Bing Xuanxin is stunned!

She obviously didn't expect that Chen Yang would suddenly admit it directly and frankly.

"How can you..." Ice Xuan heart says.

Chen Yang touched his nose again, and then said, "well, I missed my mouth. Can you treat it as if I didn't hear you?"

Ice Xuan heart smile, said: "good!"

"Thank you," she said

Chen Yang then said, "I've come to you. I've always been very calm. Although there is an agreement with Mingyou, the agreement never comes to harm you secretly. So, I don't feel guilty about you. "

Bing Xuanxin said, "I know you won't hurt me."

"My purpose is to save my brothers and friends," Chen said

Bing Xuanxin said, "don't worry, I will try my best to help you. He only wanted to unify his own sect, not to dominate the world. Therefore, everyone's interests can be consistent. "

Chen Yang said: "yes, with me here, he also has to weigh his own ability!"

At this point, Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin were relieved.

Ice Xuan heart then a smile, say: "how can you trust me?"? After all, I'm a poisonous woman, aren't I? "

Chen Yang said: "I don't know. It's just a feeling."

Ice Xuan heart understanding a smile.

It's hard for her to trust people in her life, but she treats Chen Yang differently. In such a short period of time, but such trust, also belongs to a tacit understanding and feeling of each other.

After that, Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin left the Earth Star Palace and quickly went to the Obsidian tunnel.

Entering the Obsidian tunnel is still very smooth.

Chen Yang left his mark in the Obsidian tunnel. When he entered the Obsidian tunnel, there was no obstruction at all.

Chen Yang is too lazy to think about anything, and first adds all his life span.

He was relieved when his life expectancy was fully restored.

Bing Xuanxin is guarding Chen Yang.

As Chen Yang sat down, he felt that the shadow on the great fatalism talisman had disappeared.

It's covered up again.

Chen Yang is too lazy to think about it. He doesn't know what to do today, but what to do tomorrow.

Chen Yang also felt that he didn't know why, since he had a few stinky lifespans, he couldn't stop using great fatalism. If before, the cultivation was not enough, I would never run to bingxuanxin. More won't get ice Xuan heart attention, also naturally will go to fight with wind too Xuan. It's all for a reason and a result!

Chen Yang is worried that this Obsidian tunnel is not a long-term solution. That wild goose south flies won't helplessly watch oneself again and again to take out wealth.

"Many of the principles of Bing Po Dan also come from Obsidian!" Chen Yang said in secret: "once these obsidians leave here, they seem to lack something, so that I can no longer turn them into life. But what if I make ice soul pill? "

He still has the last few ice soul pills on his body, in order to be on guard.

Chen Yang doesn't know how to refine Bingpo pill.

He decided to take some Obsidian first, and then study Bingpo pill.

Later, he told Bing Xuanxin what he thought.

Bingxuanxin immediately supports.

They dug up Obsidian again.

Ice Xuan heart dug a mountain like Obsidian spirit stone into the burning God armour. Chen Yang also excavated a mountain

In the Obsidian tunnel, there are endless obsidians and rolling mountains!

But every time Chen Yang directly turned it into life, it was mountain after mountain that hollowed it out. The Obsidian essence stone excavated today is just a drop in the bucket for the whole Obsidian tunnel.

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile: "it seems that we have dug a lot, but we don't know how many ice soul pills we can make. Every time I spend a million years of life, I will consume at least one hundred Obsidian mountains in it

Bing Xuanxin said: "first of all, it can only be like this. Although the space can be very large, the bearing capacity of the changed space rules is limited. Let's take these back and hide them. After that, we'll move a few mountains... "

Chen Yang nodded.

They left immediately.

After that, he brought some more storage utensils and excavated hundreds of obsidian mountains to leave. Only in this way can we stop for a while!

There is really no more place for obsidian.

These obsidians are extremely dense and very heavy, no more than anything else.

Once Obsidian left the Obsidian tunnel, Chen Yang could not turn it into life. I don't know what's missing.

After that, the second thing Chen Yang wants to do is to find fengtaixuan and kill fengtaixuan!

Guangyao star, most of them are direct sunlight!

The meteorite iron on the surface of the planet has a strong heat absorption and heat insulation effect, which will last for ten thousand years!

In the interior of Guangyao, the northern hemisphere is in eternal night. The southern hemisphere is the artificial appearance of day and night!In the southern hemisphere, Yao Tianzong and the earth star clan occupied all the civilizations.

In that dark night, a body in the void, lightning flight, shuttle.

All of a sudden, the figure went through the cold and dark northern hemisphere! The night in the southern hemisphere is warm, while the northern hemisphere has been extremely cold.

In the dark, iceberg, ice sea, snow cover

Northern hemisphere, eternal night, ice cold!

It is the place where the dark gods are. No one dares to enter this unknown mysterious area.

Under the ice of ten thousand years ahead is the sea under the earth.

The figure came to the sky, then turned into a light, quickly penetrated the ice, and went back and forth toward the deep.

After a long time, the figure finally reached the bottom of the underground sea.

It's dark in the sea!

The subterranean sea here is much more terrifying than the subterranean sea in the southern hemisphere.

The figure was soon entangled by the mysterious creatures in the underground sea. There were huge ice beasts, blood whales, spear swordfish and so on!

They're pouring in!

The figure waved his sleeve and killed him directly.

The underground sea was immediately stained with blood, however, there was still no color change in the darkness.

The figure continued to walk through the lightning for 30000 Li, and finally came to a place.

That place is a mountain!

The mountain in the sea!

There is also a cave in the mountain.

The towering mountain is protected by the big array, and the boundary is tight. No alien creatures can invade it.

The figure stood outside the border, and then yelled, "old friend of Mirs, old friend of Mirs!"

He called three times in a row, and the sound wave quickly penetrated the boundary and entered it.

Soon, there was a response in the border.

"Old friend of taixuan?" Asked the man inside.

"Exactly, exactly!" The figure said ecstatically.

"Come in, please!" A door suddenly appeared in the border.

This figure is the fengtaixuan who escaped from the Earth Star Palace.

Feng taixuan smoothly entered the border. When he entered, the door closed again.

This mysterious mountain looks like a sea of seaweed, and it is nothing. But inside the cave in the mountain, there is another cave.

Then you can see its interior, pearly and luxurious!

It also has its own cave, stretching for more than a hundred miles, like a city.

In this cave, there are countless rare animals, supernatural animals and demons.

There are also many human beings acting as servants and maidservants. Of course, there are also many beautiful nuns here as concubines and so on!

The owner of this cave is not of the dark gods. It's a golden winged giant ROC beast. Later, after cultivation, it turned into a human. You can turn people into gods and beasts! Its blood has a great origin with the first God.

Generally speaking, the beast is very satisfied with his body. I don't want to be human!

This is a bit of putting the cart before the horse for them.

But there are also some divine beasts, greedy for human lust and so on, which become human form. But it's hard to turn into a beast when you're in human form. Because the body has been tempered

But the Mirs are different. In its blood, there is the shadow of the first day God.

Dapeng is also known as the ancestor of Dapeng!

The ancestor of Mirs is ferocious in the world. But it always likes to be quiet and independent, and is not willing to participate in the struggle between other races. So I came to live in seclusion in the dark gods!

There was also a master of the dark Protoss who wanted to drive him out of the land of eternal night, but his cultivation was too high, and the other side didn't take advantage of him. In addition, the land of eternal night is so vast that he is not in the way of others. So later, it was nothing.

In a gorgeous bedroom in the cave, soft jade and warm fragrance, jade body, wine and food, warm fragrance bursts!

On the bed above, the grandfather of Mirs was naked and strong, and there were still feathers on his arms and face that had not completely disintegrated.

He looks about fifty years old, with one eye, as if he could produce lightning. It's frightening to see where you can reach.

He didn't wear it at first, but when Feng taixuan came in, he immediately put on a silver robe!

With long hair and shawl, the face of the ancestor of Mirs is covered under the long hair.

"Old friend of Mirs!" When Feng taixuan came in, he immediately burst into tears.

Feng taixuan was wearing a blood robe, his eyes were tired and haggard, and he didn't look well.

Dapeng's grandfather was a little pale when he saw this. With a wave of his hand, he asked all his concubines and maidservants to step down. Then he got up to greet him: "old friend taixuan, what's the matter with you? Why are you so embarrassed? "

Feng taixuan sighed and said, "old friend of Mirs, brother is really planted! I have no choice but to take refuge in you! "

"How can you fall? What's that? Who's got it? Then the whole earth star clan is your world, who can help you? What's more, you have the treasure land of blood fog and the armor of blood god. Do you have any enemies in this world? " The ancestor of Mirs thought it was incredible.He took Feng taixuan's hand and sat down in front of the bed. Then he waved again, grabbed a cup of immortal wine in his hand, handed it to Feng taixuan and said, "old friend, slowly say, if you need my help, you must be duty bound."

Feng taixuan burst into tears again.

After a sip of fairy wine, he felt warm and comfortable. But a careless, followed by a cough, spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Old friend, how did you get so hurt?" Dapeng said in surprise.

Feng taixuan said: "brother, it's really miserable. I've come to join you today. You must help me! "

"What's the matter, then?" Dapeng Laozu said.

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