The pupil in Feng taixuan's eyes is dilated!

He's in shock. I can't believe it!

I can't believe everything in front of me!

He gathered all the strength of the blood prison forbidden area, he incarnated into the beast, he gathered the armor of the blood god!

This kind of power is that even the old man of Sanjue is confident that he can kill him!

Once he regains his freedom in the blood prison, he thinks that there is no rival in the world. So when he saw Bing Xuanxin coming, he was so determined!

But now, his strongest blow was smashed by the little white face in his eyes, a holy land triple guy!

It's incredible.

What's more, the sword of destiny is still coming!

The meaning, power and prestige of the sword surpass everything!

There was a sense of fear in Feng taixuan's heart.

"This is my destiny? My destiny is to die under this boy's sword? No, no, how is that possible? It's impossible, it's impossible! " The wind is too deep to howl.

All of a sudden, his body flickered, and his armor of blood god glittered!


In a flash, the huge armor of blood god was cut by Chen Yang's fatalistic sword.

Follow, the armor of blood explodes!

The world is full of blood, the world is shaking!

Then, the void was filled with blood again. The blood prison has been restored to its original shape again!

But the wind is too mysterious is no trace.

Chen Yang is slightly stunned. He doesn't think Feng taixuan is dead. For a big owl like Feng taixuan, he must see people in life and corpses in death before he can rest assured.

Bing Xuan's heart flashed and came to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang has been swallowing Bingpo Dan, and now he has swallowed all Bingpo Dan. He returned to about 90000 years of life.

At the same time, Chen Yang clearly saw the terrible shadow on the fatalistic talisman.

When his life is full, those shadows are covered by life. But when the life span becomes less, the shadow inside will show. Those shadows are shocking.

Chen Yang has hidden worries in his heart.

But there's no time for that.

"What about people? Did you run away? How did you escape? " Chen Yang asks Bingxuan around him in doubt.

Ice Xuan heart is also frown, say: "I feel this around, didn't find his trace.". It's very likely that when the armor of blood god exploded, he had already cut through the void and fled here! "

Chen Yang said, "we don't feel at all!"

Bing Xuanxin said: "the armor of blood god is evolved from the blood flame in the blood fog forbidden area. Just now, the blood flame exploded, and the movement was too big. He is integrated with the blood flame, so he is not disturbed by the explosion. But we are different, so it's normal for him to run away like this, we can't feel it! "

Chen Yang said: "he is definitely seriously injured! We have to find him quickly and kill him! Otherwise, when he recovers from his injury, it will be really bad! "

Bing Xuanxin frowned and said, "I didn't expect that he had already cultivated to such a degree and integrated the whole blood fog forbidden area. Now, once he runs away, it's hard to find him again. "

Chen Yang said: "is it possible that he is still hidden here? What if he wants to restore the armor of the blood God here? "

Bing Xuanxin said: "I also know about the blood prison. He is definitely not in it now. I'll ban it later. If he wants to come in again, it will definitely disturb me. "

Chen Yang said, "are you sure?"

Bing Xuanxin nodded and said, "absolutely sure!"

Chen Yang said, "is it possible for him to contact the old ministry now?"

Ice Xuan heart says: "the ground Star Palace, I anticipate he is now don't dare to wait.". Don't say he was seriously injured, even if he was not injured, without the armor of blood god, he didn't dare to compete with us

"Let's leave here first," Chen said

Bingxuan nodded.

The evolution of things has gone in an uncontrolled direction.

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin leave the blood prison first. Ice Xuan heart to blood prison forbidden again!

After that, they went back to the cold star Hall of bingxuanxin.

After returning to the palace, Bing Xuanxin first shoots his mind in all directions, and asks his confidants to investigate Feng taixuan. But there was no result!

At present, if you want to find fengtaixuan, you must look for a needle in the sea.

"If fengtaixuan and fengshangren work together, plus Yannanfei. Their father and son are the orthodoxy of the Earth Star Palace. I'm afraid we can't stay any longer Chen Yang first said to Bing Xuanxin. He paused and said, "do you have any back moves?"

Ice Xuan heart said: "I really have after move, just, how to find the wind too Xuan?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "it's not difficult to find fengtaixuan, but now, I need to go to the Obsidian tunnel again to replenish energy. Just now in the fight with Feng taixuan, I almost used up all my reserved energy. "Bing Xuanxin said, "it shouldn't be too late. I'll go with you right away."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "but I'm still worried that there will be changes in the Obsidian tunnel, so do you have any reliable helpers to go with us?"

Ice Xuan's heart is tiny a Zheng, she is silent after an instant, say: "I still have a helper."

Chen Yang said, "what helper?"

Bing Xuanxin said: "it's a ranger of the dark gods, called huantianyu! The cultivation of huantianyu is also the sixth level of holy land. He was inherited by the old man of dark god. He has hidden God armour in his body. He is haunted and powerful. He owed me a favor and promised to do it for me once. So I don't want to move him until I have to. "

Chen Yang touched his nose.

Bing Xuanxin said: "at present, no matter what adventure Feng Shangren and ah Qing have. In such a short time, neither of them can recover from the injury. So, I don't want to move the universe yet. "

Chen Yang said, "well, I see what you mean."

Ice Xuan heart said: "I was going to cut the chaos quickly, first kill Feng taixuan, and then go to find the trouble of Feng Shangren."

Chen Yang said: "but I didn't expect that fengtaixuan consumed all my energy, and he ran away."

Bing Xuanxin said, "this is something I didn't expect. But we are not without harvest, at least broke his blood god's armor, also let him become a god beast. He can't become a beast any more, and his cultivation will stop here. "

"Now we really need to hurry," Chen said. Feng taixuan is injured, Feng Shangren is injured, and ah Qing is injured. When they've all recovered, we'll have nothing to eat. "

Ice Xuan heart Eye Bead son suddenly a turn, say: "you seem from beginning to end all don't worry that they will cooperate with Ming you."

Chen Yang also took a look at Bing Xuanxin and said, "at this time, do you still come to test me?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "if I don't believe you, I won't say that. Do you think that I don't have such a city? "

Chen Yang was stunned.

He and ice Xuan heart get along these days, ice Xuan heart has no words to let him touch. But this sentence somehow touched him.

He knew that Bing Xuanxin really trusted him.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "Mingyou didn't ask me to kill you. He wants to bear with Fu Feng, but he doesn't trust you. When I'm by your side, he can cooperate with you and deal with the wind with ease. "

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