The wind bear to wild goose South fly nature is not absolute trust, he see a Qing want to say and stop, then know may a Qing have what card. But after so many years of experience, it's not that I don't understand the world. Now he and ah Qing's small life are in Yannanfei's hands, so it's better not to hide Yannanfei's life.

Ah Qing should not expose this kind of key information. Since it has been exposed, he should not stop talking. Because Yannanfei is also a human spirit!

But ah Qing is not familiar with the world after all, plus her injury at this time, pain, simply can not take into account so much.

Feng Shangren immediately said: "ah Qing, brother Yan is not an outsider, but it doesn't matter."

Ah Qing took a look at Feng Shangren and another at Yannanfei.

Wild goose south flies to pour is to know interest, say: "I remember, I still have something to do, went out first."

Feng Shangren said, "Hey, brother Yan, don't go. As I said, brother Yan, you are not an outsider. Ah Qing, if you have anything to do, just tell me. "

The wild goose south flies to see on the wind endure to say so, also no longer insist. He's actually curious, too.

The wild goose south flies to suddenly feel funny again, bear to be injured on the wind at present, also not all is a bad thing. Before his association with fengshangren, fengshangren always took the initiative.

Before on the wind endures to his address is the wild goose south flies!

Now, he is brother Yan.

In addition, Yannanfei has always heard that fengshangren is the true legend of the old man.

The old man is the legendary predecessor of their shadow clan. He has always been devoted to it. This time, the reason why the film clan broke the ice and cooperated with Feng Shangren is also based on the relationship of the old people.

Seeing that her husband insisted on her saying that she didn't know much about the twists and turns, ah Qing said, "at the bottom of the abyss of the ancient cave, there is a magic armor. The spirit armor of that day was the armor of the ancient man after he became famous. But later, the ancient man made a more powerful armor, which was called the armor of the gods! "

"The armor of the gods?" The wind bear and wild goose South fly at the same time took a surprise.

Feng Shangren was a little strange and said, "since there is such a more powerful armor, why didn't you say it earlier? Is there anything? "

Ah Qing said: "in those years, the reason why the old man fell down was that there was something wrong with the operation of the armor of the gods, which led to the break of channels and the surge of mana. On his deathbed, the old man left some information, as if he said that this armour needs a man and a woman, and the skill is equal. I always feel that Tianpu Shenjia is enough. I don't want to take my husband to risk you. "

Feng Shangren said, "well, since there is such a divine armor, we'll get it immediately."

Ah Qing nodded.

Fengshangren then said to Yannanfei, "brother Yan, there are many things in the cave of the old man. I know you've always been interested in the cave. Today, I'll take you to the cave. "

The wild goose south flies happily, say: "thank you."

Feng Shangren said, "and the armor of God that day, you'll see it first. If you think it's appropriate, take it. "

What he said was that he was completely testing the wild goose to fly south.

Yannanfei said immediately, "brother Feng, what are you talking about! I want the armor of heaven at this time. Isn't it taking advantage of the danger of others. What's more, the armor of the gods will be used by both of you. Brother Feng, don't try to tempt you with such words. "

Feng Shangren said, "the armor of the gods and the armor of the spirit of heaven should be performed by two people. I don't know about the armor of the gods. The armor of the gods can be used by one person. But it's more perfect if two people do it. As for the armour of the gods, it's amazing that all the peerless masters like the old man have fallen down... "

After a pause, he said, "brother Yan, anyway, you should have a look at the armor of God that day!"

Yannanfei once again said no, but he had acquiesced.

If it's really the armor of the gods, Yannanfei will definitely do it.

This is what the wind has the heart to know.

Feng Shangren had an estimate of the armor of the God in his heart. He felt that Yannanfei couldn't eat the armor of the God. If God's armor is easy to eat, ah Qing won't keep it from himself all the time.

That's why I'm so generous!

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin return to Dixing island and Dixing palace.

Ice Xuan heart is the next non-stop big action, that is to deal with the wind on the forbearance tribe.

Ice Xuan heart night in the Star Palace business, all the royal family, aristocracy all participate.

Bingxuanxin starts the highest Earth Star order in the Earth Star Palace!

If you don't arrive within an hour, there will be no amnesty!

Chen Yang was worried about bingxuanxin's injury, but bingxuanxin later showed no problem at all.

Within an hour, most of them were in the hall of stars.

Ice Xuan heart formally put on the end burning God armor!

She's showing her edge!

For the nobility, the royal family, Bing Xuanxin quickly issued a killing order.

She let many royal families and nobles wait in the Star Palace. She personally led the team to arrest

An hour later, about 30 people were left bloody on the Star Palace.This means, vigorous and resolute, people shudder.

Bingxuanxin, the mother, shows her ferocity.

In the parliament, Bing Xuanxin officially declared that Feng Shangren was a traitor of his own clan, openly murdered the old emperor Feng taixuan, and took her mother, and kidnapped Feng xinglie.

Bingxuan heart announced the eighty-eight sins of tolerance on the wind.

Some of the henchmen and masters in fengshangren were killed.

There is no escape!

Those royal families, nobles see the wind bear missing, and see the ice Xuan heart of the end of the burning God armour, where they dare to talk!

Feng Shangren seems to be missing, but everyone knows that he must have been dealt with by Bing Xuanxin.

Maybe, the wind is dead.

Even if you don't die, it's not a threat. Otherwise Bing Xuanxin would not be so big

Overnight, in the whole Earth Star Palace, power changed greatly.

Ice Xuan heart before the voice has been very small, most of the royal family, nobles are in the dark toward the wind bear close.

But they did not expect that everything had changed that night.

Bingxuanxin, the master's mother, was once again in the ascendant, and no one dared to disobey her.

In this night, Bing Xuanxin herself was just like a dream.

Chen Yang did not take part in the bloodshed.

He was arranged by Mo you to live down. That night, he heard the movement outside and felt the smell of blood.

Chen Yang knows that the overall situation has been controlled by Bing Xuanxin.

He was also a little depressed. Originally, he just came to be a shitty stick and interceded in it to see if he could save the second brother at the right opportunity.

But now, it seems that it's too fast!

Bear on the wind was instantly defeated!

Defeated also has the opportunity to make a comeback, after all, the wind endures also to have the shadow clan's help.

Can ice Xuan heart means!

This woman's means!

Chen Yang felt that he had never seen it in his life, and that it was too powerful.

Is it right or wrong for this woman to help her?

How does it seem that tolerance on the wind is the poor side?

He was a happy prince, but his father married a concubine. After that, the concubine killed his mother, and he lived in disgrace.


Chen Yang thought of something and said in secret: "fengshangren's mother died of blood tuberculosis, and she was also possessed by the devil. And fengtaixuan is also possessed. Isn't fengtaixuan also harmed by Bingxuan? "

Chen Yang can't help shuddering at the thought.

"Oh, I can't think so much. It doesn't look like a good bird. It's all dogs biting dogs. It's hairy. In this kind of power struggle, who is right and who is wrong Chen Yang's secret way.

"But there's one good thing. At the moment, I'm going to be defeated in the wind. It's not a big threat, so Mingyou doesn't have to let Mingjiao dragon marry fengshangren. Fengshangren actually has a wife, but it has been hidden. But whether he has a wife or not is not what the tryst cares about. What he cares about is cooperation and interests! "

Chen Yang thought a lot in his heart. This night he tossed and turned, but he lost sleep.

The next morning, the sun came into the room.

Although this star island is in the deep sea, it has also made an optical array.

The palace where Chen Yang sleeps is called the lucky star palace.

As soon as he sat up, footsteps came from outside.

Chen Yang recognized the footsteps of Mo you and long Xin.

"Young master!" They were out there with a cheerful voice.

When Chen Yang heard their voices, he was in a better mood. Then he laughed and said, "come in!"

When the two women pushed the door in, they held a plate with a big breakfast inside.

Long Xin said cheerfully: "young master, I knew you came last night, but you have not been here. Later, I was too busy. Now I just have time to come to see you with sister Mo you. If you come here this time, you must stay longer. "

When Chen Yang comes to the table, don't worry about putting down the food.

She said, "young master, we'll have breakfast with you."

Chen Yang laughs and says, "great, delicious food. I'm lucky to have a beautiful woman with me."

Don't worry about a little red face, but it is a smile with anger, really beautiful.

The two women sat down one after another.

While eating breakfast, Chen Yang said casually: "last night, you were very busy, too?"

Long Xin didn't know what to say and what not to say. Just as he was thinking about how to answer, Mo you said, "I was really busy last night. My mother endured the evils of the faction in the wind. But now it's almost done. Thank you for your help. Otherwise, we can't have immediate victory! "

Chen Yang said: "I have played a role, but it's mostly your mother's thunder tactics. I didn't expect things to be this way. "Long Xin sweet smile, said: "my mother, of course powerful!"

Mo you took a sip of water wine, her eyes were a little complicated, but after all, she didn't say much about anything.

Chen Yang thought of something, and said: "by the way, don't worry, I asked you to help me find the soul Muyang, do you have any news?"

Mo you is tiny a Zheng, then sorry of say: "have no news yet."

Chen Yang felt his nose and was a little puzzled. He said in secret: "this goods is a pledge to assassinate Feng Shangren. Now people can't find it anywhere. I can't get in touch with Have you been killed by the wind? If that's the case, it'll be very exciting. "

"Well, I'm not to blame. I'm trying to persuade you. You don't listen to me. If I'm really poisoned, I can't do anything about it. "

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