Ice Xuan heart silent for a moment, said: "I really did not read you wrong, right and wrong in your heart, is very important."

Chen Yang said: "a man should distinguish right from wrong."

Bing Xuanxin said: "those who practice Taoism don't only recognize interests. How many people will divide right from wrong?"

Chen Yang said: "I can't control what others do. But I always do things with a clear conscience! "

Bing Xuanxin said, "haven't you ever done anything with a guilty conscience in your life?"

Chen Yang sighed and said, "of course I did."

Ice Xuan heart tiny accident, say: "you also can do the thing that have a guilty conscience?"

"There are a few," Chen said

Bing Xuanxin said: "I'm very interested. We know each other, and we have a deep understanding. Why don't we share some secrets? I can tell you a few things about me first

Chen Yang originally wanted to refuse, but Bing Xuanxin said that she would come first, and he immediately became interested. He could not say that he was not interested in the private history of such a beautiful and legendary woman.

People are always interested in the privacy of celebrities.

And Chen Yang will also be interested in the privacy of big men like Bing Xuanxin.

If Bing Xuanxin was a man, he would not be so interested.

Chen Yang does not refuse at the moment.

Ice Xuan heart slightly a Zheng, didn't seem to think of this Chen Yang not according to routine. "I thought you would continue to refuse."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I'm really interested."

Ice Xuan heart said: "you are a man, how should you say first."

Chen Yang said, "that's your proposal."

Ice Xuan heart cunning smile, said: "you want me to say, in fact, there is nothing to say. Because I'm a bad person and I do a lot of bad things. But anyway, after I said it, you have to say, "how?"

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Bing Xuanxin said, "good!" After a pause, she said, "Feng taixuan once really liked a woman called Lingjing. Lingjing is a very lovely girl, naive, lively, brilliant. In her, there is a kind of purity that we monks do not have. Therefore, Feng taixuan really likes this woman. Later, she was pregnant with Feng taixuan's child She doesn't belong to the God family. It only takes one year to have a baby. I put some pills in her diet. It seems very nutritious. In fact, when she finally gives birth, her amniotic fluid will be blocked, and the immortal will not be saved. So later, she died. Her children, too, did not survive

Chen Yang was shocked.

"How can you do that?" Chen Yang thinks it's incredible. "What kind of woman are you? Are you the devil? "

Bing Xuanxin gently pulled the corners of his mouth, showed a smile and said, "are you angry?"

Chen Yang said, "what's your bottom line?" He thought it was weird. This woman's behavior is really vicious and has no bottom line. But there is a kind of magic in her, which makes Chen Yang always feel that she is different.

Bing Xuanxin said, "bottom line? I haven't had it for a long time. You have a bottom line because you have never been so desperate. "

Chen Yang said, "what do you mean?"

Bing Xuanxin said: "at first, Feng taixuan married me for Moyan Shenjia. Later, he gradually believed that I didn't have Moyan Shenjia. But he killed the people I love the most, which is not the key. That hatred will be drowned by time. What I can't stand most is every day around him. Every day is suffering, but I can't escape. If I go, my father, my mother, my family will all die. He is so strong! Can you imagine that an ugly old woman killed your wife and asked you to accompany her every day? When she was angry, you had to kneel down. When she smiles, you should follow her. You can't run. You run. She killed all your family. "

Chen Yang was shocked again.

He felt his scalp numb in an instant.

He is the one who can't be humiliated.

If that is the case, he will go crazy on such a day.

"The mirror didn't come at the right time, but it wasn't her fault. I'm starting to use my method to kill Feng taixuan. I'm using that double cultivation method to curse him and make him go crazy. But the appearance of the spirit mirror made Feng taixuan lose interest in me! So I have to kill her! " Ice Xuan heart says.

Chen Yang said, "isn't it too mysterious for Lingjing to give birth to a son for a long time?"

Bingxuanxin said: "during the birth of Lingjing, fengtaixuan went to the gate. Half a year, what can't bear. He refused to shut up with me. It wasn't until after Lingjing died that I tried my best to make him change his mind. "

Chen Yang said: "Lingjing mother and son, too innocent."

Bing Xuanxin said: "it's innocent, but I can't live in such a prison because she is innocent. She's in my way, so she's going to die! "

Chen Yang said, "I can't agree with you in this way."

"Of course you can't, and I don't expect you to." Bing Xuanxin took a deep breath, and then said, "I've come to this day step by step. I'm lucky, but more humiliating. I've done so much just to stop being humiliated and control my own destiny in the future! "Chen Yang looked at Bing Xuanxin and said, "you flatter me in every way. For you, isn't it also a kind of humiliation?" After he said that, he said, "I know it's not easy for you to get to this point. I don't want to bow to anyone any more. I don't need you to please me, because I will be afraid. If you please me now, you will hate me in the future. "

"I do..." Ice Xuan heart after silence, slowly said: "is to please you, when I need help, this kind of please, become a habit.". I haven't had heart to heart with anyone for so many years. But with you, it's the most. I think it's very strange. Maybe, it's true that you are different from a lot of people. At least, my hands are covered with blood, but it doesn't prevent me from trusting and liking good people. "

Chen Yang said, "I'm not a good person. A good person can't live until now. My hands are also stained with a lot of innocent blood, but I'm different from you in that I didn't take the initiative to kill those innocent people. "

Bing Xuanxin said: "the difference between active and passive is that passive you will not feel guilty, active you will feel guilty, right?"

Chen Yang said, "you have a point in saying that."

Ice Xuan heart said: "where there is any innocent, avalanche, that snowflake is innocent?"? Who has no original sin? Isn't it also the original sin for ordinary people to step on mole ants, eat the meat of living creatures, cook and fry, and eat it

Chen Yang said, "that's the biological chain."

"The law of the jungle is the biological chain. I'm not accusing them, I'm not excusing myself. It's just that I don't feel guilty, I don't feel sorry for anyone. I'm not a good person, which I always admit. I'll live my life. " Ice Xuan heart says.

Chen Yang said: "you are the kind that I rarely see. You live very clearly, but it is also a kind of pain for people to live too clearly."

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