Chen Yang never said much.

Bing Xuanxin hopes that Chen Yang can be sincere, but it is obvious that Chen Yang is not a fledgling boy. He is not so easily moved and infected.

Bingxuan was not discouraged. She then said, "next, I need to negotiate with Yannanfei, or force Yannanfei to hand over fengshangren. I need your help on this! It's hard for me to be at ease that he will not die in a day

Chen Yang said, "don't worry about this. I will help you with all my strength."

Ice Xuan heart a smile, say: "I to you of course at ease."

After a pause, she thought of something and said, "do you have a wife?"

Chen Yang said, "yes."

Bing Xuan's heart was slightly disappointed, but she didn't show it. She continued to ask: "how many? I've been talking about it for a long time. It's all about me. "

Chen Yang said, "well, there are several."

Ice Xuan heart slightly surprised, her mood in this moment is very wonderful, she said with a smile: "can't see, you are also romantic seed."

Chen Yang was slightly embarrassed.

Ice Xuan heart smile, way: "I am just joking."

Chen Yang said: "when I was young, I was really romantic. Home is the priority now

Bing Xuanxin said, "when I was young? How old are you now? "

Chen Yang touched the back of his head and said, "I should be 60 or 70 years old now."

Bing Xuanxin was surprised and said, "are you kidding? You're only sixty or seventy? Isn't that younger than my son? "

Chen Yang said: "that can't be counted like that. It takes 400 years for you to have a child. It takes two hundred years to grow to adulthood. We are different. It takes about ten months for us to have a baby, and we will be mature at the age of 18. In our place, people who are 70 years old are already dying. "

Bing Xuanxin said, "I understand what you said. It's ordinary people! Although ordinary people can also cultivate Taoism and immortality, it is extremely difficult to achieve something. Even if sufficient resources are given, it will take thousands of years to achieve. You... "

Chen Yang said, "Xuanxin, you treat me sincerely, and I can't deceive you. Why don't you look at my age. "

"That's not necessary!" Bing Xuanxin said, "how can I not believe you?"

Chen Yang held out his hand and said, "have a look."

Ice Xuan heart wry smile, say: "I pour is not don't believe you, just this matter, really feel is inconceivable." She reached out her hand and held Chen Yang's pulse.

Then, her magic power penetrated into Chen Yang's body.

In this world of cultivation, those with high accomplishments can see their accomplishments at a glance when they look at those with low accomplishments.

But only at this age, I really can't see it.

However, if you use mana to probe into the opponent's body, you can feel the opponent's muscle age and so on!

After exploring Bing Xuan's heart, he was shocked and said, "you are 60 or 70 years old. I think your muscle age is about 50 years old at most."

Chen Yang said: "I have been in other worlds with different life forms. That is to say, I have lived for more than ten years with other people's bodies, but that is also my life. "

Bingxuan heart suddenly realized.

She then said, "you are really younger than Xiao lie."

Chen Yang said: "age can't be counted like that. Your mental development is very slow. In my eyes, he is just a child, about the size of my son. "

"How old is your son?" Asked Bingxuan.

"Eight years old!" Chen Yang said.

Bing Xuan's heart was dumbfounded.

After thinking about it, she blushed and said, "to be honest, I wanted to seduce you before. Now I think it's a crime. You're not a child in front of me. "

She actually said the word seduction directly.

Chen Yang feels his blood boiling in an instant. He looks at Bing Xuanxin. Bing Xuanxin is shy and pretty. Chen Yang really wants to turn into a werewolf and trample such a beautiful woman at will.

The blazing breath and emotional changes on him were immediately absorbed by Bing Xuan's heart.

Ice Xuan heart's hand hasn't taken back, suddenly clenched Chen Yang's hand.

The breath of desire is spreading, ambiguous, and irrepressible!

Chen Yang quickly pulled back his hand. He gave an embarrassed smile and said, "if it goes on like this, I'll make a mistake."

"Men are romantic, what's wrong?" Bing Xuanxin's voice was gentle, his eyes were full of emotion, and he said, "my bed has been empty for hundreds of years. No matter how strong a woman is, what's the point if there is no man? Don't you really want to share the scenery with me, including me? You want me, not only the country is yours, but I am also yours. "

Her words are too tempting.

Chen Yang has not been attacked by such temptation for a long time.

Even if the fox girl shows flattery, he can resist it safely.But Bing Xuanxin didn't show anything, and Chen Yang couldn't refuse her own temptation.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, then got up and said, "Xuanxin, we don't have to do this. I also know that you are a very proud woman. If you want to devote yourself to me, you just want to help me. This is not your true love and affection. Even if I didn't have a wife, I wouldn't take advantage of it like this. Besides, I've got a few excellent wives, so I shouldn't be flirting outside. "

After that, he said, "don't worry about me. I'll help you first. After you settle down, I hope you can help me to save my friend. "

After he finished, he left the palace of bingxuanxin.

Chen Yang is walking very fast.

Ice Xuan heart originally is a face Mei Yi, but after Chen Yang disappears, her face instantly restored to cold.

There was something in her eyes.

At that moment, she really wanted to seduce Chen Yang. She really wanted to catch Chen Yang as a helper.

What's more, Chen Yang, such a master, such a young man, such a temperament and so on, she did not feel much aggrieved.

Therefore, she didn't think so about what Chen Yang said.

This is her way!

This means that she will not use at will to other people.

But Chen Yang is really a person who makes her feel good.

What's more, Chen Yang has certain qualities that she appreciates. It's also something that other experts don't have.

Bingxuan thought a lot.

She thought that when she was in love, she once loved a man.

That man, like Chen Yang, has a chivalrous heart.

But later, he was killed by Feng taixuan.

After that, love died in Bing Xuanxin's heart.

"Chen Yang, Chen Yang, are you really here to help me. Or did you reach some kind of agreement with Mingyou? " Ice Xuan heart secretly recites Tao. "If you want to save your friend, I can do my best to help you. But, if you are a chess piece, how should I treat you? "

Bingxuan's heart was always uncertain.

She cooperates with Chen Yang and gives her life to Chen Yang. Because she has her own ideas.

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