Bing Xuanxin doesn't understand Mo you's feelings, but Mo you will never forget her warm voice when she is most desperate and helpless.

That voice made her unforgettable in this life, and she was absolutely willing to die for Chen yanglai and her confidant.

So at the moment, don't worry about it.

She is willing to stand up for Chen Yang regardless of everything, regardless of life, reputation, regardless of everything, in return for confidants.

Chen Yang is also quite surprised. He doesn't feel that he has done much to Mo you. He thought about it, and then said, "Miss Mo, don't do that. Moreover, if I dare to come, I am sure to leave. Although your mother is good, she can't keep me with Yao RI Shen Jia. Your mother can't keep me! "

When he said this, he said to Bing Xuanxin, "I know that the superior people are suspicious. But I think you are in a bad situation now. The shadow clan colludes with fengshangren, and your son is still in fengshangren's hands. In addition, Mingyou wants to get married with fengshangren. I thought that I came here to send charcoal in the snow, which will surely make you very grateful. Now it seems that I was wrong. In that case, I'll leave. "

Ice Xuan heart's eyes are complex, she says immediately: "wait a minute!"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "do you really want to do it?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "no!"

Chen Yang said, "with a few words from me, have you changed your mind again?"

Bingxuan said in a deep voice: "you're right. I'm not in a good position now. Please forgive me for the offence in my words just now. "

Chen Yang slightly a Zheng, he can't help but see ice Xuan heart one eye more. I thought to myself that this woman really has something extraordinary, but she is also able to bend and stretch!

In other words, Chen yangben is an expert in psychology.

At any time, it's easy to believe that you are upright. In fact, no matter how he explained it, no matter how he made it perfect, it could not dispel the doubts of Bing Xuanxin. On the contrary, this kind of upright and powerful, let ice Xuan heart dispel some suspicions in an instant. What's more, Chen Yang also revealed a lot of news. That is, Ming you didn't get the upper hand with Yao RI Shen Jia.

Such a fierce general, how can bing Xuan's heart not be moved?

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "why, my mother is willing to believe me now?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "it's impossible to believe it completely. But we can really cooperate. Your purpose is clear. If I work with you, you will have a better chance of winning. "

Chen Yang said: "it doesn't matter if I win. Because it's not about my life or death, but you're different. So, mother, it's good for me not to say that we cooperate. Actually, it's me who gives you a helping hand. You are nothing more than icing on the cake to me

Ice Xuan heart helpless, she said: "childe said in reason."

Chen Yang is not a reluctant person. He said, "it's a secret that I've come here. Feng Shangren should not know that I have come, and he has not seen me. I have a plan now... "

Ice Xuan heart says: "Oh?" Chen Yang said: "directly deal with Feng Shangren and force him to release your son."

"Directly?" Bingxuan was surprised.

After a pause, she said, "my son is still in his hands at the moment, but he has never mentioned it and will not admit it. So, I have nothing to do with him for the time being. "

Chen Yang said: "you and I together to force him to release people."

"Together?" Ice Xuan heart a wave hand, send out Xuan heart border, this piece of hall completely cage cover. She said to Chen Yang: "no matter what, we have always maintained a superficial peace with Feng Shangren. If we do this I'm afraid that it will be said that this seat has initiated the war on its own initiative. Then all the royal families will stand by him. "

Chen Yang said: "I'm not clear about your situation. It's just my idea. You didn't think about it before. Maybe I thought it was too simple. But maybe it's too hard for you to think, and maybe you're stuck in the game. Anyway, I'm not an immortal. What I said may be ridiculous, for your reference. I think that Feng Shangren has already arrested your son. You should have taken the initiative for a long time, otherwise, you would have been waiting for him to cut the flesh with a blunt knife and kill you with no effort! "

Bing Xuanxin said: "it's not that I didn't expect to take the initiative, but that I can't fight against the wind. Now my wings are abundant, and I can't fight it. On the contrary, he will charge us with treason! That seat will fall into the abyss and never be able to survive. But now, with your help, if you can catch him directly, it will certainly turn the situation around. "

Chen Yang said, "do you think you and I can catch him together? I don't know the strength of tolerance on the wind, but I don't think it's better than Mingyou? "

Ice Xuan heart says: "should not!"

Chen Yang said: "our only initiative now is my participation in the war. Once I'm exposed, it's hard to say. Think about it for yourself. What should you do. I can't make a decision for you about it. "

"OK, I see. I need to think it over." Ice Xuan heart says.Chen Yang nodded.

After that, Bing Xuanxin said, "in order to keep secret, you should hide in Mo you's brain. I know you have this ability! "

Chen Yang said, "I have another idea. What do you think?"

Ice Xuan heart is tiny a Zheng, way: "you say."

Chen Yang said: "you go to fengshangren and show weakness to him. He said that as long as he is willing to hand over your son, what can you do. And I hide in Maybe it's still in your brain to hide people's eyes and ears. However, it will take a lot of risks. After all, when we first met, we asked you to put your life in my hands. It's too hard for us

Ice Xuan heart eye a bright, suddenly way: "good way!"

Chen Yang said, "hmm?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "this is a good way. If you want to win now, you have to take it by surprise. If you go on hesitating, following the rules and hesitating, everything will be lost. "

Chen Yang said, "what do you mean?"

"Now, you come to my brain, and I will take you to see the wind." Ice Xuan heart says.

Chen Yang just mentioned it casually, because he thought it was impossible.

How can bing Xuanxin press his life on a stranger with his own words?

Even if it's not going to be crazy!

But what Chen Yang didn't expect is that Bing Xuanxin actually agreed.

Chen Yang stammered and said, "are you kidding?"

Ice Xuan heart a tiny smile, say: "if before, I still doubt you.". But at the moment, I totally believe you. Because if you have a conspiracy, you will never come up with such a plan. That's why you put forward this plan. I've lived for so many years, and I still have this insight. "

"That's absolute!" Chen Yang said.

Bing Xuanxin said: "it doesn't matter. If you delay any longer, you will die. Since there is a chance to gamble, I am willing to gamble!"

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