Bing Xuanxin then said, "well, I've told all my stories. It's time for you to talk about your business. Otherwise, how can it be regarded as an exchange of secrets? "

Chen Yang suddenly has some difficulties. After listening to Bing Xuanxin's secret, he doesn't want to mention those things. But it's always not interesting if we don't say it now. Moreover, although he is good at lying, he will not lie for no reason.

Chen Yang can't do it in any way when people make friends with you and you lie and say something irrelevant.

After a long time, Chen Yang sighed and said, "one of the things I regret most in my life is that I used to use a strong weapon against a woman. To put it mildly, it's rape. "

Bingxuanxin's beautiful eyes widened and said, "are you serious? Although I have known you for a short time, from what I know about you, you should not do such a thing. You are a proud man in your heart, and your pride will not allow you to do such a thing. "

"I have a lot of regrets in my life, but I regret it," Chen said

Bing Xuanxin said: "a lot of things can't look at the surface, you tell me, why do you want to do it?"

Chen Yang said: "I once had a treasure on me, a group of very powerful experts. In order to get this treasure, the sect. They couldn't do it with me, so they took my wife. I am not their opponent, so I want to detour back to save people. At that time, I and a master in their sect, her name was yazhenyuan. Her accomplishments were far better than mine at that time, but she was hurt. We are reduced to 18 levels of hell, she fell on me at first. I want her to help me save people, but she won't. Then something happened and I fell into her hands This woman humiliated me in every way. It's not that I shirk for myself. I immediately forced her to do so. I also thought that she was a woman and didn't insult her personality. But she's different I don't want to mention this all the time. At that time, in order to survive, what knelt down for her, was her eyes, palms and mouths all came. So I hate her very much. What I didn't expect was that the drama happened, and then she really fell into my hands. I beat her up and forced her to ask more. This woman is more powerful than me. She would rather die than surrender than be soft. Later, when I was impulsive, I

"That's how it is!" Chen Yang said.

Chen Yang doesn't want to talk to anyone about what happened in those years, but he reveals it in front of Bing Xuanxin. Maybe it's really a feeling of being in the same boat. We all talk about our own dark history. On the contrary, we are more open-minded.

After Chen Yang finished, he said, "you see, now you know me. I'm not as good as you think

Ice Xuan heart tiny smile, say: "but I don't despise you!"

Chen Yang said, "because do you still need my help?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "of course not!"

Chen Yang said, "then why? You are also a woman. You should feel more and hate me more. "

Bing Xuanxin said: "you make light of those things, but it's a great shame to force you to kneel down, dig your eyes and palm your mouth. And your wife is still in their hands. I can understand your violent walk. I really understand

Chen Yang laughs. He knows that no matter what others say, it is a stain of his own life.

An indelible stain.

After talking about this topic, Bing Xuanxin said, "I still want to kill Feng taixuan. I can't breathe a sigh of relief until Feng taixuan dies. After that, we have to deal with fengshangren Only after the death of Feng Shangren and Feng taixuan can I be completely at ease. "

Chen Yang was silent.

After a while, he said, "to tell you the truth, I don't want to. I conspire with you to kill your husband, which is morally indefensible. "

Bing Xuanxin said: "I know you need a reason, then, I tell you, Feng taixuan is absolutely worthy of death. There was too much blood on his hands. I didn't make him up. He used to like to eat children's hearts for a while. Ten or so children will be killed in one day for him to enjoy

She pause, said: "I can swear to God, if I and you said the wind taixuan thing is false, then call me ice Xuan heart road heart is not smooth, go into the devil, never super life!"

Chen Yang was shocked.

Bing Xuanxin's oath is really poisonous.

The oath of ordinary people is just a toothache curse.

But the vows of the monks often have deep cause and effect in them. Because they are powerful and close to gods. Every word and deed will enter into the cycle of magnetic field and form an echo.

Chen Yang believed Bing Xuanxin's words.

At this time, Bingxuan heart said: "I have the last burning God armor in my body, but I'm not sure to kill fengtaixuan. So, you can help me sweep the array. You don't have to do it if you don't have to! "

Chen Yang no longer hesitated and said, "OK!"

He then asked: "this matter, why do you only call me, not your confidants?"

Ice Xuan heart said: "the wind is too Xuan, too difficult to deal with, I'm afraid he will fight back and hurt my people. Besides, I don't want other people to know about it. ""Aren't you afraid that I know and pass it on to you?" Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "just trust me?"

Ice Xuan heart a smile, say: "very simple, I already exposed the most real side in front of you.". So, I don't care if you know more about me. They are all my subordinates, but you are not! "

Chen Yang said, "well, there are plenty of reasons! When will it start? "

"Right now!" Ice Xuan heart says.

Chen Yang said, "you're really aggressive. I've only been here for less than two days. You have to endure a severe cold and wash the Earth Star Palace with blood. Now you have to kill Feng taixuan! "

Ice Xuan heart said: "Chi will change, the sooner the better!"

Chen Yang said no more. He said, "OK, let's go!"

The forbidden area of blood prison is an abyss, deep in the underground of the Earth Star Palace!

In the abyss, there are endless spaces. In the abyss, the most important thing is a strange blood fog. The blood fog is thick, and people can't move in it!

Above the abyss is the foundation of the Earth Star Palace.

Through countless space layers below the abyss, we finally arrived at the space zone of fengtaixuan.

"You imprisoned Feng taixuan? Those royal families and Feng Shangren have no opinions? " Chen Yang can't help asking Bing Xuanxin on his way here.

Bing Xuan said in a deep voice: "it's closed to the outside world. Every time I spend a hundred years, I can control him for a short time. So they're not suspicious. "

"What's the situation now? How does the blood prison control fengtaixuan? " Chen Yang asked.

Bingxuan heart said: "with the curse of blood fog, go deep into fengtaixuan's body and connect his meridians. This kind of power is extremely heavy. Feng taixuan can't even run his mana. "

"Can't you just kill him?" Chen Yang asked.

Bing Xuanxin said: "the blood prison is not mine, it's the power of the whole Earth Star Palace. If we go in, we will fall into the control of the blood prison. Therefore, only by opening the prohibition can we enter. If the prohibition is opened, fengtaixuan will be free. "

After that, she continued: "every time I control fengtaixuan, I use the power of blood curse to invade the blood fog in the blood prison. It needs huge resources and strength, and it will take nearly a hundred years. But now the problem is, first, I don't have much time. I am afraid that fengshangren will come to rescue fengtaixuan. Once fengtaixuan is free and regains his mind, he will understand that his wife, fengshangren's mother, was killed by me. You will understand that Lingjing also died by my hand. I will also know that I am responsible for his miserable life for hundreds of years. At that time, he will kill me in the name of the emperor. I will die! And now, I can feel the power of fengtaixuan getting stronger and stronger. Maybe one day, he will break the seal by himself

Chen Yang said, "if I don't show up, what are you going to do? Outside there is tolerance on the wind, inside there is taixuan on the wind, and the son is still in the hands of tolerance on the wind? "

Ice Xuan heart mysterious smile, said: "I have been planning, the reason will let the wind bear arrogance up to now, is also because I started to deal with the wind too Xuan.". It's going to take some time, but now that you're here, the previous plans are gone. "

"And planning?" Chen Yang said.

Bing Xuanxin said, "how can I wait to die?"

Chen Yang said: "can you disclose it?"

"No!" Ice Xuan heart says.

Chen Yang was speechless.

Bing Xuanxin said, "I'll tell you the truth. I believe in your character in my heart. But I think there may be some secret agreement between you and Mingyou. You want me to tell you all the plans, unless you... "

When she said this, she suddenly said, "unless you are willing to be my man!"

Chen Yang coughed. This woman is really teasing herself all the time!

Every time a slight provocation, it makes him feel difficult to support himself.

"Get down to business!" Chen Yang said.

Bing Xuanxin laughs.

After that, as soon as her face straightened, she opened the blood prison.

So, in the deep of the thick blood fog, a road began to appear.

The road is void and dark, but the mist of blood is dispersed.

Ice Xuan heart body quickly put on the end inflammation God armor!

At that time, the burning God armor was black Xuan gold, which was worn on Bing Xuan's heart. She had a very good figure, and the mountains in front of her chest were very magnificent.

At this time, the ice Xuan heart is really beautiful to the extreme!

Chen Yang almost didn't drool.

"How's it going?" Ice Xuan heart a smile, as if like a girl in general. She was a dignified mother, but in front of Chen Yang, she was as innocent as a girl.

This is another thing in Chen Yang's mind.

"It's beautiful," he said

"Kill Feng taixuan, I will serve you at night?" Ice Xuan heart says.

"Cough, no!" Chen Yang quickly refused. He really wants to agree! But reason triumphed over impulse.

After they entered the avenue, the rear was covered with blood fog.After a long time, I finally came to a place.

There's a man ahead!

"Here it is The ice Xuan heart sinks a voice to say.

They've got a body!

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