Bear on the wind and ah Qing leave the Obsidian tunnel with that unique array in an instant!

The reason for leaving Obsidian tunnel is that it is always unsafe. Obsidian tunnel is a place full of infinite possibilities for Chen Yang, the enemy of tolerance on the wind.

So I have to leave here.

Chen Yang's disguise has always had some connection with himself. When the Jedi left, Chen Yang immediately realized it.

"I'll go. What are you waiting for?" Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly entered the Obsidian tunnel. Then he grabbed the Obsidian essence stone and quickly recovered his life.

Time is urgent. As soon as that life is restored. Chen Yang left directly

He was afraid that the wind would bear to find the fake body in the Jedi, and then quickly killed the general back.

Chen Yang then left the Obsidian tunnel and joined the battlefield of bingxuanxin.

Yannanfei is still fighting with bingxuanxin. He is full of confidence. Although he can't win bingxuanxin yet, he seems to have seen the scene of Chen Yang being killed.

That's his biggest problem!

But at this time, Chen Yang was like a magic weapon, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Isn't Feng Shangren saying that Chen Yang has entered the Jedi? " The wild goose flies to the south.

Chen Yang glances at Yannanfei. What does Yannanfei think at this time? He doesn't know. At the moment, he laughed and said: "Yannanfei, you must be very strange why I am here, right? I'll tell you that it's a fool you're suffering from now

At this moment, Yannanfei's mind was in chaos, and his mind was also shocked.

Chen Yang continued to stimulate Yannanfei, saying: "more than that, I have replenished the energy in your Obsidian tunnel."

The wild geese flying south only feel the stars in their eyes

In the blink of an eye, no matter how hard the wild geese fly to the south to suppress the ice Xuan heart!

Chen Yang was not ready to kill Yannanfei, but he didn't expect that at this moment, Yannanfei was too stimulated.

Chen Yang Chen drinks a, quick hand!

"Out!" Three hundred thousand years of life form a fatalistic sword, flying to the south to kill the wild goose.

Ice Xuan heart also burst out the strongest attack!


Yannanfei immediately lost control, he reluctantly blocked the ice Xuan heart attack. That cold demon God armour changes the endless Obsidian silk thread, like a horse beehive sweeping past, winding the end of the burning sword of ice Xuan heart!

However, at this time, Chen Yang's sword of destiny is like a thousand troops and horses. In an instant, the sword of destiny breaks the Obsidian silk thread!

Yannanfei all the defense directly disintegrated!

Fall apart, no longer exist!

Yannanfei wants to escape, but it's too late.

He wants to escape back to the Obsidian tunnel, but it's too late. The sword of fate cuts into his brain


Yannanfei's body burst open, blinking into pieces.

The cold magic armor also flew out.

Without saying a word, Chen Yang grabs the cold demon into his hand.

Bingxuanxin was overjoyed to see that Yannanfei was dead. It was a great surprise!

If Yannanfei doesn't put the wordless stele into the Jiuyou space Jue array, he won't suffer this fate.

Things happen, often come too fast, let a person off guard!

Yannanfei hates Chen Yang too much. Of course, he is more worried about the Obsidian essence stone in the Obsidian tunnel.

It took him a long time to set up the array. At this time, he thought of the integration of wordless Tianbei and Jiuyou space. What he didn't expect was that this decision brought him to the end of his life.

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin work together to kill Yannanfei.

Bing Xuanxin is even more ambitious. She said to Chen Yang, "we'll try our best to kill yanrilun. Once yanrilun dies, the whole shadow clan will not be afraid of it!"

Chen Yang nodded.

Once the war starts, there is no right or wrong, only win or lose.

Dapeng's ancestor and yanri's wheel are inseparable. Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin are about to join the battlefield

At this moment, the figures in the air are flashing

Then, the wind will come

Fengshangren wears the armour of the God of heaven, just like the God of heaven.

He directly stopped in front of Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang. At the same time, the wind has been aware of Yannanfei dead!

The wind is extremely painful. It's not that brother cheap is dead, but that he is such a right-hand man!

Feng Shangren glared at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, you brute, what do I have to do with you? Why the hell are you biting me? "

Chen Yang sneered and said, "it's not easy, because I want to be your father. If you kneel down to recognize your father, I may consider sparing your life. "

"I swear, I will let you die miserably!" he saidChen Yang said with a smile, "don't talk big too early. Do you have this ability?"

The wind bear instant hand, he angrily hand, is and a Qing hands together.

They cut through the sword of the sun and the sword of the Yin!

Sword light is terrible!

Chen Yang stepped back. He was afraid of tolerance on the wind. So just now I would deliberately provoke Feng Shangren

There is no deep hatred between Chen Yang and Feng Shangren, but Chen Yang has chosen to help Bing Xuanxin. Moreover, the two sides have become enemies, and there is no room for them to turn around for a long time.

It was also a coincidence that he initially decided to help Bing Xuanxin. He has already helped Mo you and long Xin It's like choosing Bing Xuanxin's camp.

Is also equal to has offended the wind to endure!

Even if children are kidnapped by means of tolerance on the wind, they are not broad-minded people

Bingxuanxin immediately took the sword of Zhiyin!

Chen Yang resists the sword of Zhiyang!

Bing Xuanxin is struggling

Chen Yang uses the power of great phagocytosis to engulf the sword of Zhiyang.

The power in the armor of the gods is too strong.

So even Bing Xuanxin can't take one of the swords!

Chen Yang knows that even if he can catch the sword of tolerance on the wind. But when Feng Shangren and ah Qing's Yin and Yang blend together, all his efforts will be dissolved by each other.

"It's not good to love war, let's go!" Chen Yang said to Bing Xuan in a deep voice.

Bingxuanxin also knows this.

The battle over there has come to an end

Taking granny LAN as the leader, she and bingzhiren have won the masters of andao and Shenglun. An daoshen is a master of the quintessence of holy land. Granny LAN, the soul of ice and Mo you are all masters of Holy Land quadruple.

In addition, there are also masters like Saint Lun around the God of an Dao. Their accomplishments are restrained to the God family!

So, Granny LAN, they had some to eat in their fight. But fortunately, they are in large numbers. In the end, Mo you defeated Saint Laurent, Teuton and others and arrested them. Finally, several people joined forces to defeat the God of an Dao and arrest him.

After that, Granny LAN, bingzhipo and others return to defend and fight against fengshangren with all their strength.

Feng Shangren saw that it was difficult to win today, but he had to flash and quickly withdraw. At the same time, he also helped yanrilun push back Dapeng Laozu.

Then, the wind and yanrilun fled quickly!

Chen Yang and Bing Xuan don't want to go after the wind at all. Both of them have a kind of intuition, that is to really push Feng Shangren and ah Qing. They may not be able to fight with each other At present, fengshangren flees, but fengshangren doesn't have this self-confidence. Feng Shangren doesn't quite understand how terrible it is for him to merge Yin and Yang into the armor of God!

At this time, the whole shadow clan is in an empty state

The Obsidian tunnel has no one to defend.

Now that fengshangren and yanrilun are gone

Chen Yang doesn't think it's necessary to leave here at once, so he goes to the Obsidian tunnel to supplement

Then he asked everyone to stay in the Obsidian tunnel, and he himself found a quiet place in the Obsidian tunnel to sit down and meditate.

Chen Yang first understood the relationship between Obsidian essence stone and the whole Obsidian tunnel. He didn't notice it until he went out and found that Obsidian couldn't be turned into life. He didn't start until there was another mystery in the Obsidian tunnel.

Chen Yang soon understood the secret.

It turns out that there is an obsidian dragon deep in the Obsidian Tunnel It should be said that there was once an obsidian dragon, but now, the Obsidian dragon has become a dragon!

It's the combination of the Obsidian dragon Qi and the Obsidian essence of the dragon vein that has such a mysterious effect.

If you want to turn obsidian into longevity on the outside, you must take some of the deep dragon veins away.

But if you take some of the Dragon veins away, the whole dragon vein will be destroyed!

Dragon vein and obsidian essence are complementary to each other, thus forming a vast Obsidian essence.

The essence of obsidian provides for the shadow clan experts!

Chen Yang is faced with some problems, that is, whether to control the life and death of the film clan. If he takes the Dragon pulse away, he will be very happy in the future.

But the shadow clan will face more and more rare Obsidian essence in the future.

The physique of the shadow clan and the essence of obsidian complement each other. They have lost the essence of obsidian. If the whole race continues, it will be difficult for them to become masters again.

"The shadow clan and I have become enemies. It's a good thing for me that there are no experts among them. I really don't deserve to be a woman again Chen Yang said in secret. He then gave a bitter smile and said, "when will Chen Yang become so unscrupulous. Taking this dragon vein away is undoubtedly equivalent to digging the ancestral grave of the shadow clan. Besides, the dragon vein and obsidian tunnel are natural things. If they are really destroyed by me, it will be a great sin! Forget it. That's all. This Obsidian tunnel, I still want to come less in the future. If it goes on like this, the whole Obsidian tunnel will be destroyed by me. As long as I come less or not in the future, the Obsidian tunnel will recover sooner or later. In the future, I can get some more when I have the chance. It's not a good way to kill a chicken for its eggs! "Chen Yang had a decision in his heart soon.

After this is done, Chen Yang discusses with Bing Xuanxin

Bingxuanxin means to capture all the men, women and children of the shadow clan.

Chen Yang said, "you can capture them, but you can't kill them."

Bing Xuanxin agreed to Chen Yang, she said: "I just want to let yanrilun submit, and I hope other experts can help us with everything. It's no good killing them. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

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