Bing Xuanxin quickly starts to take away all the men, women and children of the shadow clan.

Then, the group returned to the Earth Star Palace.

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin held discussions again.

That's what happened after the negotiation. This trip is very fruitful. First, I killed Yannanfei.

Second, the shadow clan master almost a net, and captured their family. Although Yan RI Lun is still outside, it should be said that if Yan RI Lun can be a man, he will not fight against Bing Xuanxin.

However, Chen Yang said to Bing Xuanxin, "we still can't be too optimistic. You don't think yanrilun can fight against us any more. But I don't think so. "

Ice Xuan heart slightly a Zheng, she said: "do you think Yan RI Lun will ignore any friendship?"? Regardless of the life or death of the people? "

Chen Yang said, "that's not true." He paused and said: "fengshangren is a fierce opponent. He should be able to think that we will catch the old and young of the shadow clan as a threat. If we control the yanri wheel, just as we control the ancestor of Mirs? Do you think yanrilun cares more about the life and death of his people than his own? "

Ice Xuan heart immediately said: "that won't!"

Chen Yang said: "the two most powerful things of the shadow clan, the wordless Tianbei and Jiuyou space, are still on the wind. At that time, the wind forbeared to control the yanri wheel, and gave the wordless Tianbei to yanri wheel. Our opponent will still be very strong. "

Bing Xuanxin said: "your concern is very reasonable! I was almost carried away by the victory. " She thought about it and said, "the hatred between us and the shadow clan is deeper than the sea. Moreover, after so many things, I've been worried more recently than before

Chen Yang was slightly stunned and embarrassed.

Bing Xuanxin also realized that his words might make Chen Yang have no solution, and immediately said: "I don't mean to blame you. I'm very grateful that you have helped me so much. I just want to say that the current problem will be more difficult. "

Chen Yang didn't think much about it. He laughed and said, "I understand!"

Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang sit in front of the tea table. Bing Xuanxin pours hot tea on Chen Yang.

The periphery is still shrouded in black hole crystals, and no one here can listen to their conversation.

Bing Xuanxin said, "today, you are in the Obsidian tunnel. Have you found out the difference of the Obsidian tunnel?"

Chen Yang said: "it's clear that there is a dragon vein at the bottom of the tunnel. Dragon veins are amazing

Ice Xuan heart's heart son a joy, immediately say: "in that case, we dig dragon vein to come over!"

Chen Yang was slightly surprised, then said with a bitter smile: "the Dragon veins are natural and cannot be dug. Once dug, I'm afraid it won't survive. "

"How about some dragon veins and dragon Qi?" Ice Xuan heart said: "temporarily save a period of time, use it to refine energy to you?"

"I have a feeling that even if I grab some dragon Qi, it will destroy the whole dragon vein," Chen said

Ice Xuan heart says: "destroy to destroy, tube so many do what?"

Chen Yang takes a look at Bing Xuanxin. He knows that this is a normal idea. But he didn't want to

He said: "forget it, anyway, I also learned the refining method of Bingpo pill. Dragon vein and obsidian are complementary, and they are the key to the ability of the shadow clan. If it is destroyed, it will be unbearable. We don't have that deep hatred with the shadow clan... "

A complex look flashed in the eyes of Bingxuan's heart.

She thinks!

Chen Yang took a look at Bing Xuanxin and said, "I know what you are thinking."

Ice Xuan heart is slightly surprised, a way: "is it?"

Chen Yang said, "do you want to destroy the dragon vein?"

Ice Xuan heart wry smile, say: "you are the insect in my stomach really. You just said that we don't have such deep hatred with the shadow clan. That's not true! "

Chen Yang said: "it's my words that have a language defect. I mean, I don't want to destroy people."

Bing Xuanxin said: "but since they have become enemies, it's better to destroy what they grow up with. In the future, they will not pose a threat to us. I don't have to destroy their clan, isn't that better? Once the war starts, isn't it all aimed at conquering each other? If we keep the root of their strength growth. What if I'm not here in the future? Or is there a genius like Feng Shangren among them? I know your heart is soft after all, but I've suffered enough and believe in cutting the grass to the root! "

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "you are right."

In his heart, he felt that he could not do it, probably because he was not a person on this planet and did not have such a deep sense of crisis. More importantly, he has no hatred for the shadow clan!

But Chen Yang also understood that he didn't have this kind of hatred because he didn't suffer.

But the shadow clan has absolutely hatred for him.

"Do you want to destroy the Dragon veins now?" Chen Yang asks Bing Xuanxin.Bing Xuanxin shook his head and said, "no!"

Chen Yang was slightly relieved.

Ice Xuan heart a smile, say: "actually I don't want to say with you, why let you carry burden.". But when I think about it, you can guess. I don't want to destroy the dragon vein yet, because you still need obsidian. Where that thing is, you have unlimited possibilities. However, even if Obsidian disappeared, it had little influence on the shadow clan of this generation. So, I'm not in a hurry. Maybe I will do it one day after you leave. "

Chen Yang said, "OK!"

Bing Xuanxin then said, "next, what do you think we should do?"

Chen Yang said: "the next step is to refine Bingpo pill, but it has nothing to do with the overall situation. You should have your own ideas, don't you

Bing Xuanxin said, "I don't have a very good idea yet, so I want to hear from you."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "the source of all troubles comes from tolerance on the wind. But now, almost no one can kill Feng Shangren. When the armor of God is combined, the power generated by the fusion of yin and yang can counteract all attacks. Their defense is impeccable! "

Ice Xuan heart wry smile, say: "according to you so say, I am not a dead end?"

Chen Yang said: "I have been trying to find a way. In fact, I can do the same trick that yin and Yang mix and breed all things! "

Ice Xuan heart smell speech greatly happy, say: "you also can?"? That's just right. We can work together. "

Chen Yang said, "it's no use. We don't have the armor of the gods. So even if our Yin and Yang blend, even if we succeed, we are not their opponent. "

Ice Xuan's heart is not from dejected, say: "that how to do?"? Is there really invincible power? Even if Yin and Yang blend, I believe there will be loopholes. "

Chen Yang said, "yes, all things are complementary. But the point is, we don't know how to crack it! "

Bing Xuanxin said, "don't you mean you can also mix Yin and Yang? You can imagine that your Yin and yang are mixed up to that point, and what force can be used to crack it. "

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