There is a faint fragrance in bingxuanxin's bedroom, and the furnishings are elegant with a trace of female's unique pink.

In a conspicuous place, placed some never withering flowers.

The huge bronze mirrors are placed at the entrance.

Obviously, Bing Xuanxin is also a woman who loves beauty.

Chen Yang's eyes are complicated. What does this woman bring herself to her bedroom for? Want sex?

Chen Yang suddenly felt a heat rising in his lower abdomen.

He is a man of control.

But Bing Xuanxin's identity is so special, and his ability is so strong.

Men like to conquer, especially women who are stronger than themselves, so they have a sense of accomplishment. The feeling that you pay to go outside to find a little girl is quite different from what happens with your beautiful boss.

Chen Yang can calmly refuse Fu Yue and be a modest gentleman in front of Mo you and long Xin.

But in front of bingxuanxin?

There is no doubt that the ability of ice Xuan heart and the heart of snake and scorpion are combined, but they form a strong and strange attraction for men.

Even the old emperor Feng taixuan was addicted to her pomegranate skirt

Chen Yang took a deep breath and quickly suppressed the imagination in his mind.

"Young master, please sit down!" Bing Xuanxin sat down in front of the tea table and made hot tea by himself.

Chen Yang also sat down.

Tea is immortal tea, and its fragrance is overflowing.

Bing Xuanxin offers tea to Chen Yang by hand. Chen Yang takes it and takes a sip of tea. Then feel into the throat is very sweet, sweet with bitterness, it is instant refreshing. It seems that there is a stream of Qi galloping through the body, comfortable to the extreme.

"Good tea!" Chen Yang couldn't help praising.

Bingxuanxin also began to drink tea from her own. She said with a smile, "the origin of this tea is very complicated, and the processing is very complicated. Flowers bloom only once in a hundred years But tea doesn't matter. Young master, you are the first person for whom I have made tea for hundreds of years. "

Chen Yang smile, said: "so, it's really my blessing."

Bing Xuanxin suddenly stares at Chen Yang.

Her eyes are as soft as water.

Chen Yang was a little embarrassed. He touched his face and said, "do I have flowers on my face?"

Bing Xuanxin sighed and said, "I always think it's a waste of time to talk with you in such an affectation."

"Well?" Chen Yang said.

Bing Xuanxin said: "although you and I have only known each other for a day, yesterday, you and I have achieved absolute trust. We have experienced life and death. In my opinion, our friendship is no longer comparable to that of ordinary people. "

Chen Yang said, "it's the master mother. You trust me. I would never have been able to do that. "

Bing Xuanxin said, "there is no outsider here. You don't have to call me master mother. If you really look up to me, call me Xuanxin. "

Chen Yang is not a person to be pinched, so he says, "Xuanxin!"

Bingxuanxin blushed slightly, and then said, "yesterday's decision is really the most daring one in my life. But I'm willing to gamble. Do you know why? "

Chen Yang said, "why? I don't think it's me who's healthy? "

Bing Xuanxin said: "because you saved Mo you and long Xin, because Mo you did everything for you. When you were in the shadow clan, you didn't have to risk your life to save Mo you before you got some adventures. But you did, and I'm sure you're a different person. "

"Of course, I admit that I have gambling in it. But anyway, I won the bet. " Ice Xuan heart says.

Chen Yang smiles.

He must also admit that Bing Xuanxin is good at heart to heart conversation.

So sincere, he almost wanted to say something about himself and Mingyou. But he is an old man after all. He is not so easy to be deceived.

Bingxuan heart then said: "I know, maybe at this moment in your eyes, I Bingxuan heart is not a good person. I'm mean to my son. I killed Feng Shangren's mother. I'm cruel and bloody. "

Chen Yang said: "people are not summed up in two words: good and bad. Who has never done evil?"

Ice Xuan heart said: "there are many words, I do not want to say, more disdain to explain."

Chen Yang said, "I understand."

Bing Xuanxin said, "but I want to talk to you."

Chen Yang said, "I'd like to hear it in detail."

Ice Xuan heart said: "my mother's family, mufazong, you know?"

Chen Yang said, "I've heard of it."

Bing Xuanxin said, "my father is called the soul of ice."

Chen Yang listened patiently.

"I'm my father's youngest daughter. I was very happy when I was a child, and my father loved me very much. Besides, my talent is good. When I was 100 years old, I got an opportunity to travel in the depths of the sea, to a cave. I can't say anything about that cave. It's said that it's the cave of God on the first day, but it's not very like it. But there are many treasures in that cave, as well as the armor. My red cloud God armor, blood cloud God armor, including Moyan God armor are all obtained in that cave. In addition, there are many other armor, I took them all. After that, the cave was destroyed by me"Destroyed?" Chen Yang was surprised.

Ice Xuan heart said: "of course, to destroy, I don't want to leave any clues."

After a pause, she said, "after that, I learned a lot of excellent Taoist skills through Moyan Shenjia. In addition, there are rich nutrients in these armours that can be provided to me. The reason why I have such accomplishments now is because of these armor. I left the red cloud God armor, the blood cloud God armor and the end inflammation God armor. I gave all the other armour to my father and brother. At the end of the fire, I hide it all the time. In this world, only one person knows about it, that is my father. My father also told me not to expose the God armour of Moyan. "

"The story is old-fashioned! Although we hide the Moyan armor, we don't know why. There are always legends in the Jianghu that I have Moyan armor. Eight hundred years ago, Feng taixuan, the emperor of the Earth Star Palace, said that he would take me as his concubine. In fact, it's for this burning armor. But I've long been hiding my armor, and it's not on me. At that time, he wanted to take me as a concubine, and I was extremely angry. Chen Yang, do you know that my cultivation had already reached the Holy Land triple! I'm very proud. If I want to be his real wife, I think he's too old. How about a concubine? I won't do it, and my father won't either. But fengtaixuan's cultivation is too high and leads others. We are all invincible. For the sake of my family, for the sake of my father and brother, I have to marry and be a concubine. Do you think there is an unforgettable love in it? No, it's just hatred and humiliation. "

Bing Xuanxin was still indignant and his eyes were red when he talked about the past.

Chen Yang listen patiently, sad people always have different sad past, happy people, but have the same happiness!

Bing Xuanxin continued: "I didn't recognize my destiny, but when Feng taixuan entered my body, I recognized my destiny. I think, this is my life! But later, fengtaixuan's real wife, that is, fengshangren's mother, always looked at me and framed me everywhere. She was too sensitive and too afraid that I would threaten her position. However, I have no love for fengtaixuan, only hatred. My first child, when she was pregnant for ten years, was secretly cursed by her, leading to my fetal death. "

"Pain in the heart!" Bing Xuanxin said: "people are very strange. When I was pregnant with a child, I didn't expect the child, even a little disgusted. Because this is fengtaixuan's child But when there is no child, I often dream that he is very cute. "

"What's more, I realized that the important thing is that I can't be decadent any more. The more you accept life, the more life will bully you and insult you. So, I'm no longer committed. I'll try to improve my cultivation first. When my cultivation reaches the sixth level of the holy land, I'll start to take action. My first goal is to bear the wind on the mother, that bitch. I'll suppress her with my realm first and make her anxious. Then, after she is eager for success, I will send the magic weapon and elixir to her

"For her? She wasn't on guard? " Chen Yang is strange.

Bing Xuanxin said: "of course, it's not me, but trying to let her go out and plunder. In short, it's setting traps! Later, she was under the curse of blood tuberculosis, and as expected, she began to get possessed and died miserably. Killing her is the first step, and then dealing with Feng taixuan. I use myself as a drug to lead me to fall in love with him, and say that it's some kind of Yin-Yang combination. You have me and I have him. At the beginning, he thought it was very good. He entered the country quickly, but the curse of blood tuberculosis quietly invaded. So, at last, he was possessed. He didn't doubt me at all, and he took the Lieyang pill I gave him. So the more he doesn't come back. "

"The reason why I keep fengtaixuan these years is that I don't want fengshangren to be emperor. I want to wait for my child to be born before I kill Feng Shangren. If Xiao lie was not born and Feng taixuan was dead, Feng Shangren would be elected emperor. I want to kill Feng Shangren, but he is very clever and always makes me not find the right opportunity. When I wanted to kill him at all costs, he got an adventure. This matter has been done up to now, and has become what it is now. It's a big mistake for me

Chen Yang said, "it's better to count people than heaven."

Bing Xuanxin said with a smile, "this is my story. I kill people by all means, cherish power and self-interest. It's all about me!"

Chen Yang laughs and says, "each of us will make some efforts for our own desire, but the strength of desire is different. But it's rare for you to be so honest with yourself. "

Bing Xuanxin said, "I don't want to deceive you."

Chen Yang said: "the curse of blood tuberculosis is so powerful. Are you ok?"

Ice Xuan heart a smile, said: "because I have the end of the burning God armour in the body, with the flame of the end of refining, so nothing."

Chen Yang suddenly realized, and then said: "thank you for your honesty."

Bing Xuanxin said, "I don't want you to think that the person you are cooperating with is a man without heart. Such a person, if it were me, would not be credible. "

Chen Yang said, "I understand."

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