Feng taixuan is a big owl and a man of the world! At that time, with the armor of the blood god, even the netherworld did not dare to attack its front lightly!

But at the moment, the wind is too Xuan is a snivel, a tear, no year's heroic dry cloud!

Feng taixuan said to grandmaster Dapeng, "it started many years ago. About 800 years ago, I accepted a concubine. This concubine is called Bing Xuanxin. After she entered my Star Palace, I loved her all the time. But unexpectedly, she looks tender on the surface, but she is insidious behind her back. My wife Xueji was killed by her secretly. My other concubine, whose children are about to be born, will also be killed. That child died in such a difficult labor. Just now, I explored in my mind and found that my eldest son fengshangren was also poisoned by her. In the past five hundred years, I have been harmed by her. She let me be possessed by fire, and gave me the Lieyang pill, let me go further and further on the road of being possessed by fire. She imprisoned me in the blood fog forbidden area for 500 years! Until today, I found a chance to get out of trouble! Just before, she also found a little white face, who was so strange that she broke my blood god's armor. I was seriously injured. As a last resort, I escaped to you, brother! "

"What?" Hearing this, grandmaster Dapeng's eyes were red with blood. He was filled with righteous indignation and was furious: "in this world, there are still such poisonous women, hateful and hateful. It's absolutely vicious! It's time to kill, it's time to kill! "

Feng taixuan burst into tears.

He then said: "brother, although that little white face is powerful, his cultivation is just Holy Land triple."

"The holy land is threefold, like ants!" Said grandmaster Dapeng.

Feng taixuan said: "it's really a mole ant like thing, but he has a strange energy, which seems to be able to break everything. But don't worry, brother. I feel that his energy is almost exhausted in this battle. He is no longer a threat! After I take care of the wounded general, my elder brother just needs to help me return to the blood fog forbidden area. I can deal with the rest by myself. Brother, this time you help me, you are very kind. I will never forget you

Grandmaster Dapeng immediately said, "what are you talking about? Don't talk about our friendship for many years. Even if there is no friendship, such as bingxuanxin, I should teach her a lesson. " "I think of one thing," he said, pausing

He suddenly grabbed it and grabbed it in the void. Between the flashes of lightning, he caught a beautiful woman. This woman is weak and boneless. She is wearing tulle. The key part is looming and attractive.

This woman is called xiaorou. She is a concubine loved by grandmaster Dapeng.

Grandmaster Dapeng threw xiaorou on the ground. Xiaorou didn't know why, so she knelt down and showed great respect.

Xiaorou also has cultivation in her body, which is not low, but the existence of the holy land.

"Cheap maid!" Grandmaster Dapeng yelled at xiaorou: "I remember one thing. Several concubines died one after another. Did you kill them?"

Xiaorou suddenly opened her eyes, then said in horror: "master, it's wrong! No matter how brave xiaorou is, she dare not! "

Grandmaster Dapeng gave a cold hum, and then he said, "I'm too lazy to investigate the truth and argue this right and wrong. You are my favorite concubine. If you want to come to Bingxuan's heart, it's extremely vicious. You're not as good as that. So go to hell

When he's finished, grab it!

Big palmprint directly shrouded xiaorou's head, followed, broken, the scene immediately blood.

Grandmaster Dapeng waved his hand again and threw all the flesh and blood into the door of void. The void door connects the underground sea.

Flesh and blood into the underground sea, immediately there will be a blood whale devour clean.

Feng taixuan was stunned. What was the operation?

Grandmaster Dapeng laughed, and then he said to Feng taixuan, "brother taixuan, your concubine Bingxuan is not as cruel as a beast. She is cruel and inhuman. But, brother Yu, you must be criticized too! "

Although Feng taixuan was upset, he had to bow his head and say, "brother, listen to me!"

Grandmaster Dapeng said, "bingxuanxin, how can you let this woman kill your wife, concubine and children under your nose? What's more, you let this woman hurt you. Woman, what is it? It's just our men's plaything. Needless to say, when you get to this point, it must be because you have real feelings. When you have real feelings, you lose. Do you know why I want to kill xiaorou? I know that she certainly did not harm my other concubines. I killed her because I felt that I was a little reluctant and a little fond of her. So, I'm going to kill her! We practitioners should have the highest loyalty and pursuit to Tao. You can't have any feelings for the rest. "

The wind is too deep!

He said: "brother's lesson is that I remember it."

Grandmaster Dapeng patted Feng taixuan on the shoulder and said, "my words sound harsh. You are also a big man, and I'm not deceiving you to be down today. That's really what I say from the bottom of my heart! "

Feng taixuan said, "it's a bloody lesson. Brother, it's a very good one."Grandmaster Dapeng said: "you don't hate me. Now, I will spare no effort to help you heal. After you get well, we'll go to the Earth Star Palace. I'll meet Bingxuan. However, I have a small request. I hope you will agree to it. "

Feng taixuan was slightly stunned, and then said: "brother, please say that what you can do, there is absolutely no reason not to agree!"

Grandmaster Dapeng laughed and said, "you can definitely do it. That Bing Xuanxin, Yuxiong is a little interested. Such a vicious woman is rare. After capturing her, you want her to be a slave in this cave. Do you think that's ok? "

"Ah?" Feng taixuan's heart suddenly gave birth to a trace of anger.

He hated Bingxuan's heart, but he wanted to torture Bingxuan himself. And no matter what, Bing Xuanxin belongs to his concubine. Now grandmaster Dapeng wants bingxuanxin. Isn't it disgusting that he is too mysterious?

But Feng taixuan didn't dare to refuse at this time. He was not happy in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest bit. Then he laughed and said, "of course it's no problem!"

Grandmaster Dapeng laughed and said, "that's good, that's good!"

However, just as they were talking and laughing, a cold voice suddenly came.

"Dapeng old dog, you are wise. Hand over fengtaixuan quickly, otherwise, this is your time of death!" That voice, is exactly ice Xuan heart of.

Grandmaster Dapeng was surprised. He immediately said, "who is it?"

Feng taixuan's face also changed and said, "Bingxuan heart!"

"This cheap maidservant, dare to find here." Grandmaster Dapeng was immediately angry and said, "I'll meet her today!"

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