out. Now I begin to admire her royal highness Jiaolong. Everyone thinks that she is childish, but we women are numb. I've been at the mercy of fate for a long time, and even think that people who get rid of fate are fools. "

Chen Yang said, "after that, what are your plans?"

Fu Yue said: "I think if I propose to divorce my husband, I'm afraid my family and outsiders will think I'm crazy."

Chen Yang said: "it's not easy for people to live a lifetime. We come from the same starting point and go to the same destination. But our process is different. Do you want to look back on your deathbed in the future, and you will have no happiness in your life? Don't you feel sorry for such a well behaved life? "

Fu Yue's beautiful eyes flashed a ray of light and said: "you're right, so today, you don't refuse me any more. This is my first time, and I don't want to leave myself any regrets. "

Chen Yang said, "no, no, no, nothing happened between you and me today. If you want to leave your husband in the future, you can say you don't love me. But if something happens between us, then in the future, you should always bear the word infidelity. "

Fu Yue's delicate body was shocked.

She suddenly wake up, then, she said: "thank you, Chen Yang."

Chen Yang said, "we are friends!"

Fu Yue said with a bitter smile, "just friends?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I can only say that it's too late to meet. If you are unmarried, I will marry you, I think

There was a flash of tears in Fu Yue's eyes.

She felt extremely happy.

"I'm going." Chen Yang finally said."Shall we meet again?" Fu Yue can't help asking.

Chen Yang said, "I can tell you the address of the earth. If you have a chance in the future, you can go to the earth to find me."

Fu Yue was overjoyed and said, "are you serious?"

Chen Yang said, "of course!"

Fu Yue said, "OK, it's a deal."

Later, Chen Yang left a mark on the earth's coordinates. Later, he removed the black hole spar.

When he left Yaotian palace, Chen Yang contacted Mingyou across the air. He said, "the relationship between Fu Yue and me is clear. Please keep a secret for her, so as not to hurt people by gossip."

Mingyou immediately said, "I don't care about such trifles, let alone take care of them."

Chen Yang said: "thank you, master!"

After leaving Yaotian palace, Chen Yang went to the underground sea where the Dixing royal family was.

The location of Dixing Island, where the royal family of Dixing is located, is very mysterious. Chen Yang only knows that Dixing island is under the sea, and there are countless space obstacles. It is extremely difficult for outsiders to find Dixing island. Chen Yang naturally has a way to find the past. For example, he can find it by using great fatalism.

But Chen Yang thought to himself that if he went up, wouldn't he make Bingxuan suspicious?

His idea now is very simple, that is to go to bingxuanxin's side, and then see how they fight with the wind. He has to help Mingyou get rid of the difficulties in front of him, and then let Mingyou let people go. This is the safest way Chen Yang has told Mingyou what means he will have. At the same time, it also shows the muscles in front of Mingyou, so Chen Yang believes that Mingyou won't want a muscle to kill LAN Tingyu.

After all, it wasn't his son who died. There is no need for him to have such a deep hatred and get into trouble with such a strong enemy as himself.

At present, it has become a difficult problem to find the Earth Star Island.

However, Chen Yang thought to himself that the island is deep in the underground sea. Although the whole underground sea is vast, it is not difficult to patrol with his own accomplishments. It's easy to supplement it with great fatalism.

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