Chen Yang immediately said: "the power of yin and Yang after mutual integration is ever-changing, and there is no fixed number. So, I can't think of the way of Shengke. If we can be stronger than them, we can win

Bing Xuanxin said: "although the grade of my last fire god armor is not under the God armor, the God armor is prepared for the integration of yin and Yang. So it's not good for Moyan Shenjia! "

Chen Yang said, "it really can't!" After a pause, he said: "in fact, it's not totally impossible. For example, we try to let me sneak into their interior during the fight. When they get to the interior, they will destroy the state of yin and Yang, and then they will have a chance to overcome it! "

Ice Xuan heart eyes a bright, say: "this is a good method!"

With a bitter smile, Chen Yang said, "if a person is careless, I didn't destroy him. They directly leave the battlefield and concentrate on dealing with me. I was caught in a jar. "

Ice Xuan heart frowns, say: "this pour is also!"

She thought about it and said, "it's better for all the masters to enter their armor."

Chen Yang said: "but it's almost impossible. The armor of God is their armor. Where will we get in?"

Bing Xuanxin said, "it's hard, but there's a chance. All in all, we need to think slowly. "

Chen Yang said, "yes! Although the armor of the gods is hard to deal with, the strongest part of the armor of the gods is defense. Only when we constantly attack and kill, can we stimulate more variables of yin and Yang. So in a short time, the wind will not take the initiative to come to our trouble. If I were him, I would control the yanri wheel first. And then go to cooperate with Mingyou to help Mingyou unify the whole God family. After that, we will deal with Mingyou. "

Ice Xuan heart suddenly lose color.

Chen Yang smiles again and says: "you don't have to worry too much. Mingyou certainly can't rest assured that the wind will endure." He then frowned and said, "I forgot one thing."

Ice Xuan heart says: "what?"

Chen Yang said: "we all know that fengshangren has a wife. Fengshangren will definitely think of it. We will go to disclose the news to Mingyou and let Mingyou suspect him! So, on this basis, will he go to cooperate with Mingyou? "

Ice Xuan heart says: "if he doesn't go, isn't it better?"

Chen Yang said: "if he goes to Mingyou, he is exposed to the light. If he doesn't go, he doesn't know what else he'll get. He's good at surprising us now! "

Bingxuanxin said: "on this whole planet, besides finding Mingyou, who else can he find? Are you looking for the dark gods? "

"It's not that there is no such possibility," Chen Yang said

He said: "we don't have to worry about the dark side. We have to go to the dark side to prepare. Your words also remind me that I see that the wind will cooperate with Mingyou and take the dark Protoss as an ambush

Ice Xuan heart said: "this world big owl, how can he be at his mercy?"

Chen Yang said, "No. But owls are afraid of death! And we're going to prepare for the worst. "

Bing Xuanxin said: "your idea is right, indeed, it's better to be cautious. But do you really think there will be no problem at all? Because, you have a deal with him? Just because Feng Shangren cheated on having a wife and came to Mingyou? "

Chen Yang said: "it's not a matter of agreement, it's not ah Qing. It's about character. Mingyou can rest assured that you live, because you are not his opponent. But he will not rest assured that he will endure on the wind I'm not sure. I know that Feng Shangren has another wife. I can't trust her any more! "

Bing Xuan thought deeply, then said with a smile: "your analysis is too reasonable!"

Chen Yang said: "next, let's go to the dark Protoss to make preparations with Dapeng. If it's the same here, ask them to start emergency treatment. Once there's a change, hide it immediately. In addition, we can't disclose any information about our departure. "

Bing Xuanxin said, "don't worry about this. I'll arrange it." She then said: "refining ice soul Dan thing, I will also let those experts to do."

Chen Yang said: "this is the best!"

Another place in the underground sea, in the shadow clan's nest

Yanrilun and fengshangren return to Jiuyou cave.

There are only some human slaves and servants left in the huge Jiuyou cave.

Yan RI Lun's eyes were cold, and no one knew what he was thinking at the moment.

Feng Shangren sighed and said, "master Yan, I'm right. That Bing Xuanxin and her little white face Chen Yang are both mean and vicious. They will never let your people go. "

At this point, the wind bear dejected, said: "all, are my sins!"

The wild goose sun wheel coldly looked at the wind and said, "what's the matter?"

Feng Shangren said: "that ice Xuan heart, you also saw it. She's my father's concubine. She's a snake and a scorpion... "He will bingxuanxin killed his mother, and his father is now possessed by the devil, and imprisoned things are said.

"All these years, I don't know how I came here. I pretended I didn't know anything, fawned on her and lived in front of her. She didn't kill me because she didn't see if I was a threat, and she was afraid that the uncles in the clan would have an opinion. "

"Later..." On the wind endures to say again Wan Gu Dong's affair, as well as he and wild goose South fly of cooperation.

"I got some clues about the shadow clan from the ancient master, so I found them all the way. I have become a brother with my elder brother Yannanfei. He also wants the film family to come back, so we work together. How do you know that today, big brother was also poisoned by that bitch. If I don't take this revenge, I'll bear it and swear not to be a man! "

The wild goose day round also can be regarded as all the things to make clear. He said in a deep voice: "bingxuanxin is the most vicious woman I have ever seen."

After a pause, he said: "but now, the old and young of the shadow clan are in his hands. I must try to save them."

Feng Shangren said: "the younger generation is willing to save people together with the older generation. This is also the responsibility of the younger generation."

The wild goose sun wheel said: "no, no need."

"Well," he said

Yanrilun said: "at present, hard attack is impossible. I'm going to make peace first... "

"Peace? How can it be There was a chill in his eyes, but he was angry and said, "we have become enemies. How can we make peace?"

Yanrilun said, "I don't care much about the life and death of individuals in the shadow clan. But now, all the young and old of the shadow clan are in each other's hands. I can't help but care about the inheritance of the film clan. What's the point of hatred if people are gone? At the beginning is also you to ice Xuan heart hand first, now small fly also already not in. Bing Xuanxin is not going to continue to bite the shadow clan, is he? As long as our shadow clan is not against him! "

After a moment of silence on the wind, he said, "I'm still considerate."

"Yanrilun said:" Xiaofei is too young after all, it is not considered to do things

"You have taught me a lesson," he said He then said, "are you going to talk to Bing Xuanxin?"

Yan RI Lun said, "talk? Not for the time being. "

"Well," he said

Yanrilun said, "I'm afraid she will kill me. But as long as I don't show up, she will be kind to my people. "

"Ha ha ha!" The wind suddenly burst into laughter.

The wild goose day round is not happy immediately, way: "you smile what?"

On the wind endures to say: "I smile elder generation to hit good abacus!"

"What do you mean?" said Yan RI Lun

Feng Shangren said, "you're going to wait. You'd better wait for me and Bing Xuanxin to fight. You'll fight again, won't you?"

Yan RI Lun snorted coldly and said, "so what? Does the shadow clan still owe you? You've done enough damage to the shadow clan. I don't want to trouble you. I've already given Xiaofei face. "

"You're a loser!" Wind bear suddenly face now ferocious, said.

"What did you say?" The wild goose sun wheel suddenly became angry.

"I say you are a loser! When your grandson is killed and your people are arrested, what you want is peace and waiting. You're not a loser. What are you Said the wind.

Yan RI Lun's eyes flashed senhan's killing intention and said: "good boy, you've finally shown your true face. You find that I'm not as easy to fool as Xiao Fei. You have a deep hatred, but you have to take the whole shadow clan to your back. Do you care about the film clan? You're thinking about how to use the shadow clan. Now I don't want to use it for you, so you have to turn your face around. Xiaofei is a brother to a man like you. He is not wronged at all. Even if I want to be alone, that's my wish. What's the matter with you? "

The wind bear face now fierce color, said: "old thing, face I have given you. Unfortunately, you don't want to. So, today, you are going to be a dog for me

"You want to die!" The wild goose sun wheel is furious.

"To send you to death!" Said the wind.

Yanrilun said, "I don't know what the sky is high and the earth is thick!"

After he finished, he put on the frost armor!

At this moment, yanrilun's beard is white, his hair is white, and his armor is white, just like the God of frost!

He formed a reactor in front of his chest and shot a frost sword in an instant!

The frost cold sword is thick and strong. The lightning flashes fast. Everywhere it goes, it's frozen

The fierce and majestic chill contains great will!

The light of the sword is like the frost of the world!

Feng Shangren and ah Qing shot at the same time. At that moment, the sword of Zhiyin and the sword of Zhiyang were killed at the same time.

The sword of Zhiyang and the sword of Zhiyin cut on the frost cold sword at the same time, roaring!

The two swords also flew out at the same time and collided fiercely in the air

The sword of extreme Yin forms a cold sky curtain, covering the skyThe sword of Zhiyang turns into the original pure fire, just like the magma spewed out by the volcanic eruption, cutting away at the frost cold sword!


In the blink of an eye, frost cold sword was attacked and killed inside and outside, turned into fly ash!

The sword of extreme Yin and the sword of extreme Yang are intertwined in an instant, just like lovers

The combination of yin and Yang is unique!

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