Chen Yang thought in his heart, if this soul Muyang is honest with himself. Isn't everything clear now? Ah, the old man keeps saying that he is losing money!

Don't worry about the guilt here. Chen Yanglian says it's OK.

Although they haven't been apart for long, they are very happy to meet again in this place.

But in the middle of the meal, bingxuanxin's close aunt Xinggu came.

After the arrival of Xinggu, she was very polite, first saluted, and then said: "the master mother asked the old slave to come and invite Mr. Chen Yang to the Lengxing hall to have breakfast together. Unexpectedly, miss moyou and miss Longxin were also here."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and he immediately said, "thank you, madam. If you go back and report to your mother, you will say that I am already having breakfast. If there's something to discuss, I'll go after breakfast. "

Xinggu nodded and said, "good! I'll go back and report to you first

After Xinggu left, Longxin said with a smile, "young master, you have helped the master. The master will thank you very much."

Chen Yang smiles, but says nothing more.

About half an hour later, Xinggu came again and said that her mother asked Chen Yang to come to discuss the matter.

At this time, long Xin and Mo you have gone.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

In the side hall of the cold star hall, bingxuanxin and fengxinglie wait for Chen Yang.

This side hall is a private place. No one is allowed to enter.

After Chen Yang came in, Bing Xuan's heart waved back all his servants.

At this time, Bingxuan heart, once again put on a gorgeous palace dress, beautiful and extraordinary, but also noble.

She was clean and fragrant, like the purest lady. Who would have thought that this woman's means were extremely vicious and covered with countless blood.

That popular strong in one side, low browed.

After Chen Yang came in, he hugged his fist and said, "I've seen my mother!"

Ice Xuan heart a tiny smile, say: "childe and this seat why polite, quick please take a seat."

Chen Yang nodded and sat down.

Bing Xuanxin then looked at Feng xinglie and said, "Xiao lie, you are your great benefactor and your mother's benefactor. Now, you should kowtow your head three times to thank you for saving your life. "

Fengxinglie was shocked and said, "mother, I I thank you for not having to kowtow three times. "

"Presumptuous!" Bing Xuanxin looked coldly and said, "it's really a wicked thing. If you don't have Mr. Chen Yang, you will be dead now. You don't want to kowtow three times? That is to make you kneel to serve Mr. Chen Yang every day. That's what you should do. If you keep talking, don't blame your mother for being cruel. "

Feng xinglie shivers. What he fears most is his mother.

He immediately got up and came to Chen Yang, his eyes are still reluctant.

Chen Yang didn't want to make trouble. He immediately said, "my mother must not talk like this. I just did something to help her. How can the little prince kneel down to me for his noble status? "

"Kneel down!" Ice Xuan heart light cold to the wind strong said. After she finished, she said to Chen Yang, "if he is so good and bad, such a rebellious son, don't worry."

Fengxinglie's last hope was broken, so he kowtowed three times to Chen Yang. However, he was very angry.

After knock, just got up to that ice Xuan heart said: "mother, I can go now?"

The ice Xuan heart hasn't yet spoken, the popularity strong already quickly walked to leave the side hall.

"Rebellious son!" Ice Xuan heart cold hum a. Although she was a little angry, it was her son after all, so she had nothing to do.

"Xiao lie, I'm spoiled by you. Please don't blame me!" Ice Xuan heart says.

Chen Yang said with a wry smile, "the little prince is arrogant. His mother makes him hate me."

Bing Xuanxin said, "if he really hated it, he would have nothing to do with animals. If my son bingxuanxin is like this, I'd rather not. "

Chen Yang was slightly surprised. He felt that he was also a parent and loved his children very much. It seems that Bing Xuanxin doesn't care much about his son!

Chen Yang doesn't want to talk to Bing Xuanxin about the way of being a mother and a father. It doesn't have much to do with him.

How to know at this time, Bing Xuanxin thought of what, suddenly another smile, said: "young master, what do you think of Xiao lie's qualifications?"

"I'm not sure about that," Chen said

Bing Xuanxin said, "this child is a headache to me. His father has been crazy and can't be disciplined. I always want to find him a male master to make up for his father's lack. But I haven't found a suitable person. I met you today, and I think it's a god given chance. Therefore, I have a heartless request. I hope you can accept Xiaolie as an apprentice. "

Chen Yang was slightly surprised.

He took in two apprentices in his life, one is Ye Fan, the other is huohongjin.After that, he intended to accept Xiaoai as his apprentice, but Xiaoai refused.

For ye fan, Chen Yang is appreciating with a little bit of repaying mentality.

For fire scarves, it is a sincere love.

Now his status is different, and he also has requirements to accept apprentices. He didn't like the attitude and pride of being popular.

Chen Yang is also not good to refuse directly, the next smile, said: "thank you for your mother's love, but I have no plans to accept apprentices."

Bingxuan heart wry smile, said: "it seems that the young master or see little strong!"

Chen Yang said: "my mother, don't say that. The little prince is a natural talent with noble status. I don't deserve to be his master. And, more importantly, I won't be here long. When I save my companions, we'll leave the Guangyao star. "

Ice Xuan heart also righted color, said: "I hope you can accept Xiaolie as an apprentice, but I also know that Xiaolie is not mature at the moment. So it's inconvenient for me to force myself. I'll contact you more later. Maybe you'll change your mind. " After a pause, she said, "as for the matter that the young master wants to save his companion, I will take it to heart. I'll talk to Mingyou after I kill fengshangren completely. The terms are negotiable, and it is also possible to make some concessions. I believe we will find a way to save the young master's companion! "

Chen Yang said, "thank you so much for your mother."

Bing Xuanxin waved his hand and said, "what do you want to thank me for, I should thank you."

Two people chat, have reservation.

Chen Yang didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, he said, "if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Ice Xuan heart suddenly says: "wait!"

Chen Yang looks at Bing Xuanxin.

Bing Xuanxin said, "come with me, young master!" All of a sudden, she no longer called herself this seat, but changed to me.

After that, she got up and went to the inner hall.

Chen Yang is surprised, but he doesn't understand what medicine is sold in bingxuanxin's gourd.

He couldn't help it, so he got up and went in.

It was the palace of Bing Xuanxin

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