What a proud man, grandmaster Dapeng, is not afraid of Bing Xuanxin's challenge.

He then led his two disciples and Feng taixuan out of the cave to fight.

Inside the cave is his mansion. Fighting in the mansion may destroy the foundation. Although the array in the mansion is very strong, the protection measures are very good. But the destructive power of this kind of battle between masters is immeasurable.

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin come together. Chen Yang finds out the whereabouts of Feng taixuan with great fatalism.

It's not hard to find fengtaixuan. Because in the forbidden area of blood fog, there is a breath left by the wind everywhere. Through the breath, with the help of great fatalism, you can get twice the result with half the effort!

The two men came after each other, although they knew that the great master was a powerful man. But now, it's nothing to care about. When he came, Bing Xuanxin directly infiltrated into the cave with magic power.

She just heard the conversation between grandmaster Dapeng and Feng taixuan.

Grandmaster Dapeng also immediately realized that it was wrong, but Bingxuan's heart had already scolded him.

Bing Xuanxin has a deep heart, but also a hot temper. She could have negotiated peacefully with grandmaster Dapeng. After all, her strength lies here. But the mouth of grandmaster Dapeng was too smelly, so Bing Xuanxin couldn't help it.

At this time, the founder of Dapeng and his party came to Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin.

Two disciples of grandmaster Dapeng, one is the ivy vine beast, the other is the Xuantian beast! Both of them are not human bodies, but like two huge mountains. They exude a breath of unparalleled power.

The founder of Mirs was with Feng taixuan.

The wind too Xuan saw ice Xuan heart and Chen Yang, that is really the enemy meet, especially red eyed. What's more puzzling to Feng taixuan is, how did they catch up?

Feng taixuan's eyes were red, and he said to Bingxuan: "you are not miserable enough to hurt me? Now, you still have to pursue. Do you have any humanity? "

Ice Xuan heart immediately sneer a, way: "the breeze is too Xuan, you this disgusting old dog is not to be suppressed of silly.". Between you and me, is there any room to stay? If I don't kill you today, can you let me go in the future? "

The wind was too deep, and suddenly the words stopped.

The Grandmaster of Mirs has been looking at Bing Xuanxin all the time. He just glances at Chen Yang from the corner of his eye, and then takes his eyes back.

He really didn't see anything extraordinary about Chen Yang.

In addition, Feng taixuan also said that Chen Yang's energy has been almost consumed, so he doesn't pay attention to Chen Yang any more.

When grandmaster Dapeng saw Bingxuan, what he was wearing was the legendary armor of Moyan God.

But he was not afraid!

Because this is the northern hemisphere, which is the place that the holy flare cannot shine.

In the northern hemisphere, the reason why the shadow clan scares the people of the God clan is that when they arrive at this place, their accomplishments are discounted.

In this underground sea, the absolute strength of Mo Yan Shen Jia can't be exerted.

Moreover, even if bingxuanxin could exert all his strength, the Grandmaster of Dapeng would not be afraid of bingxuanxin, a younger generation.

Grandmaster Dapeng gazed at bingxuanxin and then asked, "are you bingxuanxin? "

Bing Xuanxin looked coldly at grandmaster Dapeng and said," that's right! "

Grandmaster Dapeng said, "I have lived for thousands of years, known countless people, and met countless villains. But like you, you poison your own family. As a concubine, you kill your wife, your sisters, your legitimate son, your husband, and imprison him. It's the first time I've seen such a vicious woman

Ice Xuan heart cold hum a, say: "big Peng old dog, you waste what words here?"? Today, I didn't want to kill you. But now it seems that you can't do without killing you. I'll let you go today. If you have a chance, you'll come and stab me in the back

After a pause, she said, "don't make such a fuss. You're not qualified to blame me for the bad things you've done. When you killed your whole family, even your three-year-old child never let go. You also found countless young girls to enrich your harem. If you get tired of it, you may kill or lose them. You're such a vicious beast, you deserve to blame me? The reason why I deal with fengtaixuan is that fengtaixuan has a grudge against me. There is a saying. You kill people just to satisfy your selfish desires. I really admire you for killing people without injustice or hatred. How can you stand in front of me and criticize others? "

"Cheap girl, cheap girl!" Upon hearing this, the ancestor of Mirs became angry.

"Don't talk so much, do it!" Bingxuanxin gave a big drink.

"Kill As expected, grandmaster Dapeng stopped talking nonsense.

So, in an instant, they all started.

Chen Yang first told Bing Xuanxin, "I'll deal with them all. You should capture Feng taixuan first. He will certainly take the chance to escape

Bingxuan nodded.

Xuanpeng's disciple, qingzuxin, gives his hand to the beast.

Grandmaster Dapeng is waiting in the rear. As long as the two beasts can hold bingxuanxin in check, he will be struck by thunder. The power of thunder will defeat bingxuanxin.But Chen Yang stands in front of Bing Xuanxin directly.

"Go to hell!" Chen Yang condenses two fateful swords!

Every sword of destiny has a life span of 150000 years!

The light of the sword flickers by. It's so fast!

The two beasts were ferocious and powerful. They were like the giant beasts surging out of the flood. They wanted to make a big hole in the sky!

But the sword flashed by!

Such as Pinghu autumn water, wild goose silent!

The next second, the heads of the two great beasts fell to the ground and died silently, turning into a pool of blood!

Second kill!

Absolute second kill!

The grandmaster Dapeng was ready to fight, but unexpectedly, the two disciples died in an instant.

You know, these two disciples have already reached the five fold cultivation of the Holy Land!

With the shape of the beast, its mana is surging, majestic, vast as the sea!

Under one blow, we can kill the same level of human beings!

But now, they work together, but they are killed by a triple human in the holy land.

It's just incredible.

At this moment, fear finally appeared in the eyes of grandmaster Dapeng.

Chen Yang has only 700000 years left in his life, and he stands opposite to the founder of Dapeng.

Bing Xuanxin tries his best to catch Feng taixuan.

Chen Yang is not in a hurry. He should be careful with his grandmaster Dapeng.

Grandmaster Dapeng also saw the horror of Chen Yang, so at this time, he did not dare to move.

So, Feng taixuan turns around and runs away. Bingxuan's heart catches up with him in an instant. He merges his own mana with the final burning armor and makes three palms in a row. In the third palm, he finally hit fengtaixuan.

Feng taixuan stumbled and fell in the air, gushing blood.

The ice Xuan heart comes forward to grasp, then the breeze too Xuan thoroughly grasps on the hand.

At this time, the wind is too dark, but it is called every day should not, called the earth does not work.

He had come to seek the protection of grandmaster Dapeng, but it was useless.

After bingxuanxin completely banned fengtaixuan, he turned around and worked with Chen Yang to deal with grandmaster Dapeng.

The founder of Dapeng didn't do anything from the beginning to the end.

Originally, he thought Chen Yang was not enough to be afraid of, but now the more he looked at Chen Yang, the more unfathomable he felt.

Grandmaster Dapeng thought of what Feng taixuan said. Feng taixuan incarnated himself as a beast. In the forbidden area of blood fog, he fused the armor of blood God and was defeated.

Grandmaster Dapeng is confident that even in his heyday, he is not the opponent of fengtaixuan who merged with the forbidden area of blood fog and turned into a god beast.

Now, he has to deal with Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang alone.

Grandmaster Dapeng suddenly shivered.

He felt fear!

Then, grandmaster Dapeng took a deep breath. He looked at Bingxuan heart and said, "Bingxuan heart, now fengtaixuan has fallen into your hands. Your goal has also been achieved. I apologize for what I said before! How about exposing this matter? "

He was really scared.

Bingxuan's heart was slightly surprised.

Then, she picked her eyebrows and said, "your two disciples have been killed by us, and the seeds of hatred between us have been buried. Today, you are not our opponent, so you can forget it. But in the future, as long as there is a chance, you will become a fatal factor to kill me. So, I'm sorry, no matter how much we pay today, we'll kill you. "

Grandmaster Dapeng's eyes dilated for a moment, and he said in a deep voice: "if you really want to kill yourself, you will also pay a heavy price!"

"I know, but I'm willing to pay the price!" Ice Xuan heart says.

Grandmaster Dapeng felt sad and desperate.

It is true that a man sits at home, and disaster comes from heaven. If he had known that fengtaixuan was such a troublesome commodity, he would not have accepted fengtaixuan and would not have stood up for fengtaixuan. If he had known this, he would have caught Feng taixuan and offered it to Bing Xuanxin, a vicious woman.

Just when grandmaster Dapeng thought he would not be spared today and was ready to fight a bloody battle

Xuanxin said, "there is no other solution."

Grandmaster Dapeng's eyes brightened and he said happily, "but it's OK to say that!"

Bing Xuanxin said: "you are an absolute master. If you are willing to be my subordinate in the future and listen to my orders, I may not be able to accept you. You can rest assured that as long as you follow me, I will give you due respect. After all, your accomplishments are here. "

"I..." The Grandmaster of Dapeng is unwilling.

He still has autonomy now, because he has not been defeated. But he also knows that if it is a fight, today's defeat is certain. Once defeated, he will no longer have a say.

Chen Yang didn't talk much, and he didn't understand what medicine was being sold in bingxuanxin gourd.

Chen Yang doesn't like grandmaster Dapeng, because he just heard Bingxuan count his crimes. Moreover, grandmaster Dapeng became angry. That means that what Bing Xuanxin said is true.Chen Yang thinks he should kill such a vicious guy.

He disdains to work with such people.

But Chen Yang didn't speak after all

Ice Xuan heart see Dapeng grandmaster don't want to, immediately face a cold, said: "don't want to even, do I still want to force people?"

She burst out with a murderous air.

The killing intention of morihan makes people feel chilly.

The Grandmaster of Mirs suddenly shivered.

Chen Yang also immediately forced out the intention to kill and made the appearance that he wanted to do it.

Grandmaster Mirs could not help but step back, his eyes flashed a trace of fear.

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