With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "of course Help you

"Help me?" he said Afterwards, he was displeased and said, "what nonsense are you talking about?"

Chen Yang said, "there are some big news. I have to tell you."

"You say it!" he said

Chen Yang said: "first, Feng taixuan is dead."

"Dead?" I was shocked. After the shock, Mingyou was stunned for a while. Feng taixuan can be said to be his old enemy, but between the old enemies, there is often a kind of sympathy.

"Bingxuanxin killed it?" He asked.

Chen Yang said: "to be exact, it was killed by bingxuanxin and me."

He pondered for a moment, then said meaningfully: "Bing Xuan Xin has been a widow for a long time, and she is also a peerless beauty. You are a young talent. You must have tasted tenderness in order to win you over by means of bingxuanxin? "

"No," Chen Yang said After a pause, he said, "if you have it, you have it. If you don't have it, you don't have it. Believe it or not. But now, it's not the thing that you need to care about. "

Mingyou was slightly surprised, and then said, "OK, you go on."

Chen Yang said: "second, fengshangren has already had a wife. His wife is the daughter of an ancient man, named ah Qing. Cultivation is the sixth sacred place. This is not the most important thing. The key problem is that fengshangren originally had Tianpu Shenjia, but it was destroyed by me. Later, he and ah Qing were seriously injured. Due to the protection of Yan Nanfei, the young master of the shadow clan, we failed to kill Feng Shangren. Feng Shangren and ah Qing have cultivated the armor of the gods left by the ancient people, which is the fusion of yin and Yang. Anyway, I'm not an opponent Yannanfei has been killed by me. There are also the old and young of the shadow clan in our hands. Sadly, yanri wheel, the ancestor of the shadow clan, has been controlled by the wind. Yanrilun now has the wordless stele. I'm afraid you can't kill yanrilun! "

I was shocked. "How could it be like this?"

Chen Yang said: "don't be too busy to be shocked. If I guess correctly, fengshangren has colluded with guangyingmen and nihilism. He also went to the dark gods.... "

"Don't tell me, the dark gods have become his power?" It's dark and frightening.

Chen Yang said: "almost, I followed the wind and went to the dark Protoss. He thought that jiuzang had been defeated by the wind. Actually, zangjiu and I have reached a cooperation agreement. Zangjiu is our man

Finally, Mingyou was a little relieved and said, "it's not the worst yet."

"Next, fengshangren will definitely come to confirm his marriage with mingjiaolong. He will unite with you to destroy the light and shadow gate and nihilism. But in fact, what he wants to kill is you. After he solves all of you, he will formally come to me and bingxuanxin for trouble. " Chen Yang said.

There was silence.

Chen Yang looks at Mingyou.

After a long time, Mingyou said, "I can't figure out a problem."

Chen Yang said, "what's the problem?"

Mingyou said: "why did you and bingxuanxin get dealt with at last? Is it easier for me to deal with it? "

Chen Yang was stunned and then lost his smile.

He didn't expect that this guy Mingyou would mind this.

Chen Yang comforted Mingyou and said, "you can't think like this, because he also wants to unite the light and shadow gate and nihilism. If you're still alive, how can you tolerate that? Maybe you'll join us. So, he can only kill you first! "

Mingyou said: "why doesn't he unite with me to destroy nihilism, guangyingmen? It's all one side of your story! "

Chen Yang said: "this is not a one-sided statement. I ask you, did Yan RI Lun come to see you? I have a secret contest with fengshangren in the dark Protoss. During this period, yanri didn't appear. Obviously, yanri went to do something else. "

Mingyou said, "you didn't find me."

"Besides, I know he has a wife," Chen said. He would not expect that I would disclose this information to you? He can't trust you at all. Moreover, it's much easier to master nihilism and light and shadow. Working with you, isn't it? He can't hold you, and you can't hold him. This is the best in the world. How can there be two people? "

"Well, you have a point. But what's the tiger for? " He asked.

Chen Yang Leng a Leng, then speechless said: "anyway is not a good word."

Then he said, "what's your plan next?"

"I think you can let my friends go first," Chen said

"How can I do that?" said Mingyou. When it's settled, I'll let it go. "

Chen Yang said: "there is no deep hatred between us. When my friends come out, they say no, they wake up and can help a lot. "

"This is not negotiable," said Mingyou He paused and said, "we are in the same boat now. Jiaolong is also your friend. When the disaster is over, I will unite the whole God family. I'll let your friend go. You can rest assured that I will treat your friends favorably. Treat them like guests... "In fact, Chen Yang knows that it is impossible to let people go. That's exactly what he said.

The purpose is also to know the second brother's current situation.

Now it seems that they are still sleeping.

Of course, Chen Yang also knows that Mingyou is an old fox. Maybe, he's acting, hiding something.

It's all possible.

Ming you comforts Chen Yang, and Chen Yang is a little relieved.

After all, he and Mingyou still belong to the honeymoon period of cooperation.

Mingyou said, "in your opinion now, just fengshangren and yanrilun have already exhausted us."

Chen Yang said: "in fact, fengshangren thought he had united the whole world. In fact, he was just two people with yanrilun. Of course, there is nihilism, the gate of light and shadow. "

Mingyou said: "nihilism and guangyingmen, I can send experts to deal with them. You let the dark Protoss and Bing Xuanxin produce some more experts, enough to suppress them. "

"They are not really a big problem," Chen said. So we have to discuss how to deal with the wind. Feng Shangren has run away from me again and again. Qi luck is not good for me. If I let him escape again, I will die in his hands in the future! "

Mingyou said, "do you have any good plans?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said, "I also want to ask if you have any good plans."

Mingyou said: "I didn't follow the wind to endure contact, you know yourself and your enemy!"

Chen Yang said: "otherwise, let's make an appointment with Bing Xuanxin, and the three of us will work together."

Mingyou's eyes became strange.

Chen Yang said, "why, are you afraid that bingxuanxin and I will work together to calculate you?"

Mingyou said: "more than that, I'm afraid you and bingxuanxin and fengshangren will kill me together. You're a good talker! The dead can be said to survive. "

Chen Yang laughs and says, "it's really possible. I'll discuss with you and just do it directly."

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