When the prohibition was opened, fengtaixuan broke the prohibition smoothly.

In that central area, Chen Yang saw the legendary old emperor Feng taixuan of the earth star clan!

Chen Yang thought that fengtaixuan should be very old, with a face full of flesh and a beard, like a wild animal.

But to Chen Yang's surprise, Feng taixuan looks like a middle-aged scholar.

His hair was tied up and he wore a blood crown. He was dressed in a bloody robe and his face was white. The whole person gives people a kind of gentle feeling, and there is a sense of Senran in the gentle! Chen Yang's heart beats fiercely for a while. The wind is too mysterious, which makes him feel a sense of fear involuntarily.

In today's world, there are not many people who can give Chen Yang this feeling.

Of course, part of the reason is that Chen Yang is a little guilty.

After all, he is in collusion with Feng taixuan's concubine to kill Feng taixuan.

Feng taixuan stood there, he did not move, so quietly looking at Bingxuan heart.

His eyes didn't look at Chen Yang at all, as if Chen Yang was a trivial figure.

At this moment, the wind is too dark, and it has completely recovered.

Ice Xuan heart face wind too Xuan calm eyes, she is not surprised, also so looking at wind too Xuan.

"I'm back." Feng taixuan said word by word.

There was no emotion in his voice.

Ice Xuan heart light a smile, say: "that want to congratulate your majesty."

Feng taixuan said: "originally, I thought that I would have to wait for you for decades before I could meet you and give you a surprise. I didn't expect you to come ahead of time. "

Ice Xuan heart says: "minister concubine also is afraid of your majesty to wait for a long time!"

Feng taixuan said, "I've been thinking about something since I woke up."

Bingxuanxin said, "Your Majesty, you don't have to doubt or guess. It's my curse that you are possessed. Lieyang Dan, I prepared it for you. Besides, I killed your wife Xueji. Besides, I killed the mirror. Including her children, it's my death! "

The wind was too dark and silent.

After a long time, he said, "I haven't seen through you for so many years. I must admit that you are the most wrong person in my life! "

Ice Xuan heart complexion light, say again: "today I come, is to kill you!"

Feng taixuan said, "I can see that you are full of confidence in wearing this burning armor today."

Bingxuanxin said, "that's right!"

Feng taixuan said: "I think you are wrong. Maybe you also think less of me. Do you really think you can kill me? Or, by the little white face of the holy land around you? "

Ice Xuan heart a tiny smile, say: "you are wrong, he is not small white face.". He is my husband, I and he lingering in your bed every night, taste, ecstasy! Today, we are here to conspire to kill you. "

Feng taixuan has always been very calm, but at this time, his eyes appear uncontrollable anger!

"Poisonous woman, how dare you..." In the eyes of Feng taixuan flashed Sen Han's killing intention. He suddenly looked at Chen Yang and said, "I'll kill you first!"

As he spoke, he shot quickly.

At that moment, his blood robe turned into the armor of blood god!

The armor is full of blood scales!

Then, Feng taixuan split his hand at Chen Yang. The unparalleled energy burst out of the blood god's armor, and it was fused with his palmprint.

Chen Yang saw a bloody handprint in front of him!

It's full of blood! The blood flame is very strange. After being infected, it's like a fatalistic fire. It's just to burn the soul.

Chen Yang feels the horror of fengtaixuan!

The wind is too mysterious, worthy of being able to suppress the underworld at the beginning. The power of this palm covers the heaven and the earth and suppresses all sides.

Chen Yang feels as if he is already in the flames of hell, and his own strength seems to be gone.

"The law above the heavens!" Chen Yang's secret way.

Of course, he is not afraid of the wind.

He who has great fatalism is the one who really surpasses the heaven!

But before Chen Yang has time to fight back, Bing Xuan's body is in front of Chen Yang.

At that moment, her Moyan armor was activated.

She also clapped a palm, the dark scales on the final burning God armor quickly flew to her hand, forming the flame of doomsday.


Split it!

The doomsday flame and the blood flame are killed together.


The two palm forces dissipated in an instant.

"In front of me, do you think you can kill my husband?" Ice Xuan heart cold smile, to the wind too Xuan said.

"This little boy is much younger than you don't know." Feng taixuan hummed coldly: "Bingxuan heart, do you have any sense of shame?"

"You men all like girls. Why can't I like teenagers?" Bing Xuanxin laughs.Chen Yang doesn't speak at all. He knows that Bingxuan's heart is deliberately too mysterious. This kind of deliberate anger against each other may not have much effect. But can let ice Xuan heart produce a kind of unparalleled revenge pleasure!

Therefore, Chen Yang should cooperate with the other party.

Feng taixuan clenched his fist and said, "cheap maid, I will cut off the flesh and blood of your little white face in front of you today. I won't kill you. I want you to suffer the extreme pain in the world. I want you to live or die. When I go out, I will kill all your family members in front of you. "

"Chen Yang, you see it now." Bing Xuanxin suddenly smiles at Chen Yang and says, "I've never been a good person, but Feng taixuan will only be more vicious and poisonous than me! No matter how mean or vicious the means are, I won't feel a bit unbearable. I just think it's not enough... "

"Cheap maid!" Feng taixuan scolded again.

His gentlemanly manner was gone.

Later, Feng taixuan made a thorough move.

Bingxuan is not afraid at all.

The armor of blood god on Feng taixuan was broken. Ice Xuan heart also don't know why, wind too Xuan had a blood god of armor again.

When the Earth Star Palace chose to settle down here, it took a fancy to the armor of blood god.

The blood flame of blood god's armor is extremely terrible.

At this time, with the help of the surrounding blood fog, Feng taixuan condensed the armor of blood god on his body. His palm breathed and puffed, and the armor in front of his chest instantly formed a blood flame reactor!

Then, his whole body's mana condenses, spurts out a blood flame divine light to rush to ice Xuan heart!

Bingxuan's heart was like a big enemy, and his body's Moyan armor also formed a reactor, which ejected the doomsday light to kill him.


Two forces strangle together, heaven and earth shake for it.

The flame of doomsday God is so powerful that it kills the blood flame step by step.

But the armor of the blood god can absorb the power of the surrounding blood mist

"Cheap maidservant, if you fight with me under the sun of the holy star, I will lose today. But you are fighting with me in this blood prison. This is the stupidest place for you. Today, your Moyan armor will fall into my hands. Right should be the compensation given to me in the past five hundred years! "

The wind is too dark and laughs.

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