Chen Yang didn't want to waste his time. About two hours later, he searched the underground sea. Finally, it was not fatalism that locked out the general location of the Star Island.

That layer upon layer of maze space, also can't stop Chen Yang.

Chen Yang cracked the puzzle space and went deep into the underground sea.

It seems to be hundreds of thousands of miles into the bottom of the sea, but in fact, it's all a maze space. If it were not for the magical power to a certain extent, it would be a lifetime, or even decades of efforts, and it would be impossible to find the Star Island.

After that, Chen Yang finally saw Dixing island.

That Star Island in the dark sea bottom, like a night pearl general, flashing light.

The island is very large and vast, with stars and bright lights.

There is array protection around. The sea can't enter the island area.

Chen Yang feels that the island is as big as a municipality in the world.

Chen Yang lingers outside for a while, then communicates with long Xin with Na moyou. He's not going to sneak in this time.

Fortunately, soon, there was a response from Mo you.

"Young master, is that you?" Mo you's voice is full of joy.

Chen Yang is also a happy, said: "it's me!"

Mo you then said strangely, "where are you?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm outside your Star Island."

"Have you come to us? Ha ha, that's great. " Mo you said, "I'll come out and pick you up right away."

"Well, don't worry first!" Chen Yang said, "go and report to your mother first, so as not to be abrupt."

Mo you said, "I'll take you to see my mother!"

Chen Yang said, "no, if you don't report, I'd rather leave here. You take me first. Even if your mother wants to drive me away, it will be due to your face. "

Mo you said: "we are very grateful to you, master and mother also said to thank you, if you can drive away."

Chen Yang sighed and said, "don't worry, the situation is very tense now. Maybe I'm the one who plays with the filmmakers? You want to be a spy? It's not as simple as it looks. "

Mo you snorted and said, "I absolutely believe you, young master."

However, she still compromised and immediately reported to Bing Xuanxin.

Dixing island is divided into Dixing royal family, twelve nobles, numerous maids, bodyguards and common people. The common people, bodyguards and maids multiplied here to serve the nobles. If there are excellent people, they can also learn Taoism. Once they perform well, they can jump to the aristocracy.

There are ten million people on Earth Star Island!

Originally on Star Island, the royal family settled down here, and later there were nobles. After that, they still feel that something is wrong, because everyone's identity is either rich or expensive. In this way, there is no sense of superiority.

So they brought in countless ordinary people to make them superior.

The Earth Star Palace, with its magnificent architecture and emerald ornaments, is extremely beautiful.

The original old emperor fengtaixuan lived in the Zhengxing palace of Dixing palace. Outside the Zhengxing palace was the Xingdian, which was dedicated to discussing affairs.

Bing Xuanxin is a concubine and lives in Lengxing hall.

The cold Star Palace was originally a lonely place, but after Bing Xuanxin came to power, it became the most noble place in the Earth Star Palace.

Sometimes, it's all in the cold star hall.

In the sky of Star Island, there are hundreds of millions of gems. With the change of array, the daylight changes during the day, which is consistent with the weather outside. At night, gems turn into moonlight, which is extremely mysterious.

Right now, it's late at night.

The cold star Hall of bingxuanxin is still brightly lit.

Mo you came to the outside of the cold star hall and said to the female official, "please, I have something important to report to my mother."

Xinggu said, "my mother just finished many affairs before she began to rest. Can you come back tomorrow morning about the girl? "

Don't worry about it.

It is here that the voice of Bing Xuan's heart comes from the bedroom of the cold Star Palace. "Don't worry, come in!"

Don't worry about the next happiness, but also feel a little uneasy.

The mother's voice is indifferent, so Mo you can't hear a trace of emotion.

Do not worry into the bedroom, the bedroom lamp has gone out. The ladies have retired

Only by the bed curtain, there was a faint gem light.

That ice Xuan heart lifted the bed curtain, sat on the bed, looked at Mo you, said: "Mo you, what thing, must come to see me so late?"

Bing Xuan's heart is covered with red gauze. She looks only in her twenties. She has a beautiful face At the same time, there is a great dignity between the eyebrows. Dignified, noble, cold as frost.

Mo you knelt down on one knee and said, "mother, do you remember the young master Chen Yang we told you about?"

Ice Xuan heart is slightly surprised, then say: "remember, how?"Mo you immediately said happily, "he's here, just outside the border. My subordinates wanted to welcome him in, but he said that they must report to your mother first. "

Bing Xuanxin nodded and said, "well, this person is also very interested. He's here, just in time. Bring him here

Mo you said happily, "yes, master mother!" After a pause, she said, "master, young master Chen Yang, with his subordinates and long Xin, is dying. He's a great benefactor that his subordinates can never repay. Please ask his mother... "

"Since he is your benefactor, I will not embarrass him!" Ice Xuan heart says.

Don't worry this just slightly relaxed breath.

Chen Yang didn't wait long outside. He looked at the Star Island and felt strange. Why should the royal family of Earth Star set up its headquarters in this place?

He thought of the Obsidian tunnel of the shadow clan and thought to himself that the royal family of the earth star was set up here because there are some unknown good things in this place. They are in order to seize resources!

But what are the resources?

Chen Yang doesn't understand.

He felt that this thing must also be clarified.

Maybe, Mingyou knows.

If you have a chance, you can also ask Mingyou.

When Chen Yang was thinking about the problem, his body flashed, and then the fragrant wind came to his face.

Chen Yang immediately saw clearly that it was mo you who came.

Don't worry about the green skirt, young and beautiful, like 28 girls, red face, she is very excited. "Young master!" Mo you cried with a smile.

Chen Yang also felt cordial when he saw Mo you. He said, "I didn't expect that we would meet so soon."

Mo you said, "that's good!" She came forward and took Chen Yang's arm affectionately.

Chen Yang is slightly surprised that he can feel Mo you's sincere love. Although this is a little uncomfortable, but he is not good forced to push away, cold worry heart. He also knows that Mo you should have no other meaning, just pure happiness from the heart.

After entering the border, Mo you takes Chen Yang into the Earth Star Palace.

The Earth Star Palace is heavily guarded. It's like Yaotian palace.

The distribution of the Earth Star Palace is very complicated. Walking from the imperial garden to another corridor, you pass through many palace halls, and finally you come to the cold Star Palace.

Chen Yang saw Bingxuan heart in the main hall of Lengxing hall!

Bing Xuanxin was already dressed in palace clothes and wore a purple hairpin, just like the empress of the world. It's not only the queen, but also a kind of domineering power of the king.

Chen Yang saluted slightly in front of Bing Xuanxin and said, "I've met my mother, Chen Yang!"

He was not humble or overbearing.

Bing Xuanxin nodded and said, "I've heard a lot about you from Mo you, and I'd like to thank you for your help to Mo you and long Xin."

Chen Yang said, "it's just a coincidence. It's not worth mentioning."

Bing Xuanxin said: "I still hear Mo you say that you didn't come with them before. You went to Yaotian palace to save people. Did the rescue go well? "

Chen Yang said with a wry smile, "if it goes well, you won't come here. When I have returned to my own planet. "

Bing Xuanxin said: "not smooth? Why not? "

She asked casually, but every sentence was hidden. Chen Yang as long as a wrong answer, will immediately cause ice Xuanxin doubt.

Chen Yang knows that Bing Xuanxin is definitely a powerful woman. There must be something extraordinary about her being able to achieve her present status under the gaze of these wolves.

At the moment, Chen Yang looked at Bing Xuanxin and said, "Mingyou hid my friends in another place. I had a fight with him. His armor is really extraordinary. I have the upper hand. But it doesn't help So, I think that my strength is still weak. Come to my mother and see if there is any chance. "

Bing Xuan's heart seemed to smile, but he said: "is it not that you and Ming you have reached an oath and lurked here. As long as you help him finish the task, he will let your friend go

Chen xuanyang can't avoid this question.

If you don't talk to them so much before, you won't have so much trouble now. But he didn't want to come here at the beginning. This pit belongs to himself.

Chen Yang said: "Mingyou can't move my friends. My friends are in the vortex of time. What he can't touch, if he can, my friends will be dead. " He said, "I don't have to come here to take refuge with you. It's just that there is a deep resentment between me and Mingyou. I don't want to cooperate with him. If I don't stay here, I will go. I understand that fengshangren is going to marry mingjiaolong. It seems that the war between you people is inevitable. At that time, I'll fish in troubled waters, and there's nothing I can't do. "

"Do you think this place is where you want to come and go?" Ice Xuan heart tiny smile, say.

Although she was laughing, the cold meaning in her words was chilling.

Mo you couldn't help losing face and said: "master mother, the son is by no means a dark person. My subordinates can guarantee this!""What can you vouch for?" Ice Xuan heart says coldly. "Down," she said

"No!" Mo you said without hesitation, "you are my friend, master. If you treat my friend like this, please forgive me. I can't serve you any more."

The ice Xuan heart is tiny a Zheng.

She always loves Mo you and long Xin. In particular, Mo you is extremely mature and stable.

But now, she is so childish and bold

This surprised Bing Xuanxin!

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